• 无论什么时候人们遇见父亲猜想他们第一感觉都多么英俊啊动人眼睛乌黑的头发凹字型的下巴。

    Whenever anyone meet my dad, I imagine they first notice how handsome he is: the striking blue eyes, et black hair and cleft in his chin.


  • 如果以前曾遇见某个人记住名字一个细节,这你给他们最好礼物

    If you've met someone before, remembering their name and a detail about them will be the greatest gift you can give them.


  • 他们大学开学第二遇见保罗时候是个瘦骨如柴、喜好独处的,厌恶女孩不喜欢饮酒体育一样

    When Pam discovered Paul, in their second week of college, he was a gaunt loner who was almost as disdainful of girls as he was of alcohol and sports.


  • 尝试对所有遇见的陌生人微笑,”他们写道,“没有反映出惊恐并且事实上积极回应开始觉得微笑觉得自在。”

    "He experimented with smiling broadly when he met new people," they write. "when no one reacted in horror, and in fact responded positively, he began to feel at ease with his smile."


  • 约瑟就去追赶哥哥们遇见他们在多

    So Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan.


  • :,黄昏遇见他们他们离开柜台写字台脸上带着生动的表情,18世纪灰黑房屋里走出

    He says: I have met them at close of day Coming with vivid faces From counter or desk among grey Eighteenth-century houses.


  • 波尼博伊小说次要人物之一是当时被称为“油脂仔”的青少年帮派份子他们遇见另外一个团伙,单方开始打架敌人个人打死了。

    Ponyboy Curtis is one of the main characters. He is a part of a gang of teenagers called the Greasers. They meet up with the rival gang and the fight begins. One of the enemies is killed.


  • 没有听到奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人理想房子任何消息,尽管俱乐部遇见博福特,但他们仅仅隔着几张牌桌互相点了点头而已。

    He heard nothing of the Countess Olenska, or of the perfect little house, and though he met Beaufort at the club they merely nodded at each other across the whist-tables.


  • 那天早上迟些时候一家咖啡店遇见一对抢劫的男女,一边用枪指着他们一边讲以上的话

    Later that morning, he met a couple robbers in a coffee shop and he pointed a gun to them and said the words above.


  • 那里遇见一个犹太人名叫阿桂拉,原藉本都,妻子普黎史拉最近意大利因为喀劳狄曾所有犹太人离开罗马。保禄就投他们那里。

    There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, following a decree of the Emperor Claudius which ordered all Jews to leave Rome.


  • 那儿遇见母亲他们1967年结婚

    He met my mother in Liverpool, and they got married in 1967.


  • 没有听到奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人理想的房子任何消息,尽管俱乐部遇见博福特,但他们仅仅几张牌桌互相点了点头而已。

    He heard nothing of theCountess Olenska, or of the perfect little house, andthough he met Beaufort at the club they merely noddedat each other across the whist-tables.


  • 两个哥哥后来也出发了。他们没有好好美丽的姑娘而是自己遇见第一村姑回来了。

    His brothers came along afterward. They had given no effort to find a beautiful woman, but simply brought along the first peasant women they had come upon.


  • 并且一切遇见做了询问如果他们偶然地看见了母亲

    And of everything that he met he made enquiry if perchance they had seen his mother.


  • 从未遇见任何班上记得的同学,他们甚至想不起过有一位中量级拳击冠军

    I never met any one of his class who remembered him. They did not even remember that he was middleweight boxing champion.


  • 阿克·斯罗德告诉奥巴马想象遇见那些人们即将竞选遇到的,他们故事表现在平时的演讲中。

    Axelrod told Obama to imagine the people he had met and would be meeting on the campaign trail, to try to bring their stories to life in his speeches.


  • 无论人们什么时候遇见他们都会个接一个地让路

    Whenever people met him, they would move out of his way to let him pass, one after the other.


  • 院子里他们遇见一个长著一双疯狂眼睛头发蓬乱,正狂热设法逮住苍蝇它们装在口袋里。

    They came across one individual in the grounds, with wild eyes, disheveled hair, feverishly endeavoring to catch flies and keep them in his pocket.


  • 当然通过万斯太太遇见嘉莉但是他们之间并不存在什么相互感应

    Of course, he encountered Carrie through Mrs. Vance; but there was nothing responsive between them.


  • 遇见一个犹太人名叫拉,因为老丢犹太人离开罗马新近带着基拉,义大利保罗就投奔了他们

    There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome.


  • 遇见一个犹太人名叫拉,因为老丢犹太人离开罗马新近带着基拉,义大利保罗就投奔了他们

    There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome.


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