• 电视使头脑麻木

    Watching television had a numbing effect on his mind.


  • 奉承使头脑发昏

    Flattery has turned his head.


  • 头脑还是有些疑虑

    Some doubt still subsists in his mind.


  • 头脑怎么工作使接受新的想法

    How did his mind work which made him receptive to new ideas?


  • 某种摆动使头脑见识全都动摇了。

    A certain oscillation set all the horizons of his brains in motion.


  • 头脑灵光,有着无与伦比判断力

    He's got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses.


  • 头脑里出现了一阵乱糟糟的无比恐怖的想法

    The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind.


  • 一个念头头脑中掠过。

    An idea floated through his mind.


  • 头脑只有一个念头上帝统治英伦。

    He thought of nothing but ruling England, for God.


  • 人对生活感知完全受制于头脑已经形成那些概念。

    His perception of life is shaped by the concepts already established in his mind.


  • 齐了。”紧接着的再次重复更加明显地暴露出此刻头脑空空如也

    Everything, 'he repeated, with the emphasis of an empty brain.


  • 头脑活络,善于经营,很得主人信赖,竟临终前将钱肆都赠给胡雪岩

    With his smart mind and capability in business, he won the deep trust of the owner of the bank surnamed Yu, who even rendered the whole bank to Hu upon his death.


  • 不能说话了,因为它给糟蹋得太厉害了接着头脑想起了一件事

    He could not talk to the fish anymore because the fish had been ruined too badly. Then something came into his head.


  • 头脑活络善于经营,很得主人信赖,竟在临终将钱肆都赠给胡雪岩

    Thanks to his quick-minded and good management, he won the trust from his master with the surname of YU and finally the mater, before he died, presented the bank to HU Xueyan.


  • 四肢发达,头脑简单

    He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn.


  • 机智头脑加上一个经济学学位使金融问题能准确把握

    A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.


  • 一位非常精明的经营者有着敏锐的头脑

    He is a very shrewd operator with an incisive mind.


  • 四肢发达,头脑简单

    He had the body of a man and the mind of a child.


  • 第五大街上头脑清醒清醒

    He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.


  • 发现问题的能力一个精于谋略头脑

    He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.


  • 科林有着爱探索头脑赞美诗一无所知

    Colin was of an exploring mind and he knew nothing about the Doxology.


  • 艾希礼·威尔克斯队长了,因为县里出色骑手而且头脑冷静维持某种表面秩序

    Ashley Wilkes was elected as the captain, because he was the best rider in the county and because his cool head was counted on to keep some semblance of order.


  • 人们认为比起前任来有经济头脑

    He is seen as more business-minded than his predecessor.


  • 头脑看来依然清醒而且听力好。

    His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent.


  • 整整一天头脑昏昏沉沉的

    He went through the day with his mind in a fog.


  • 才智头脑敏锐从未受到怀疑。

    His intellect and mental agility have never been in doubt.


  • 呼叫救护车头脑都没有

    He didn't even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance.


  • 生活热情机敏头脑

    He has a zest for life and a quick intellect.


  • 生活热情机敏头脑

    He has a zest for life and a quick intellect.


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