• 新的好玩方式成为个人网站设计的配。

    It will be used to personalize standard web copy in new and exciting ways.


  • 一家电脑游戏网站投票选举对电子游戏界影响最大的18个人之一,对一个几乎不电脑游戏的来说,这是个相当高的荣誉

    One gaming website voted him the joint 18th-most-influential person in computer games, quite an honour for someone who hardly played them.


  • 同时指出登陆个人邮件账户重要的,因为很多网站密码通过邮件获取的。

    As he points out, having access to a person's E-mail account is the most important thing, because many Web site passwords can be retrieved through E-mail.


  • 个人网站可以上dwax.org去看。

    His personal site can be found at dwax.org.


  • 据悉,托雷斯上周接受西甲联赛官网采访,当时使用西班牙语。之后,有工作人员将托雷斯西班牙语版本的采访翻译英语,放在托雷斯的个人网站上,其中就有关于切尔西球员的评价,托雷斯称切尔西的中场球员“年事已高,速度偏慢”,并且称购买同胞马塔是正确的选择。

    The striker spoke to the official website of Spain's Primera Liga last week, with an English translation later appearing on the striker's personal website.


  • 即使个人有罪网站还是会继续运作的。

    He said even if the four men were found guilty the website would continue operating.


  • 嘉道里道公寓里身着按钮式牛仔上衣宽松长运动裤的宋先生试图自己个人观点网站隐去。

    Sitting in his apartment on Kadoorie Avenue in sweatpants and a button-down denim shirt, Mr. Soong says he tries to keep his personal views out of the site.


  • 被拘留开始有着波斯语英语博客个人网站关闭了,关于回到伊朗的网页充斥头发护理广告

    Since his arrest, his website, which contained blogs in both Persian and English, have shut down and his website for his return to Iran has been taken over with hair treatment spam.


  • 个人第一来到网站时,往往浏览你的“关于”页面或是个人履历

    When someone comes to your site for the first time, they're likely to hit 'about' or 'bio'.


  • 根据地方新闻媒体报道巴蒂斯塔现年55岁但是ASI环球网站提供的个人专业档案并不包含年龄信息。

    Local news media reported that Batista is 55, but his age was not included in his professional profile on the ASI Global Web site.


  • 个人网站所有关于全国医疗保健系统计划详细内容。

    His website has all the details of his plan for a national health-care system.


  • 一个运算法则衡量这些行为确定个人打开看这个email信息以及打开后并决定点击这个网站,最后到购买这个商品一系列行为的可能性

    An algorithm would weigh those behaviors to determine the likelihood that someone will open the E-mail message, and once opened, decide to click through to the site and buy the product.


  • 可以 Eden Journal (《伊甸园杂志) 网站获取的大量关于个人成长哲学醒悟文章

    You can find him at Eden Journal, where he posts a wide spectrum of articles from personal development to spiritual and philosophical awakenings.


  • 最近开通个人网站网站名字叫thegatesnotes.com,在网站列出许多活动关注的事情,对现今一些事件和革新发表个人观点。

    He recently started a personal website called thegatesnotes.com that catalogs his many activities and interests, and offers up his opinions on innovations and issues of the day.


  • 对于扮演的角色希曼下面有意思的摘录——来自个人网站dolphlundgren.net。

    Here is an interesting quote from dolph, taken from his website dolphlundgren.net regarding his role as he-man.


  • 如果登录Facebook网站然后访问精选网站页面的话,访问信息会同时发送FacebookNHS

    If a person is logged into Facebook and visits a Choices web page, information about that visit is transmitted to both Facebook and the NHS.


  • YouTube视频网站发布一则在线消息表示:“如果提起的裤子,将会提升受尊重程度”,同时还恳请年轻人不要“无视自己个人形象”。

    In an online message posted on YouTube, he said:"You can raise your level of respect if you raise your pants.", while pleading to young people not to "surrender control over your own image".


  • 慕岩是国内热门婚恋交友网站百合网的创始人之一,现担任网站副总裁。 ,2009年项针对中国10万单身人群调查显示,对于女性而言个人收入择偶标准名列第三位;对于男性而言,外貌长相位居第三。

    A survey of more than 100, 000 single Chinese in 2009 found that for women, personal income ranked third among the top criteria in choosing a spouse, while physical appearance ranked third for men.


  • 03年新增个人消费者竞拍网站淘宝网,并引进即时交谈(instant messaging)功能随后将此功能也运用在商业站点上

    In 2003 he added a consumer auction site, Taobao, that allowed instant-messaging-a feature later added to his business sites.


  • 男性用户网站上建立自己个人档案透露自己的个人信息只有女人选择之后,才能与其交流。

    Male users set up profiles revealing information about themselves and are only allowed to communicate with a woman if she chooses them.


  • 拥有100小时个人第一个人了80小时使网站看上去恰到好处还有20小时花内容上。

    Two people have 100 hours each. The first spent 80 hours making his site look just right and 20 hours on his content.


  • 归属利物浦英格兰。”个人网站说到。

    My place is here at Liverpool, and in England, "the 26-year-old told his personal website."


  • 这个叫伊恩·亚瑟,家住澳大利亚44英国男人不仅正在拍卖网站易趣上出售个人用品在出售人生

    Ian Usher, a 44-year-old British man living in Australia, is using the online auction site eBay to sell not only his belongings, but his entire life.


  • 同事们的主要研究工具是Twitter。Twitter是一个社会网络网站,其中每可以通过它好友发送消息

    He and his colleagues looked at Twitter, a social networking website that allows people to post short messages to long lists of friends.


  • 俱乐部个人第一个职业赛季感到满意激动,”曼联老板告诉曼联网站

    Everyone at the club has been very impressed and excited by his first year as a professional, "the United boss told ManUtd. com."


  • 俱乐部个人第一个职业赛季感到满意激动,”曼联老板告诉曼联网站

    Everyone at the club has been very impressed and excited by his first year as a professional, "the United boss told ManUtd. com."


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