• 可能担心他们回国受到虐待。

    This may be for fear that they will be mistreated.


  • 他们回国后,妥协太多迅速

    When they return home, they are accused of surrendering too much, too fast.


  • 这里指责首相帮助他们回国

    People here blame the Prime Minister for failing to help them return.


  • 他们回国后,他们同时带来思想新观念。

    They inspire with new ideas when they return.


  • 他们回国的时候,他们口语肯定有所提高。

    When they come back home, their oral English must have improved.


  • 他们回国大部分从事着与中国相关工作研究

    Most of them are engaged in work or research related to China after returning home.


  • 他们回国不会刚果留下什么我们人力资源得不到升级

    When they pack up and go, the Congo will be left with nothing, not even an upgrade in our human resources.


  • Haley West:“所以他们回国背负着未能工作所在国解决职业病。”

    HALEY WEST: "So when they return back home, they've got an occupational health issue that wasn't addressed in the country where they were working."


  • 这些先锋人物大多拥有相似人生道路:作为海归他们回国后都努力追求成功

    Therefore, most of these A-listers share similar life paths: overseas returnees striving to be successful back home.


  • 他们回国以后,他们发现自己别人视为威胁他们非常纠结,对现在的处境很失望

    Then they come back to China, and discover that they are considered a threat to the others, and they are often frustrated and disappointed with the situation.


  • 但是家长孩子出国并期盼他们回国后能过上幸福的生活一个明智选择吗?

    But is it really a good choice for the parents to send their children to go abroad to study as they hope that their children can get a happy life when they go back to home in the future?


  • 个人而言如果他们通过医学检查证明病毒携带者,而且回国隔离时间我们真诚希望他们回国

    Personally speaking, If they are proven with medical check as non-virus carriers and get quarantined a period of time after arriving in China. We sincerely welcome them to go back home,.


  • 许多南非人头脑中的观念认为,外国人施以暴力,可以逼迫他们回国世界各地拥有七百万会员全球津巴布韦论坛的鲁克·祖加表示

    Many South Africans are of the mindset that violence against foreigners will force them home, says Luke Zunga of the Global Zimbabwe Forum, which has 7 million members living in worldwide diaspora.


  • 还有一些人最近才来这里攻读商学科学工程学他们拿到学位我们便他们回国其他地方去发明产品创造就业机会

    Others came more recently, to study business and science and engineering, but as soon as they get their degree, we send them home to invent new products and create new jobs somewhere else.


  • 同样随着众多闪亮优质的东西的出口意大利拥有宝贵移民资源他们很有用经验,这使他们回国本国生活产生巨大影响

    Likewise, by driving so many of its brightest and best abroad, Italy has created a precious resource of emigres with useful experience who could have a huge effect on national life if they returned.


  • 事实上联系所有曾经国外生活的都有同样感觉而且大多数人都他们是在回国后过几个才开始这种感受的。

    Virtually all of the ex-expats with whom I spoke have had the same feelings and most also said that they began to set in several months after their return.


  • 其它人来自海外我们院校大学里学习他们一旦获得学位我们他们回国我们进行竞争

    Others come here from abroad to study in our colleges and universities. But as soon as they obtain advanced degrees, we send them back home to compete against us.


  • 2月23日包括萨奇在内的科索沃阿族人原则上接受了协议回国他们人民宣传该协议,3月中旬飞抵巴黎签署最终文件

    On February 23, the Kosovar Albanians, including Thaci, accepted the agreement in principle, returned home to sell it to their people, and in mid-March traveled to Paris to sign the finished document.


  • 随着核辐射强度不断上升,公司使馆支持下他们纷纷乘坐新干线来到日本西部城市大阪或是飞机回国

    As the radiation has risen they have taken bullet trains to Osaka, in western Japan, and flights out of the country, quietly supported by their firms and embassies.


  • 领导们可能公众面前发誓众志成城但是回国他们继续防止他们本国经济陷入眼前危机中——邻居会产生的后果根本不管不顾。

    Leaders might swear in public to work together, but at home they continue to wall off their own economies against immediate dangers-with no concern for the consequences next door.


  • 他们来到国外稳定工作薪水他们委派临时的:他们盼望着年后回国

    They arrive on foreign shores with the security of a job and a salary. Their assignments are temporary: they expect to return after a few years.


  • 他们都干得不错,如果回国收拾残局更好

    They stand out there, but would be even better heading home to sort out the mess.


  • 他们都干得不错,如果回国收拾残局更好

    They stand out there, but would be even better heading home to sort out the mess.


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