• 愤怒放言影射好莱坞同性恋黑手党”。

    He speaks with rage of insinuations that there's a "gay mafia" in Hollywood.


  • 安德鲁·威尔法特遗体今年二月运回了美国特拉华州多佛空军基地不问言”政策被废除后在战斗中身亡第一公开同性恋身份的美国士兵

    The body of Andrew Wilfahrt - the first openly gay US soldier to die in combat since Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed - is returned to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, in February.


  • 安德鲁·威尔法特遗体今年二月运回了美国特拉华州多佛空军基地不问言”政策被废除后在战斗中身亡第一公开同性恋身份的美国士兵

    The body of Andrew Wilfahrt – the first openly gay US soldier to die in combat since Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealedis returned to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, in February.


  • 喜欢关于欧洲社会政策同性恋权利一些问题上的立场,两点让我乐意交往:一是圈外人,二是胆魄

    I did not share or like his attitudes on Europe, social policy or on issues like gay rights, but there were two points of connection: he was an outsider and he had balls.


  • 发现同性恋线索,那时男子陪葬品武器榔头石刀等,在这墓穴的一边还有一些食物和水。

    Another clue is that men tended to be interred with weapons, hammers and flint knives as well as several portions of food and drink to accompany them to the other side.


  • 传统男子汉气概表现在惩罚任何越界男人无论是由于同性恋娘娘腔体弱多病或是缺乏阳刚之气的表现。

    Traditional masculinity was about punishing any man who stepped out of bounds, whether it was because he was gay, feminine, physically weak, or in some other way short of the masculine standard.


  • 来说,,我相信允许同性恋公开服役正确的。”,“不管我怎么这件事,我无法逃离被这么一现实困恼。

    “[S]peaking for myself and myself only, it is my personal belief that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be the right thing to do,” he said.


  • 1972年,吉姆离开家上大学以后两家里封信解释同性恋,而知道父亲永远不会接受这件事

    In 1972, a couple of years after Jim left for college, he sent his family a letter explaining that he was gay and that he knew his father would never accept it.


  • 哈吉斯说了凯蒂,凯蒂第一次婚姻中所生的女儿最小的那透露自己是同性恋之后失去了教内朋友的友谊。

    Haggis related a story about Katy, the youngest of three daughters from his first marriage, who lost the friendship of a fellow-Scientologist after revealing that she was gay.


  • 仅仅几年演员以赛亚·华盛顿据传谈到剧组同事时说了污蔑同性恋话,丢掉电视剧“实习医生格”中的工作

    Only a few years ago, actor Isaiah Washington lost his job on "Grey's Anatomy," months after he reportedly used a gay slur in referring to a fellow cast member.


  • 几年意识布瑞克先生同性恋也是家人疏远的原因从未事。

    Years ago, he had sensed that Mr. Brick was gay, and that this was the reason he was estranged from his family, but it wasn't a conversation they ever had.


  • 过程中摩根表现自己令人悚然(而且)的谩骂能力观众怀疑是否不过是普通的憎恨同性恋者。

    In the process, Morgan revealed that he's capable of frightening (and unfunny) invective, and left his audience wondering whether he is a garden-variety homophobe.


  • 考古学家们认为不是巧合或者失误因为时期,古人葬礼都非常隆重,出现这种事情基本不可能。 而更有可能的是一个同性恋者或者异装癖

    Archaeologists do not think it was a mistake or coincidence given the importance attached to funerals during the period, known as the Corded Ware era because of the pottery it produced.


  • 波特身高5英尺4英寸,公开同性恋声音短促而尖利,平时潮流又奢华。《卡波特》《声名狼藉》,赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角的菲利普·西摩·霍夫以及演员曼托比·琼斯演绎得栩栩如生

    Capote was 5ft 4in, openly gay, with a squeaky voice and flamboyant fashion sense, as portrayed brilliantly by Philip Seymour Hoffman in his Oscar-winning role in Capote, and Toby Jones in Infamous.


  • 件事让多伦多战绩不佳,因为那里相当大的同性恋社团而且那里国外出生的人加上们的子女,其总数已经超过了本地出生的居民

    Neither went over well in Toronto, home to a sizeable gay community and where the foreign-born and their children outnumber native-born residents.


  • 斯丹博,很坦率同性恋者,没有并补充俄勒冈州结婚不合法因为“将会选择位男同性恋结婚。”

    Stambaugh, openly gay, said that he was not, adding that it would be illegal for him to be married in the state of Oregon because he “would choose to marry another guy.”


  • 秘鲁活跃分子JorgeBracamonte去年竞选安第斯议会席位并不是为了(没有赢)而是为了发动一场对同性恋恐惧症的战役

    A Peruvian activist, Jorge Bracamonte, ran for a seat in the Andean Parliament last year, not so much to win (he didn't) but in order to campaign against homophobia.


  • 星期前,ABC大热剧集《摩登家庭》正在紧张地拍摄新的集:由艾里克·史东斯崔扮演的肥胖同性恋男卡梅隆发现了一坏消息——伴侣米切尔忘记发请帖当晚来参加募捐活动的客人,卡梅隆已经预定蟹肉、借来了表演用的竖琴不到客人。

    His partner, Mitchell, had failed to mail out invitations to a fund-raiser in their home that night. Cam had ordered the crab cakes and rented the harps, but he had no guests.


  • 最近来自苹果公司总裁蒂姆库克宣称自己同性恋发表了强有力的演讲决定面对真正的自己。

    Recently, the CEO named Tim Cook who is from iPhone company claimed that he was a gay, he gave a powerful speech, saying that he decided to face who he was.


  • 拥抱了,还悄悄告诉我华盛顿街谈巷议耳语道:“真是无赖开除是因为同性恋。”

    He gave me a hug and in a few words that indicated the extent of Washington’s Beltway grapevine, whispered, “That was a real bummer, your getting fired because you were gay.”


  • 同性恋,这虽然公开秘密,但从不公开谈论甚至1951年与芭蕾演员诺拉定婚.(一直未婚。

    Though his homouality was an open secret, he never discussed it in public, going so far in 1951 as to become engaged to the ballerina Nora Kaye. (They never married.


  • 硬汉有可能同性恋倒不认为观点没什么根据,虽然格雷戈确实自己父亲为“欧内斯婷”,亲爱的

    The idea that this he-man might actually have been gay is, he thinks, shallowly rooted-though Gregory did provide ammunition by calling his father "Ernestine, dear".


  • 最近来自苹果公司总裁蒂姆·库克宣称自己同性恋发表了强有力的演讲决定面对真正的自己。

    Recently, the CEO named Tim Cookwho is from iPhone company claimed that he was a gay, he gave a powerful speech, saying that he decided to face who he was.


  • 一同刊发采访中奥巴马表示,在记忆中,自己碰到第一公开同性恋者身份的大学教授。在男女同性恋学生心中,在校园里是一励志人物

    In the accompanying interview Obama said that the first openly gay person he remembered meeting was a college professor who was an inspirational figure on campus for gay and lesbian students.


  • 朱先生想法来自新闻报道的关于同性恋四川成都间酒吧庆祝婚礼的一篇文章

    Zhu said the idea came to him following a recent news article about two gay men who celebrated their illegal 'wedding' in a bar in Chengdu, Sichuan , early this month.


  • 朱先生想法来自新闻报道的关于同性恋四川成都间酒吧庆祝婚礼的一篇文章

    Zhu said the idea came to him following a recent news article about two gay men who celebrated their illegal 'wedding' in a bar in Chengdu, Sichuan , early this month.


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