• 可是我们他们阴暗入迷其中有另含义。

    Yet our fascination with their darkness tells a different story.


  • 他们阴暗水泡刺耳嗓音恐怖堂皇的撒旦式意象显然极端金属乐队提供主要灵感

    Their dark, blistering sound, harsh vocals, and macabre, proudly Satanic imagery proved a major inspiration for extreme metal bands.


  • 受了刺激的变形战斗机驾驶员气垫坦克手们释放了他们阴暗自我复仇天使一般穿过破裂天空地狱般的森林横扫一切。

    Re-inspired, VT pilots and Hovertankers let loose their own shadow selves, and swept like avenging angels through ruptured sky and forests infernal.


  • 虽然这些早期南方异议历史学家开辟了新的领域,但他们重复了南方当局保皇派的负面看法,认为他们可疑动机驱使阴暗人物

    While these early historians of Southern dissent broke new ground, they also reproduced Confederate authorities' negative view of loyalists as shady characters driven by dubious motives.


  • 家族恩怨勾心斗角阴暗故事他们带来光明幽默导演自己带有神话色彩的科波拉家族中发掘出的。

    They bring lightness and humour to a dark story of family secrets and rivalries that the director has mined from the imposing mythology of the Coppola family.


  • 阴暗到处是不可自拔吸毒者,还有那些被非正式宣告毫无价值的人们除了死神他们没有什么好

    It was all dark; it was all full of drug-addicts and unofficially declared insignificant old people waiting for no one but the angel of bereavement.


  • 药品的正确使用方法,同志们一起,同他们安静神圣聚集公园、空地、沙滩、旷野或是都市阴暗屋里

    Its proper use is among huddled comrades, gathered in a sacramental hush in park or field, on the beach, in the wilderness, or the enfolding darkness of an urban den.


  • 他们背后阴暗大楼正好说明了他们所处的社会环境他们成长一个艰辛世界他们强硬回应他们杀人现场当做娱乐看待。

    The bleak facades of buildings behind them establish their social context: they are growing up in a tough world and this is their tough response to it, to treat a murder scene as entertainment.


  • 牺牲舒适卧室——硬盘满是娱乐的好东西——换来阴暗的牢房对他们大多数没有什么吸引力

    Risking the comfort of their bedrooms - with their hard-drives full of digital goodies - for the gloom of a prison cell does not appeal to many of them.


  • 使单细胞生物产生了原始形式视觉能力使他们能够根据光亮阴暗进行移动,它使生物产生了一种控制电势的能力。

    This gave them a crude form of vision, allowing them to move in response to light and shade, but also brought into biology a way of controlling electrical potential.


  • 到目前为止他们用同他们阴暗的地下相同的在沉着经营着日光马戏团

    So far they're handling the daylight circus with the same aplomb they displayed in their shadowy tomb.


  • 他们心意汽车钥匙车里阴暗地方的,还有车主咖啡没有关汽车的。

    They're looking for cars that have the keys left in them, are parked in a dark place or have been left running while the owner ran inside to get a cup of coffee.


  • 深夜哈姆雷特瑞修守卫三人来到城墙那里非常寒冷阴暗,就在他们到达后不久,这个身穿盔甲的鬼魂突然从黑暗之中出现。

    Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls. It was very cold and dark there.


  • 促使他们做出这种阴暗心理已经我们的社会足够普遍,证明我们变得越来越不正常

    The demons that drove them to do what they did are pervasive enough in this society to provide alarming proof that we're growing more dysfunctional all the time.


  • 他们甚至不到一个克里斯托弗·诺兰一样阴暗纠结的导演拍片子,找来的MichelGondry

    They couldn't even get a dark and complicated director such as Christopher Nolan to direct it; instead, it's directed by Michel Gondry.


  • 平克·弗洛伊德即将到达一个更高位置,唱片《阴暗面》上博得大名唱片,但借助专辑《黎明之门的风笛手》他们完美抓住了二十世纪六十年代迷幻音乐的本质

    Pink Floyd would reach greater heights, notably on Dark Side Of The Moon, but with The Piperthey managed to capture the essence of 1960s psychedelia perfectly. JiH


  • 平克·弗洛伊德即将到达一个更高位置,唱片《阴暗面》上博得大名唱片,但借助专辑《黎明之门的风笛手》他们完美抓住了二十世纪六十年代迷幻音乐本质

    Pink Floyd would reach greater heights, notably on Dark Side Of The Moon, but with The Piperthey managed to capture the essence of 1960s psychedelia perfectly.


  • 他们有许多人生活美国社会阴暗面里

    Many of them live in the shadows of American society.


  • 那样他们可以太阳散发强烈光热时候坐在阴暗了。

    Thus, they could sit in the shadow when the sun shed strong light and heat.


  • 他们鱼贯而行时后退了,躲一片象草遮蔽阴暗处。

    While they fell into place, I hung back, taking cover in the shade of some elephant grass.


  • 然而他们父辈阴暗过去却成了他们爱情道路屏障。

    The dark past of their forebears threatens to stand in the way of the pair's love for one another.


  • 机器人爱好互联网阴暗角落里的论坛分享他们幻想而且通常亲友保密他们的这些渴望。

    Robot fetishists share their fantasies on niche Internet forums, and usually keep their longings secret from family and friends.


  • 他们一间窄小阴暗房间里的一张桌子上用餐。

    They ate in a narrow, dark room at a long table .


  • 有的时候他们能让人想起迷之(mazzy star)或是500号星系(galaxie 500),苹果园“(apple orchard)”一窍不通“(masterofnone)中,呈现的却是完全属于他们特有阴暗模糊的回响。

    They had slow, shadowy dream-pop down; at times they recalled Mazzy Star or Galaxie 500, but songs like "Apple Orchard" and "Master of None" had a dark and blurry resonance all their own.


  • 他们到了一间阴暗的小公寓

    They changed their flat for a dark, little apartment.


  • 铁道部部长Dinesh Trivedi 说:“我们允许他们这里拍摄条件之一就是不能印度印度铁道部拍的阴暗并且做出书面保证。

    One of the conditions for allowing the shoot is that they cannot show India or Indian Railways in bad light and the assurances will have to be given to us in writing.


  • 铁道部部长Dinesh Trivedi 说:“我们允许他们这里拍摄条件之一就是不能印度印度铁道部拍的阴暗并且做出书面保证。

    One of the conditions for allowing the shoot is that they cannot show India or Indian Railways in bad light and the assurances will have to be given to us in writing.


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