• 有经验LotusDomino开发人员开始使用另一个平台时,他们最大挑战理解关系数据库与Lotus Notes数据库相比有什么异同。

    When experienced Lotus Domino developers start to work with another platform, their biggest challenge is understanding how relational databases compare to Lotus Notes databases.


  • 以前,学生们并不担心他们平均绩点最大挑战高中毕业时通过标准化考试

    Before students didn't worry too much about their grade-point averages; the big challenge was beating the standardized tests as high-school seniors.


  • 对于100合格农场工人管理人员而言另一个挑战他们没有办法拥有市民身份——他们建立自己农场的最大障碍

    Another challenge for more than a million of the most qualified farm workers and managers is a non-existent path to citizenshipthe greatest barrier to building a farm of their own.


  • 尝试把玩家魔兽世界或者其他游戏中移出来工作时,最大挑战如何说服他们只是一个游戏

    The ultimate challenge, when trying to extract work from the World of Warcraft questers and other players, will be persuading them that it’s still just a game.


  • 目前为止,最大的挑战在于测试工程师外部资源产品团队不能他们身上压赌注他们必须确保产品的质量合乎预期。

    By far the biggest is that testers are an external resource. Product teams can't place too big a bet on them and must keep their quality house in order.


  • 人们消极懈怠状态下可能感受到最大的快乐只有他们全身心面对一项令人心动挑战时才能赢得这种感受。

    People find greatest enjoyment not when they're passively mindless, but when they're absorbed in a mindful challenge.


  • 他们提供更好住房教育成为人口即将达到70亿世界最大挑战之一

    Providing them with better housing and education will be one of the great challenges facing a world of seven billion people and counting.


  • 时间安排时间中年人们处理他们老年人相关的事情时一个最大的挑战就是放慢脚步找出时间集中注意关注当前

    Time and timing: One of the greatest challenges people in midlife face in their dealings with the elderly is to slow down and find the time to be fully present.


  • 成功转变组织最大挑战之一团队不会开始进行组织,直到每个团队之外的人停止他们进行微管理。

    One of the biggest challenges in successfully making the transition to self-organization is that the Team will not begin to self-organize until everyone outside the Team stops micromanaging them.


  • 客户告诉过我们他们最大挑战之一整个编译流程以及开发人员测试人员能够连续基础上签入代码能力管理

    Customers tell us that one of their biggest challenges is the management of the overall build process and the ability to allow developers and testers to check-in code on a continuous basis.


  • 不过显然最大的挑战应该是克服文化差异改变“美国他们为敌”的心态

    But far and away the greatest challenge will likely be overcoming the cultural differences and changing the "us versus them" mindset.


  • 最大挑战之一更多老年人提供他们支付得起的护理服务,包括大多数家中生活不再子女同住的老年人。

    One of the biggest challenges will be providing affordable care for more elderly, including the great majority still able to live at home, but no longer with their children.


  • 燃油费用上涨关注程度进一步提高。现在57%的受访企业认为燃油价格不稳定他们面对最大挑战

    Previous concerns over rising fuel cost has now evolved into 57 percent of those surveyed saying fuel price instability is the biggest challenge facing their business.


  • 所以最大挑战提高车队成绩提高车队上镜率,赞助商明白这个平台可以提升他们的品牌知名度。

    So the challenge is to increase the team's performance to raise the team's exposure, so the sponsors realise the marketing value of this platform.


  • 他们问题现今全球范围内最大也是最终的挑战

    They're the biggest challenge of the day globally and the whole end game.


  • 如果你的配偶亲属密友患有抑郁症拒绝治疗,那么对你来说最大的挑战莫过于学会如何改变他们这种抗拒治疗态度。

    The challenge for a person with a depressed spouse, relative or close friend who refuses to get treatment is how to change that defiant person's mind.


  • 很多警察,穿着冰鞋该市崎岖不平、有时坑坑洼洼的路面上站稳他们面临的最大挑战

    Many officers said their biggest challenge was staying upright on the city's bumpy and sometimes pock-marked roads.


  • 公共事务出版社创始人皮特斯诺小规模经营出版商所面对最大挑战就是如何处理他们存货

    Peter Osnos, the founder of PublicAffairs Books, says the biggest challenge small publishers face is managing their inventories.


  • 不过他们门户设计人员开发人员面临最大挑战之一,要确定用于现有Web应用程序集成门户中的有效方法

    However, one of the biggest challenges that their portal designers and developers face is determining the most effective method to integrate the existing Web applications into the portal.


  • 学校生活充满快乐乐趣虽然我们每天新的挑战最大的努力满足他们

    My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges every day, I'll try my best to meet them.


  • 一个新的女性权力游说团,snoke性别司法网络建立者(黑人),面临的最大挑战在于说服男性,让他们相信虐待妇女文化所不允许的。

    The (black) founder of a new women’s-rights lobby, the Sonke Gender Justice Network, says his biggest challenge is to convince men that abusing women is culturally unacceptable.


  • 一个新的女性权力游说团,snoke性别司法网络建立者(黑人),面临的最大挑战在于说服男性,让他们相信虐待妇女文化所不允许的。

    The (black) founder of a new women 's-rights lobby, the Sonke Gender Justice Network, says his biggest challenge is to convince men that abusing women is culturally unacceptable.


  • 不过显然最大的挑战应该是克服文化差异改变美国他们为敌的心态

    But far and away the greatest challenge will likely be overcoming the cultural differences and changing the us versus them mindset.


  • 显然最大挑战在于改变世界领先航运公司想法他们中很大部分强烈反对集装箱衍生品概念

    Clearly, the biggest challenge lies in changing the minds of the world's leading shipping companies, most of whom are vehemently against the concept of box derivatives.


  • 最大挑战面对许多在哪里可以找到他们

    The biggest challenge many people face is where to find them.


  • 最大挑战面对许多在哪里可以找到他们

    The biggest challenge many people face is where to find them.


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