• 但是他们明白他们帮助未必有效有时需要仅仅倾诉理解以及一张信任票——相信你可以解决自己问题

    But they don't understand that their help isn't always helpful; that sometimes what you want is simply to be heard and understood or given a vote of confidence that you can solve your own problems.


  • 玛丽斯蒂夫·摩恩努力了年才怀上了他们儿子马克斯如今10岁了,然而,他作为一个孤独症患儿所表现出来行为社交方面的问题需要外界的帮助解决

    Mary and Steve Moen fought for years to get their son Max, now 10, the help he needed to deal with the behavioral and social problems he exhibited as a child with autism.


  • 例如如果软件开发员测试支持偶尔的访问,他们是否愿意去适应需要处理软件存在的普通问题

    If software developers and testers, for example, took support calls from time to time, wouldn't they be more attuned to the need to address common issues in the software?


  • 业务敏捷度需求增加LOB不能等待较长的IT开发预算周期他们需要快速解决方案解决他们的业务问题

    Increased requirements for business agility LOBs can't wait for long it development and budget cycles; they need immediate solutions to their business challenges.


  • 公开场合中国表现得客观坚定提醒美国人他们国家问题经济发生深刻变革社会稳定需要

    In public, the Chinese were impassive and tough, reminding the visiting Americans of their country's problems and of the need for social stability as China undergoes profound economic transformation.


  • 还有认为虫害疾病的传播.许多贫困国家觉得他们需要获得更多资金解决问题;

    Many poor countries felt more money was needed to address the problem; rich ones fretted about a lack of political will and popular enthusiasm.


  • 我们扩大规模中需要就是贫困寻求改善生活社区人民参与,让他们参与解决自己问题

    What we need to do in scaling up is to engage the community of people who are poor and who are searching for a better life, to engage them in the solution to their problems.


  • 他们需要知道产品服务特点益处以便客户交谈全面地回答客户提出问题

    They need to know all of the features and benefits of the product or service so that they can talk about it with customers and answer the customer's questions fully.


  • 美国出口商需要担心货币匹配问题因为他们国内成本出口收入都是美元来支付。

    American exporters do not have to worry about currency mismatch because both their domestic costs and their export earnings are in dollars.


  • 或许是有用思路,有助于解决如何管理互联网知识产权国际污染问题政策制定者处理这些问题上则需要得到他们能够得到的一切帮助

    But it may yet prove a useful way of thinking about problems, such as managing the Internet, intellectual property or international pollution, on which policymakers need all the help they can get.


  • 明显,各个国家需要可靠计划解决他们债务赤字问题,同时,我们应该偏离处理欧洲国家结构性问题的方向。

    It is very clear that countries need credible plans to deal with their debts and deficits and we shouldn't be deflected from dealing with the structural problems in European countries.


  • 我们伙伴国家进行合作,帮助他们获取解决各自面临的问题需要手段能力为解决世界性共同问题作出贡献

    And we are working with our partner countries to help them obtain the tools and capacity that they need to solve their own problems and contribute to solving the world's Shared problems.


  • 与此同时全球变暖问题天然资源价格上涨问题需要他们关注

    At the same time, problems such as global warming and rising prices for natural resources demand their attention.


  • 他们大量时间精力架构治理评估厂商上面,固然不错他们忘了SOA需要解决现实业务问题

    They spent a great deal of time and effort on architecture, governance and vendor assessments, which is good, but they forget that SOA needs to solve real business problems.


  • 他们开辟走廊需要空前大规模地动用土地征用权吃进私有土地表示墨西哥车辆通行费定价问题甚为忧虑。

    They said that carving out the corridor would require unprecedented use of eminent domain to swallow private lands, and fretted about traffic from Mexico and the cost of tolls.


  • 一些开发人员强烈反对这样做,他们理由就是“我们需要考虑一些技术问题例如可扩展性学习维护成本工具质量等等”。

    A number of developers objected quite strongly based on a number of technical concerns, such as scalability, training, maintenance costs, the quality of tooling, and so forth.


  • 当不考虑程序员解决问题选择不同语言的时候,他们想要需要相似的

    Irrespective of the language programmers choose for expressing solutions, their wants and needs are similar.


  • 也许这不足为奇因为处方医院停车位(一个英格兰令人难堪问题)都需要他们埋单。

    Small wonder, perhaps, as they do not pay for either prescriptions or hospital parking (a sore point in England).


  • 令人担忧耻辱的标记额外治疗必须“,,”必须记得的是,那些患病需要帮助问题他们到底有什么问题

    "Concerns about stigma and excessive treatment must be there," he said. "But keep in mind that these are individuals seeking help, who have distress, and the question is, What's wrong with them?"


  • 认为肥胖需要获得质量治疗训练有素专业人员提供处理任何他们体重健康问题

    She believes that obese people need access to high quality treatment provided by well-trained professionals to deal with their weight and any linked health problems.


  • 英国在校学生中大约有170万人存在身体残疾精神问题他们确认需要某种形式特殊需求

    About 1.7 million schoolchildren in England are regarded as having some form of special needs, ranging from physical disability to emotional problems.


  • 考虑到IE浏览器关于安全正确渲染页面所有问题Linux用户不会惦念Mozilla可以满足他们需要

    Considering all the trouble Internet Explorer has with security and rendering pages correctly, Linux users don't miss it. Mozilla meets their needs.


  • Soft wareServicesIBMGlobal Services可以许多功能方面为您提供帮助他们共同完成数百项目了解制订计划构建门户需要考虑哪些方面问题

    Software Services and IBM Global Services can help in many capacities; having collectively worked on hundreds of projects, they understand the nature of what it takes to plan and build a portal.


  • DBA需要全面前瞻性性能调优工具从而帮助他们解决当前的性能问题避免以后的性能问题

    You need comprehensive and proactive performance and tuning tools to help you to resolve immediate performance issues as well as to help avoid future performance issues.


  • 需要他们辨别问题观点,从而,你有望为众多问题解决贡献一部分力量。

    You also need to use them identify issues and problems that you will hopefully become a part of their solutions.


  • 问题硬件软件供应商都知道安全功能需要他们客户没有要求特点

    The problem is that hardware and software vendors know that putting in security features costs money and their customers are not demanding such features.


  • 他们不仅激发新的想法领导素质工人他们并不需要时间管理问题

    They not only inspire the workers with new ideas and leadership qualities, but they do not need to spend time on the issue of management.


  • 他们不仅激发新的想法领导素质工人他们并不需要时间管理问题

    They not only inspire the workers with new ideas and leadership qualities, but they do not need to spend time on the issue of management.


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