• 人们承认他们当然领袖

    He is recognized to be their natural leader.


  • 开始他们把瑞士埃曼塔尔奶酪粉碎融化,结果当然是:奶酪中的脂肪表面变成一张巨大的油膜。

    They began by shredding and melting Emmentaler into a soup, which, of course, caused all of the fat to escape to the surface and form a giant slick.


  • 看上去他们仍未能提高债务上限接近达成一致,当然我们预计他们最终避免违约因为这个选择实在凶险了。

    They do not appear to be much closer to an agreement regarding raising the debt ceiling, although of course we all expect them to avoid a default because it would be such a dangerous path to take.


  • 当然,如果知道的丈夫(男友)在你身后干些什么,最好办法公开诚实地他们沟通

    Of course, the best way to discover what your partner is up to behind your back is to communicate openly and honestly with him.


  • 当然啦,兰博的确是跟大堆看守战俘营越南士兵干上了,而且他们消灭了。

    Sure, Rambo takes on a huge chunk of the Vietnamese soldiers guarding a POW camp and slaughters them all.


  • 战争胜利者博物馆,一切偏袒他们,这理所当然事。不过,像一样四下观望美国人——这里很多——却得很是认真,还议论纷纷。

    It's also the victors' museum, of course, and skewed in their favour, but the Americans looking around with me - and there are many of them - are talkative and engaged.


  • 当然他们仍然通过大型零售商出售自己产品。但是大部分公司业已开始致力于提高自己网络销售的能力了。

    They continue to sell through big retailers too, but most of those are also scrambling to add online capacity.


  • 当然一些“会来的”是他们日历还有他们文雅的“回绝”并非每个人知道Facebook会请客。

    Of course, some people who say "maybe" genuinely need to check their calendars. And many see it as a nice, gentle way to say "no."


  • 对于司机来讲,当然了,意味着他们没有丝毫错误的余地:否则他们要么撞上山岩,要么他们撞上石礁,要么干脆两个全部撞上去。

    For the drivers, of course, that means there is virtually no margin for error: they go into the wall, or over the edge, or into each other.


  • 最后所有孩子了一,是不是谁吃了——当然了——可是孩子们没有吃,而且脸上的神情仿佛在说:要是冤枉他们偷嘴他们喜欢蛋糕了。

    Then she asked all the children had any of them eaten it — by mistake, of coursebut the children all said no and looked as if they did not like to eat cakes if they were to be accused of stealing.


  • 当然我们知道这些迟早要发生即使没有气候变化——他们更暖和的气候中发生得频繁个气象事件归咎于此错误的。

    Of course, we know that these things happen anyway, even without climate change - they may happen more often under a warmer climate, but it is wrong to blame climate change for every single event.


  • 当然成为圣人之前他们经历了很多——重点他们犯了他们那一错误

    Of course, they went through great suffering to become saints - but the point is they made their fair share of mistakes.


  • 当然有可能符合一种叫做面容失认症的情况这种病的患者会突然对辨认家庭成员朋友甚至他们自己存在障碍

    Of course, it's also possible you have a condition called prosopagnosia, or face blindness, in which people suddenly have trouble recognizing family members, friends, or even themselves.


  • 这样情况当然官方赞助商赛事组织者无法忍受,他们坚持法律保障他们利益

    Such a situation is intolerable to both organisers and official sponsors, who are determined to use the law to protect their interests.


  • 当然这些访客所有人促使他们观看的全球进程进一步加剧。

    All of these visitors will, of course, help to accelerate the very global-warming process they have come to witness.


  • 显然我们我们孩子但是当然不会无条件的爱”他们

    Obviously, we all love and adore our great big lumpen teenagers but I certainly don’t love mine “unconditionally” (babies and toddlers are different; I’m talking about children).


  • 国际货币基金世界银行全球消防员 ,这是理所当然的。 正像眼下,全球他们需求显得格外迫切

    The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are the globe's firefighters -- taken for granted until they're desperately needed, as they are now.


  • 国际货币基金世界银行全球的消防员,这是理所当然的。正像眼下,全球他们需求显得格外迫切

    The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are the globe's firefighters — taken for granted until they're desperately needed as they are now.


  • 有意思他们文学的意义看作理所当然

    It's very interesting that they all just sort of take meaning for granted.


  • 同时他们同时生活在一个拥有不同超级战队的,多样的,每年有大事件的,像宇宙一样宽广的世界中,当然还有假期特刊

    Meanwhile, they all occupy a universe that has several different teams, multiple, year-long, universe-wide events, and the occasional holiday special.


  • 沃尔上司希望任何记录掌握在他们手中——当然,最理想的状态是不留下任何记录。

    Walsh and his superiors wanted sole control of any recordings - and, ideally, any interpretations of said recordings.


  • 他们羡慕我们自由权利当然地以为我们很富有

    They envied our freedom and assumed we were all rich.


  • 当然希腊爱尔兰,虽然我们经常听说他们是高负债率国家,但是他们所负的债务远远小于日本的。

    The highly indebted countries you keep hearing about, like Greece and Ireland, have much smaller debt burdens than Japan.


  • 就和所有优秀阴谋论一样,他们包含有充足事实飨读者,尤其是那些有这方面倾向的读者。当然它们也不会承认任何有可能引起对一系列述说产生怀疑的矛盾的存在。

    Like all good conspiracy theories, both tales contain just enough truth to satisfy those predisposed to believe in them, without admitting any contradictions that might shake up those assumptions.


  • 错误的做法:当然地认为招聘人员了解公司或者他们需要了解。

    Out:Assuming hirers know your old company or don't need to know.


  • 因为免税代码复杂到了荒谬的地步,大部分繁复生活而奔忙的人们他们赚得的每个子儿交给了会计员当然总是期望得到最好的结果

    The tax code is absurdly complex, and most people with complicated lives hand over their Numbers to accountants and hope for the best.


  • 当然他们希望实现一天愿望所以罗伯特急忙沙坑跑去。

    Of course, they all wanted the day's wish. So Robert hurried to the sand-pit.


  • 当然不是所有人采用了这个方法还有很多他们个人资料发到了NetworthIQ.com网站上。

    Not everyone feels that way, of course, and plenty of people have posted their profiles on NetworthIQ.com.


  • 当然不是所有人采用了这个方法还有很多他们个人资料发到了NetworthIQ.com网站上。

    Not everyone feels that way, of course, and plenty of people have posted their profiles on NetworthIQ.com.


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