• 主人一个声音悦耳红脸男人名叫赖斯孩子们相处得愉快,时间得很快

    The master, a red-faced man with a pleasant voice, was called Rice; he had a cheerful manner with boys, and the time passed quickly.


  • 主人为了声音才买一定听到

    My master bought me for my voice and I'm going to make sure he hears it.


  • 大门对讲机一个声音农场主人出来回答我问题但是个头发花白穿着棕色夹克的男人出现后几乎没说出来什么。

    A voice on an intercom at the main gate said the owner would come out to answer questions, but when a gray-haired man in a brown jacket appeared, he said little.


  • 如果趴在主人旁边安静地睡觉,就能断定自己说坏话声音不过幻觉,真实世界并不存在。

    If it is sleeping quietly next to him, he can conclude that the voices talking to him are a hallucination, not the real thing.


  • 如果趴在主人旁边安静地睡觉,就能断定朝自己说坏话声音不过幻觉,真实世界并不存在。

    If it is sleeping quietly next to him he can conclude that the voices talking to him are a hallucination not the real thing.


  • 房子主人儿子开枪打死全家6),被逮捕之所以杀害家人是因为脑子里有个嗡嗡嗡的声音指使这么

    Son of the homeowner shot and killed all his family (total 6 person). When arrested, he confessed he killed all his family because of a buzzing sound in his head told him to do it.


  • 声音主人位小男孩,当时正在妈妈身后磨蹭着,脸上副不情愿的表情,并不时回头看身后大型百货商店橱窗里的遥控玩具

    He was trailing after his mother, looking reluctantly over his shoulder at a display of remote control toys in the large department store.


  • 主人叹息不大注意既然不到夫人声音,就渴望听到名字

    I wasted no condolences on Miss, nor any expostulations on my mistress; nor did I pay much attention to the sighs of my master, who yearned to hear his lady's name, since he might not hear her voice.


  • 小猫注视着小鸟时,许多拥有室内猫主人听到这种声音,且这种声音通常伴随着快速磕牙的响声。

    Many owners of inside-only cats hear this sounds while their Kitty is bird watching. The sounds are often accompanied by rapid clicking of the teeth.


  • 听出了艾登夫人声音因为头天晚上宴会上主人过天

    He had recognized the voice to be Mrs. Eden's as during dinner the previous evening he had chatted with his hostess.


  • 主人叹息也不大注意,既然听不到夫人声音渴望着听到名字

    'she went of her own accord,' answered the master; 'she had a right to go if she pleased. Trouble me no more about her.


  • 声音主人是个长辈,样子看起来是属于智慧型的,很绅士的实现“爱”承诺“爱”送到陆地,一路上保持沉默

    I will take you. " The owner of the voice was a wise looking elder and true to his word he took her to dry land, all the while keeping a rather reserved silence."


  • 当摩都塔刚看到狄发拉时,先是很惊讶接着沙哑声音说:“那仁慈的好主人以为钱袋,想把我屈打成招。”

    Seeing Devala, Mahaduta started with surprise, and then said hoarsely, "My kind master thought I'd stolen that purse. He had me whipped so that I would confess."


  • 当摩都塔刚看到狄发拉时,先是很惊讶接着沙哑声音说:“那仁慈的好主人以为钱袋,想把我屈打成招。”

    Seeing Devala, Mahaduta started with surprise, and then said hoarsely, "My kind master thought I'd stolen that purse. He had me whipped so that I would confess."


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