• Biff 迟到的原因很多也许抛锚了,保姆上班,或者天气不好

    There are many possible reasons why Biff was late, perhaps his car broke down, his babysitter did not show up, or there has been bad weather.


  • 也许觉得自信真诚

    Probably you also feel that he is both self-confident and sincere.


  • 最终索罗斯,这个全世界最主要的投机者,遇到机会哲学金融学联系了起来,也许因为卖力推销自己的“反身性”理论反而使它无用武之地了。

    Ultimately the palindromic arch-speculator, lured by another chance to meld philosophy and finance, may be trying too hard to make reflexivity work.


  • 也许是因为一天即将结束或者一直握紧的拳头松开始终没有松开的拳头。

    Was it because the day was finally coming to a close, or because I was waiting for his tight fist to loosen?


  • 独自一人那里,立在黑暗中感到冷不可耐,也许还因别的浑身战栗,寻思起来。

    Then, there alone in the darkness, trembling with cold and with something else, too, perchance, he meditated.


  • 也许想要的礼物开始很多问题,我希望永远一切事物保持好奇心

    Maybe what I want is for him to start asking me for answers again, and perhaps never stop asking for answers to everything in life.


  • 去了上海一家英国货易公司工作了个英国女人——也许第一个娶外国人的日本人——之后事业有成;妻子死一个印度女人。

    Otokichiwent on to Shanghai to work for a British trading company, married anEnglishwomanperhaps the first Japanese to do so—and prospered; after her deathhe married an Indian.


  • 由此名男子也许妻子同时迷恋着的情人,还依然在顷刻间迷上任何一位具有合适外貌陌生女子。

    Thus a man might be in love with his wife, and at the same time be infatuated with his mistress, and yet be instantly attracted to any stranger with appropriate physical characteristics.


  • 老实,补充也许花掉五六百法郎的。

    She was honest enough to add that it might cost him five or six hundred francs.


  • 也许有意识地相信自己的,潜意识地,相信自己不会死。

    Maybe at the conscious level he believed he was mortal, but at the unconscious level he believed he was immortal.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马也许正在竭力抵挡来自各方面的指责,比如说阿富汗问题上举棋不定医改方面停滞不前

    Barack Obama may be frantically fending off accusations from all sides that he is dithering over Afghanistan and stalling on health reform.


  • Galili也许并未意识到以色列舞蹈影响之深,祖国一样,舞蹈傲慢外向坚韧

    Mr Galili may not realise quite how much Israel has influenced his dance, but like his native land, it is defiant, extrovert and very tough.


  • 完全习惯或者曾经一种习惯。去年盖茨清算可口可乐公司股份也许从此再也不必喝可乐了。

    It's quite a habit, or was: last year Gates liquidated his stake in Coca-Cola Co. Maybe he kicked the can once and for all?


  • 杰克了看动物。 %“它也许突变了的异种。”。这只动物翘起它的头。

    Jack looked at the creature again. "Maybe he's a mutant, "he said. The creature tilted his head.


  • 也许没有邀请参加一个重要会议或者从来不别人时间和讨论项目问题。

    Perhaps he doesn't invite them to key meetings or he might never be available to discuss projects.


  • 也许饿了或是疲倦了或者一个迫近截止期限而分神无论是怎样原因走神的确时有发生

    He might be hungry, he might be tired, or he might be distracted by a looming deadline, but regardless of the reason for the distraction, it does happen.


  • 强作笑颜说,“如果着跟描述一下心头唤起或是体现的,千百联想思绪也许认为我很可能神经错乱了。”

    You'll perhaps think me rather inclined to become so, "he added, making an effort to smile," if I try to describe the thousand forms of past associations and ideas he awakens or embodies.


  • 也许不是最好选择生活这个社会不易,你怎能要求太多

    Perhaps you are not the best choice for his life in this society who are not, how can you demand too much then.


  • 之后搜索了“中国”,看到任何结果。 那时候就下决心建立一个中文网站,这也许就是创立阿里巴巴初衷

    When he then searched for "China" and still saw no results, he decided to set up a Chinese website - the seed for Alibaba had been sown.


  • 结束的时候错过机会有点不走运也许那个球也确实压不下来

    And he missed an opportunity near the end, he was a bit unlucky but maybe he could've taken it down.


  • 也许是因为安迪身材瘦小、英俊(或者是身上股子喜欢泰然自若),安迪进来那天起,姐妹帮就对穷追不舍。

    Because of his small size and fair good looks (and maybe also because of that very quality of self-possession I had admired), the sisters were after Andy from the day he walked in.


  • 疯狂大笑着可能会怀疑是不是快要断气,但是,突然起来,吧,他也许没事

    He does of in a extremely hardy laugh where you almost wonder if he has stopped breathing until you saw he started laughing again we think ok he's ok.


  • 现在第二毁了,要不是刚愎自用,罗伯逊也许已经逃脱

    Now he had become his destroyer a second time, since, but for his obstinacy Robertson might have effected his escape.


  • 如果提芬-西德威尔再年长——或者年轻几岁的话,也许现在阿森纳阵中的一员吧。

    If Steven Sidwell was a few years older - or a few years younger - he might now be an Arsenal regular.


  • 也许。”牢头继续出发了,这时走过管理的第一个储藏间。

    Perhaps it is, "said the Castellan, and set off again, passing the first crypts of the area under his care."


  • 也许。”牢头继续出发了,这时走过管理的第一个储藏间。

    Perhaps it is, "said the Castellan, and set off again, passing the first crypts of the area under his care."


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