• 这里提到大部分游戏适合车子里。 然而,还有几个活动适合孩子,当他们车上累了的时候。

    While most of the activities here can easily be adapted to a car ride, there are a few activities that are great for a toddler who’s tired of being in the car seat.


  • 孩子知道如果他们车上外套不小心校车附近丢了学校作业没有回来是不会生气的。

    Let your children know that you won't be upset if they don't run back to the bus to pick up a jacket they left on a seat or grab school work that they accidentally dropped near the bus.


  • 带着他们车上,”纳·蒂特,“我可以中央车站开始找,看看是不是哪张。”

    "I'm already in the car with them," Bernadette said. "I was thinking I could start on Central and just see if he's parked on some barstool or other."


  • 到目前为止,看上去加大马力高尔夫球车,但是工程学教授OLEV项目经理赵东镐(音译)他们车上应用了一些革新技术

    At this point, it looks like a souped up golf cart. But engineering professor Cho Dong-ho, the manager of the OLEV program, says some revolutionary technology is on board.


  • 汉娜的祈祷师他们带到这里几乎没事可,只能让汽车发动机继续加热,好他们在车上打个盹天亮–等待金属玻璃门开门后就诊。

    Now there's little to do but turn up the car's heat, try to get some sleep and wait for morning — and a set of glass and metal doors to open.


  • 车上,正试图推销音响他们还有巨大横幅

    There were these people on this truck getting you-- trying to sell you audio equipment, and they had a big banner up there.


  • 他们基本上是叉车举起来放回家里,因为他们不想在车上增加任何里程

    They basically forklift the car and put it down at home because they don't want to put any miles on the car.


  • “当时一群警察就坐车上指甲,”,也有年纪大居民说,他们粗暴地推到一边

    "The police just sat in their squad cars clipping their fingernails," he said. Other residents, some elderly, said they were roughly tossed aside.


  • 报纸如今伦敦中心分发首都通过地铁移动因为他们免费的,乘下班经常他们车上

    Papers are now handed out in central London and moved around the capital by Tube: because they are free, commuters often leave them on trains.


  • 那儿平板卡车,有一群车上,正试图推销音响他们还有巨大横幅

    There was a large flatbed truck out there and there were these people on this truck getting youtrying to sell you audio equipment, and they had a big banner up there.


  • 指示他们然后他们把手车上

    He directed them to different sides of the car, and they all put their hands under the frame.


  • 如果你看到小偷车上钱包认为制止他们吗?

    Do you think you will try to stop a thief if see him stealing a purse from a person on a bus?


  • 如果司机注意在车上时,他们发现不会下车

    If the drivers notice that he's there, they make sure that he doesn't get off at some random stop.


  • 如果发现车上把手机放耳朵旁华盛顿警方截停你路边,如果你使用免提电话,他们不会

    D.C. police will pull you over if they see you using a cellphone that you’re holding up to your ear, but not if you’re hands-free.


  • 确实是个现实的问题,”位于上海的一家西方化学品公司的经理说,“公司里面,制定了许多严格的制度,但是一旦职员迈出公司的大门,他们面对的是一个完全不同的世界,如果要求在车上系上安全带,他反而会嘲笑。”

    But as soon as your employees step outside the gates, they face a completely different atmosphere. Ask someone to wear a seat belt and they laugh at you.


  • 大部分员工杰克不同,他们没有自己的,乘公交城里要花一个小时时间,乘公交的人多到让人在车上难以呼吸的程度。

    Unlike Jack, most of the workers didn't own cars, and to reach the city took an hour on the bus, which became so full that it was harder to breathe on board.


  • 不断猜想着那些坐车上到哪里去,他们有些什么消遣娱乐。

    She never wearied of wondering where the people in the cars were going or what their enjoyments were.


  • 车上他们只让手机手机还给了

    In the car, they turned off my cellphone and then gave it back to me.


  • 然后他们又会老大爷慢悠悠地推着, 老大妈就坐车上回家

    Then, they will slowly by the grandfather, the old Mother sitting in the car to go home on.


  • 工作人员不想让我车上10分钟等到他们结束

    The staff didn't want me to wait 10 minutes in my car for them to finish.


  • 收银员不想浪费10分钟车上他们结账

    The staff didn't want me to wait 10 minutes in my car for them to finish.


  • 然而如果玩家们车上他们可以车辆行驶时施法

    However, players can cast while the vehicle is moving if they're in it.


  • 就连公交车司机也会十分有礼貌提醒到站了,如果车上睡着了,他们叫醒她。

    Even the bus drivers were courteous enough to remind her of her stops – and to wake her if she'd fallen asleep on the ride.


  • 车队后面跟着几个将军他们身后漂亮战车车上伟大楚国国君

    Following them came several generals with their swords and spears. They were followed by a beautiful chariot. Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu.


  • 车队后面跟着几个将军他们身后漂亮战车车上伟大楚国国君

    Following them came several generals with their swords and spears. They were followed by a beautiful chariot. Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu.


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