• 所有享受免税待遇的组织都应当继续享有受保护税收地位他们可以证明他们任务方案的确为了服务社会共同利益吗?

    All tax-exempt organizations should continue to be entitled to their protected tax status. Can they really justify that their missions and programs are serving the common good?


  • 他们同意继续工作恢复这个地区所有重建计划

    They also agreed to continue to work towards resuming all multilateral rehabilitation programs in the region.


  • Page如果研究人员们继续观测Cas A数十年他们看到随着所有中子都成对额外中微子发射的减少,冷却减慢

    Page says that if researchers keep watching Cas A for a few decades, they should see the cooling slow down as all the neutrons pair up and extra neutrino emissions fade.


  • 所有参加这个研究人都经历过息肉放到自己大肠的事;而经过这次研究后,194同意改变他们饮食防止前面的经验重现还有200人继续他们典型的饮食政策

    All the participants in this study had experienced a polyp in their large bowel; 194 people agreed to change their diets to prevent a recurrence and 200 people continued their typical eating regimen.


  • 这个系统中的许多要素像庞式计划中的一样,它们依赖投资者的信心,如果所有投资者撤回他们的资金,这些要素就崩溃,或者依靠新的投资者来使继续运转

    Many elements of the system are Ponzi-like in that they depend on confidence-they would collapse if all investors demanded their stakes back-or they rely on new backers to keep them going.


  • 现在他们已经到过62个国家所有的东西都卖掉了他们拼命设法获得资助继续他们60个国家的旅行。

    Now, with 62 countries visited and everything they ever owned already sold, they are desperately trying to drum up the funds to continue for another seven years and a further 60 countries.


  • 所有灵魂们我们举杯喝彩因此我们一起,继续他们展示个精彩的展示,一个值得造物主鼓掌体验

    All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God's applause.


  • 继续开嘴展露出可怕笑容直到所有好奇邻居他们窗口处消失然后笑容变成了一种极其愤怒扭曲,他招手叫哈利回来

    He continued to grin in a horrible, manic way until all the curious neighbours had disappeared from their various Windows, then the grin became a grimace of rage as he beckoned Harry back towards him.


  • 救援人员表示他们继续寻找直到找到所有失踪人员。

    Rescuers say they will continue to search until all the missing are found.


  • 他们所有个人资料继续驻留Facebook服务器上

    All their personal details continue to reside on Facebook's servers.


  • 未来我们继续采取行动帮助所有儿童学习成长开设必要课程使他们能够掌握各种工具学校内外都取得成功

    Moving forward, we will continue to take action to help all children learn, develop, and participate in instructional programs that equip them with the tools for success in school and beyond.


  • 开发人员无需记住底层数据库所有细节相反他们可以轻松命中urls接收他们寻找响应继续他们工作

    Instead of having to remember all the details of the underlying databases, developers can easily hit URLs and receive the response they seek to move forward with their own work.


  • 他们经常这样说,“眼下签收因为这样可以继续往前进行并不确信已经捕获所有需求。”

    They often said things like, "I'll sign off for now so we can proceed, but I'm not sure you captured everything."


  • Rumsfeld继续:“这些饱受压迫伊拉克油井,正和天底下所有其他油井一样——不管他们沙特阿拉伯、尼日利亚还是阿拉斯加野生动植物保护区——都应该享有自由权利!”

    Continued Rumsfeld: "These oppressed Iraqi oil Wells deserve the right to pump oil as freely as any other oil well on God's Earth-be it in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or an Alaskan wildlife refuge."


  • 几乎所有都会继续他们消费习惯他们长大

    Nearly all will continue their spending habits when they grow up.


  • 他们继续完成碘盐发放项目育龄妇女因为所有住校小学生已享受碘盐的供给

    They continue to carry out the iodized oil distribution program, but only to women of childbearing age, since all the pupils are living in schools with an iodized salt supply.


  • 上帝保佑家人他们继续鼓舞我们所有

    May God bless your families, who continue to inspire us all.


  • 同样尽管很多西方国家他们钱(大多数来自美国),他们还是把他们所有收入都用来继续那些废纸

    Also, although they own a lot of the debt of the western countries (mostly America) they gain all thier income and power from us buying all thier shit.


  • 随着战斗继续他们共同经历所有那些考验磨难他们关系成长起来开出花朵

    But as the battles go on and they go through all these trials and tribulations, their relationship just grows and blossoms.


  • 他们继续约会女孩发现满足自己所有要求

    They continued to date. She found that he met all her requirements.


  • 查找最低水平以便项目所需资源仍然可能所有任务他们最早事件时间继续首发

    Find the minimum level of resources required for your project in order that it is still possible for all tasks to continue starting at their earliest event times.


  • 救援人员表示:他们继续搜索下去,直到找到所有失踪者。

    Rescuers say they were continued to search until all of the missing are found.


  • 他们是以所有心态我们走到一起的,我们只是提供了一个激励他们把企业继续做好的环境。

    They came to us with an owner's mindset, and we provide an environment that encourages them to retain it.


  • 它们是从很小开始,成长已经超过了所有人的期待而且他们继续改变很多年轻人生活

    These started as small initiatives but have grown beyond any expectations, and continue to transform young people's lives.


  • 它们是从很小开始,成长已经超过了所有人的期待而且他们继续改变很多年轻人生活

    These started as small initiatives but have grown beyond any expectations, and continue to transform young people's lives.


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