• 而且,他们带着这些设备进入工作场所。这他们在公司期待使用技术相形之下显得非常落伍。

    And it is leading them to bring their own devices into the workplace, where some of the technology they are expected to use now seems antediluvian by comparison.


  • 他们带着猎鹰拦截这些人时似乎是一件可怕的事情

    It seemed like an awful thing to do when they're bringing these falcons and hawks who were imported to intercept these people.


  • 这些“服务使用者”——这儿志愿者这样他们——确实异类——有些人看上去好像忙碌工作一天管子上下来,其他人则衣衫蓬乱带着凶猛气息

    The "service-users" - as the volunteers here call them - are a truly disparate group - some look as if they've just stepped off the tube after a busy day at work, others are unkempt and smell feral.


  • 如果不是从一开始设置或者定期检查他们可能一直操作个又一个带着这些不安全默认设置的电脑

    Without initial and routine checks of these Settings, you might still be running one or more of your computers with these insecure default Settings.


  • 这些选秀节目中,人们带着他们爱犬参加比赛获奖

    At these shows, people bring their dogs to compete for a prize. The dogs run, walk and do tricks for judges.


  • :“若是现在的话,公司损失并不,你趁着公司的机会,拼命地多拉一些客户,积累很多工作经验,然后带着这些客户离开这家破公司,让他们后悔莫及。”

    B said, “If you leave now, the company will not suffer a great loss. You should do your utmost to enlarge your clientele and accumulate more work experience when you are still in the company.


  • 过去带着第一大白地中海很可能这些逃离涡流但是如果这些逃离的涡流变大,他们能干些什么呢?

    In the past these escaped eddies likely brought the first great white sharks into the Mediterranean. If these leaks get bigger, however, what else are they capable of doing?


  • 索科移民大军员。这些外国移民不仅仅有印度人巴基斯坦人中国人韩国人和欧洲人他们聪明才智热情来到美国

    Mr Ganguli is part of a huge army of immigrants who have brought their brains and enthusiasm to the United states-not just Indians and Pakistanis but also Chinese, Koreans and Europeans.


  • 这些带着非常不切实际的期望他们不仅仅努力追求卓越他们追求绝对完美而这绝对不可能

    These people are walking around with incredibly unrealistic expectationsthey're not just striving for excellence, they're striving for absolute perfection, which of course is impossible.


  • 尽管他们出发点好的,这些失败正面的趋向会将他们引入歧途。担心而不是焦虑的疑惑——庆祝失败看起来目的就是减少焦虑。

    Well-intentioned though they may be, these attempts to celebrate failure are misguided. Fear should not be confused with anxiety-and celebrating failure seems aimed at reducing anxiety.


  • 他们约翰内斯堡进货的街边小贩,满满的盒子袋子,乘坐当夜的火车返回,在这些强壮的女人周围,我觉得很安全。

    They were street hawkers on their way to buy stock in Johannesburg. They would be on the return train that night, laden with boxes and bags.


  • 甚至是这些带着耳机的人也都把头进了笔记本电脑中,认为他们根本没有认真的听会议进展

    Even those dutifully wearing their headphones have their heads buried in their laptops, and I don't think they're taking notes on what's going on here in the hall.


  • 斯科特探险队员中包括生物学家地质学其他学科科学家他们带着各自科研仪器其中很多留在这些木屋里。

    Scott's crew included biologists, geologists, and other scientists who brought their own scientific instrumentsmany of which are still in the huts.


  • 许多挑夫竹竿街上徘徊,他们竹竿把重物搬上多街道这些街道如此陡峭,脚踏交通工具很少见)。

    Many, known as stick men, loiter on the streets carrying bamboo poles used for lugging loads up the hilly streets (so steep that pedal-driven vehicles are hardly to be seen).


  • 他们目的访问网站你的工作就是帮助他们达到这些目的

    With the purpose of their visit to your website and your job is to help them achieve those aims.


  • 这些裹着紧身衣、披着斗篷英雄们荧幕上抢尽风头,但是他们早期形象却受到了好莱坞质疑的眼光,也就是莱卡时代之前带着呢帽面具那些防暴警员。

    But despite the screen-time lavished on the cape-and-tights contingent, Hollywood has been somewhat leery of their fedora-ed forbears, those unfortunate masked vigilantes from before the Age of Lycra.


  • 这些文学巨匠一直给我留下深刻印象他们著作课堂上的教材、世界各地图书馆的藏书、人们带着恭敬语气谈论的话题。

    These giants of literature whose works are taught in the schoolroom, housed in libraries around the world and spoken of in reverent tones have always made a deep impression.


  • 但是这个团体微博一系列信息表示他们不得已才公布这些文件因为这些文件副本已经带着安全漏洞网络流传

    But in a series of messages on Twitter, the group suggested that it had no choice but to publish the archive because copies of the document were already circulating online following a security breach.


  • 不能带着这些数据办公室——他们强烈的否决掉。

    Robert: Dan, I can't bring those numbers back to my office - they'll turn it down flat.


  • 这些动物随时可以逃跑它们相信他们办不到因此一直带着这。

    These animals could at any time run away but because they believe they couldn't, they stayed right where they were.


  • 还有许多面对他们前进道路上一个障碍时都带着畏惧疑惑如临大敌实际上这些障碍都是朋友助手

    Many others face each obstacle in their path with fear and doubt and consider them as enemies when, in truth, these obstructions are friends and helpers.


  • 这些乐团成员带着他们乐器音响设备

    These band members carry their instruments and sound equipment with them.


  • 路线集中伦敦风景优美遛狗热门地点,包括海德公园格林公园。主人们可以选择这些地方下车他们的狗散散步。

    The route itself centers on a number of London's most scenic dog-walking hotspots, including Hyde Park and Green Park, for owners to disembark the bus and take their pooch for a stroll if they choose.


  • 不过这些不是由不同父母孕育出来的后代,相反,他们特殊目的故意克隆出的大师血统

    These humans however were not the love offspring of variant parents; instead they had been deliberately cloned of grand master genealogies with a specific purpose in mind.


  • 他们度假时候仍然带着所有这些情绪,另外还加上脱离工作的罪恶感

    They bring all those feelings with them on vacation, along with added guilt of being away.


  • 抓住这个机会参加我们多元学习群体——这些梦想如此而有力,以至于他们好像是被强大的梦想带着来到NLP世界,就像一样。

    Make the most of this opportunity and join a diverse group of people whose dreams are so powerful that they are compelled, like you, to learn to use NLP, to help achieve them.


  • 抓住这个机会参加我们多元学习群体——这些梦想如此而有力,以至于他们好像是被强大的梦想带着来到NLP世界,就像一样。

    Make the most of this opportunity and join a diverse group of people whose dreams are so powerful that they are compelled, like you, to learn to use NLP, to help achieve them.


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