• 不要任何东西作为回报。

    He wanted nothing in return.


  • 警告不要任何心烦的话。

    She warned me not to say anything to upset him.


  • 敦促委员会不要相信任何二手消息传闻

    He urged the committee to discount any secondhand knowledge or hearsay.


  • 如果阿拉伯人家做客不要欣赏任何有价值的东西,因为主人觉得应该作为礼物送给你。

    If you visit an Arab family's home, don't admire anything valuable because your host will feel he should give it to you as a present.


  • 为了避免引起怀疑示意不要发出任何钦佩声音。

    He signed to them not to give vent to any cry of admiration that might rouse suspicion.


  • 从那以后每天都允许进入卧室被警告不要谈论冒险经历,也不要提出任何令人兴奋话题

    He was admitted to the bedroom daily after that, but was warned to keep still about his adventure and introduce no exciting topic.


  • 曾经叮嘱不要任何

    He had been warned not to tell anyone about it.


  • 小心注意不要报告里任何小错

    He was careful not to make any slip in his report.


  • 例如问道:“不要括号前后或括号前面放置任何空格。”

    For example, he asks: "Don't put any Spaces before or after the left bracket or before the right bracket."


  • 但是告诉不论什么,千万不要回答任何问题

    But said to him 'don't try to answer any questions whatever you do.


  • 动身镇上前,命令我们不要任何我们看到事情,还依次记下了我们在场的每个名字

    Before heading back to town, he ordered us not to speak to anyone about what we had seen, and jotted down, one by one, the names of all who had been there.


  • 表示认为我们小心行事,不要发出任何保护主义信号”。

    I think we have to be very careful about sending any protectionist signals out there,” he said.


  • 还让发誓在逗留的这时间内不要告诉任何因为不想别人因为自己从来不相信东西而取笑自己。

    He made me promise not to tell anyone while we were visiting because he did not want to get laughed at for something he doesn't even believe in.


  • 敦促可能提供情报不要低估收集任何一条情报的重要性

    He urges potential informants not to underestimate the importance of any piece of information they can gather.


  • 一些建议不要请求宽恕或者发泄愤怒如果没有最初直面“懂得出自我的胸怀.可能真实的。将永远不知道,因为是我所做的,并且我不能返回重新以任何方式做。

    There are those who have suggested that I could have never asked his forgiveness or let go of the anger if I had not first confronted him and "gotten it off my chest." This may be true.


  • 小镇一个名叫亚伯拉罕朋友曾经告诉永远不要任何知道:“如果什么看到块钱就会认为你有二十块。”

    The one friend he had in town, a man by the name of Abrahim, had told him never to let anyone know how much money he had: "If someone sees you have two dollars, he will think you have twenty."


  • 中国跨栏运动明星刘翔做好了复出参赛的准备,赛事组织者希望不要任何获胜压力

    As Liu Xiang, China's star hurdler, gets ready to compete again, organizers are keen to deflect any pressure on him to win.


  • 苏珊是的但是不要告诉任何不想别人知道

    Susan: Yes, he was , but don't tell anyone. He doesn't want anyone to know.


  • 一边检查食物准备,一边向详细解释“如何检查饼”麦当劳几年就已经推出的产品;并且告诫不要任何东西

    He examines the food-preparation area as he explains, in great detail, the "review of the hash browns" that McDonald's initiated a few years agoand admonishes me to not touch anything.


  • 再三嘱咐大家不要病人缺少任何东西

    He urged every one repeatedly not to allow the invalid to want for anything.


  • 里克泰瑞金姆不要告诉任何事,因为菜是获得信息的。

    Rick asks Teri and Kim not to say anything to him because Eli has sent him in to get information.


  • 所以不要任何困难所吓倒,环境不能改变上帝品质,上帝的恩惠依然完全有效的,依然在为着想,即使你感觉不到的存在。

    So don't be troubled by trouble. Circumstances cannot change the character of God. God's grace is still in full force; he is still for you, even when you don't feel it.


  • 的讨论中不要带有任何谴责、反感不要对方感觉攻击

    You'll need to do it without accusations, without resentment, without making the other person feel he's under attack.


  • 我们需要一块专门的土地,在这上面你们什么不要”,表示解释说,任何捕猎捕鱼开矿砍伐的活动都会野生动物赶走,最终破坏生意

    We also need special zones where you do nothing else, ' " says Holle, explaining that any hunting, fishing, mining, and logging would chase away wildlife and ruin the business.


  • 佛祖拈花微笑时,告诉我们,不要盲目听信任何

    As the gently smiling Buddha beckons, don’t just believe in anyone’s teachings blindly.


  • 表示当时酒店断电建议所有顾客不要任何开门

    He also said that the electricity at the hotel had gone and that he had advised all guests not to open their room [s] to anyone.


  • 表示当时酒店断电建议所有顾客不要任何开门

    He also said that the electricity at the hotel had gone and that he had advised all guests not to open their room [s] to anyone.


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