• 例如餐馆里男人一个女人带到他们桌子服务员会拉一把椅子,女人应该椅子

    For example, when a man and woman are led to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman is expected to sit in the chair.


  • 新年那天,人们穿传统的衣服,把食物放一个特殊的桌子上他们去世的家庭成员。

    On New Year's Day, people put on traditional clothes and put food on a special table for the dead members of their family.


  • 为了使对方得到答案他们竟发明了套完整的密码系统:坐右边的一位,需要知道第五题的答案时,铅笔在桌子上轻轻下,坐左边的一位回敲两——表示答案是B。

    One kid would tap his pencil lightly five times indicating he needed the answer to number 5.


  • 他们没有再等下去,卡伦占据卧室,莫伊拉亨利家庭娱乐室、背靠着厨房料理台、餐厅桌子上,占领了对方

    But they did not wait, and because Tilly and Karen had occupied the bedroom, Moira and Henry occupied each other in the family room, against the kitchen counter, on the dining-room table.


  • 餐馆做的研究发现服务生只是账单放到桌子之前顾客块薄荷糖说服更多的顾客给他们小费

    One study conducted in restaurants found that waiters were able to persuade many more customers to leave them a tip by simply giving them a mint just before they placed the bill on the table.


  • 他们表达问题,常常丢掉一些词汇开头音素例如他们说“(able)”,但实际想说的是“桌子(table)”。

    They also had trouble speaking—dropping some sounds off the beginning of words, for example, so that they would say “able” when they meanttable.


  • 如果桌子上午饭,吃完后要打扫干净。没有喜欢他们工作座位有小虫子。

    If you eat at your desk, clean up the food very carefully. No one like bugs at their station.


  • 斯拉消防员屋里不到人时,他们便成像技术探测仍然找不到被困人员,却发现只鹦鹉桌子上

    When firefighters couldn't find anyone in the house, they started using thermal imagery technology, which detected no people, but rather, a parrot sitting on a table, Islas said.


  • 但是加工厂他们顾客牛头然后这种肉放到一个桌子上不是放到盘子里

    But at the factory, they also cook the meat for customers. Then they put the meat on a large table, not on plates.


  • 那儿桌子玻璃试管正闪烁微弱蓝光就是他们付出极其艰辛的劳动所寻找的那种神秘东西

    And there, glowing with a faint blue light in the glass test tubes on the tables, was the mysterious something which they had worked so hard to find: Radium.


  • 孩子他们仍然饿着于是了一蛋糕桌子上,结果蛋糕一下子不见了

    The children said they were still hungry so I put a plate of cakes on the table and at one fell swoop they vanished.


  • 觉得他们就拿一个橡皮桌子

    I think he would so they took a little rubber on the table when the prizes.


  • 指定那一天小学生们一起他们鸡蛋在桌子然后老师开始打开这些鸡蛋。

    The youngsters gathered 'round on the appointed day and put their eggs on a table, and the teacher began to open them.


  • 咖啡师鼓励告知父母他们可以桌子上星巴克app点单支付

    Baristas have also been encouraged to inform parents that they can use Starbucks' app to order and pay from their tables.


  • 而四姊妹这个时候东西都摆桌子,然后把孩子们安置炉火周围,就一群饿小鸟一样喂他们吃东西,她们一边着,一边着,一边想尽力听明白那些零碎而蹩脚的英语

    The girls meantime spread the table, set the children round the fire, and fed them like so many hungry birds, laughing, talking, and trying to understand the funny broken English.


  • 中国饭里,人们同时他们食品在桌子

    In a Chinese meal, people put their food on the table at the same time.


  • 钢笔的钢笔桌子上他们钢笔铅笔盒里。

    This is my pen, your pen is on the table, and their pens are in the pencil case.


  • 他们听见莫尼卡开门赶快乔伊放到桌子这样看起来火鸡盘子里不是套乔伊

    They hear Monica trying to unlock the door. So Phoebe quickly pushes his head down onto the table to make it look like the turkey is just sitting on a platter and not stuck on Joey's head.


  • 告诉他们:“如果不是大官儿子没有生活会艰苦。”桌子放着几碗五块钱一碗的,这是他们首都第一顿饭

    "If you're not the son of an official or you don't come from money, life is going to be bitter," he told them over bowls of 90-cent noodles, their first meal in the capital.


  • 告诉他们:“如果不是大官儿子没有生活会艰苦。”桌子放着几碗五块钱一碗的,这是他们首都第一顿饭

    "If you're not the son of an official or you don't come from money, life is going to be bitter," he told them over bowls of 90-cent noodles, their first meal in the capital.


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