• 他们不会回来了”可能铁腕法令重拳出击

    THEY never come backmay be an ironclad law of boxing


  • 他们不会回来了”可能铁腕法令重拳出击。

    "THEY never come back" may be an ironclad law of boxing.


  • 只要他们回来转告不过,我他们不会回来

    I'll tell them, if they come back, but I am not expecting them.


  • 他们他们伤员送到战地医院去就回来他们知道他们不会回来的,我们一样。

    They said they were taking the wounded to the field hospital and would come back, but they knew they weren't coming back, and so did we.


  • 几年过去了,在他们接到动物收容所电话前,以为乔治不会回来了。

    As years went by, they thought George would never be back till they got the call from an animal shelter.


  • 彼得回来他们立刻看出他们不会那里得到支持的。

    Peter returned, and they saw at once that they would get no support from him.


  • 从学校回来时,都不会忘记向父母问好。

    No one forgets to say hello to the parents when they return from school.


  • 重要的是,在大多数情况下,即使巢被风之类的摧毁,您也可以建一个新的巢,把小鸟放回其中,当父母回来后,他们不会关心他们的孩子在不同的巢里,只要你把新巢放在旧的附近,让它们就可以找到它就行。

    What's more, in most cases, even if the nest is destroyed by wind or something to that effect, you could create a new one and put all the baby birds back in it, and when the parents came back, they wouldn't care their baby birds were in a different nest, so long as you put the new nest near where the old one was so they can find it.


  • 意思是如何-蚂蚁不会回来告诉他们

    I mean how - the ants don't come back and tell them.


  • 如果不能使好友感到他们是被爱他们不会回来

    If you don't make your people feel loved they won't come back.


  • 他们要学习接受他们逝去孩子永远不会回来的事实。

    They learn to accept that their child is gone, forever, and won't be coming back.


  • 我们以为你们不会回来了呢,”但是他们父亲看到他们非常的高兴,因为以为他们独自留在树林而感到内心悲伤

    we thought you were never coming back," But their father was overjoyed to see them, for it grieved him to the heart to think that they had been left alone in the wood.


  • 他们一时不会回来——是指两个年轻人吗?

    You say you don't expect them back for some time — the young people? '?


  • 如果新手回来他们喜欢这个风格,或是说应聘者愿意回答新手们的问题,不想说明自己过去如何培养新人,这样应聘者不会通过的。

    If the juniors come back to me and say they don't like his style, he wasn't willing to respond to my question about how they have developed people in the past, then they don't get a wave through.


  • 不到深夜他们不会回来的,儿子应该八点去睡觉

    They won't get back till late and your bedtime is supposed to be at eight, son."


  • 这样保证不同地方反射回来的光容易区分开因为他们不会模糊片。

    This ensures that reflections from different places are easier to tell apart, because they do not blur into one another.


  • 当然没有就在临走之前,意识到了自己错误回来找寻的真:酒店,还有群懒散又可爱朋友们他们不会离开

    Of course not. Sitting on the tarmac he realized his mistake and returned to his true love: his bar, and the lazy, lovable friends who would never leave it.


  • 这下他们再也不会回来了。

    Now they'll never come back.


  • 作为自己的消遣习惯我会经常他们前五名的顺序上下打乱偶尔还会为了交上的朋友不得不他们之中的某个,之后他们安插回来因为知道我永远不会交上老朋友的。

    For my own amusement, I shuffle them up and down the top-five hierarchy, and sometimes kick one out for a new friend, only to have to put them back in when I remember that you can't make old friends.


  • 有些时候他们自己清静清静自己日子,几天之后他们回来还是一如既往地高兴地迎接,这样的话,瓶子再也不会你分开了。

    Leave him alone in these times, live your life and greet him back after a couple of days with same vibrancy and you will have him forever.


  • 他们不会因为回来后立即召集议会煞有介事地下榻内阁办公室简报COBRA(只是让这个缩写让人印象深刻而已)而对赞许有加。

    Neither will they reward him for recalling Parliament and conspicuously camping out in Cabinet Office Briefing room a-or COBRA, to give the room its more impressive-sounding acronym-when he got back.


  • 孩子知道如果他们车上外套不小心校车附近丢了学校作业没有回来不会生气的。

    Let your children know that you won't be upset if they don't run back to the bus to pick up a jacket they left on a seat or grab school work that they accidentally dropped near the bus.


  • 无意识层如果我们离开部落他们不会我们回来了。

    Unconscious: If we leave our tribe, they will never let us back in and we will die when we are most likely unsuccessful.


  • 因为他们永恒的;他们永远找到办法彼此回来——S继续前进,D不会(意思是说无论怎样D都不会放弃E);K更爱S ,这次是D的爱情了。

    Because their love is eternal; they will always found a way to get back to each other - Stefan will move on, but Damon never would; Katherine loved Stefan more, it's Damon's turn for love.


  • 因为他们永恒的;他们永远找到办法彼此回来——S继续前进,D不会(意思是说无论怎样D都不会放弃E);K更爱S ,这次是D的爱情了。

    Because their love is eternal; they will always found a way to get back to each other - Stefan will move on, but Damon never would; Katherine loved Stefan more, it's Damon's turn for love.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定