• 显示来自Web应用程序portlet输出,应用程序可以调用配置嵌入式浏览器portlet查看器从而控制用户体验

    Your applications can invoke and configure both the embedded browser and portlet viewer to control the user experience when displaying the output from Web applications and portlets, respectively.


  • 这两个代码块都会使用switch语句计算int从而得到输出控制的供人阅读的字符串值。

    Both blocks of code evaluate an int value using a switch statement that results in a human-readable string value printed to the console.


  • 特别要注意,我们生成构件添加一些代码Application Developer控制输出跟踪消息从而能够了解系统执行情况

    In particular, we'll add some code to the generated artifacts that will write trace messages to the Application Developer console so we can understand the execution of the system.


  • 电压控制电压控制设定电压调整运行从而设计范围控制发电机组输出电压的变阻器

    Voltage control the voltage control is a rheostat that sets the operating point of the voltage regulator and therefore controls the output voltage of the generator set, within its design limits.


  • 提出一种反馈调度方法在线调节控制任务截止时限从而减少输出抖动

    A feedback scheduling approach was presented to adjust control tasks deadlines online thus to reduce output jitter.


  • 伺服系统将检测信号输入指令进行比较,将转化从而控制输出元件

    The servo systems compare the feedback signal with input instruction, then convert the difference into compensatory instruction so to control the output component.


  • PLC输出信号直接控制电机转速从而达到控制水位目的

    PLC output signals directly control the motor speed, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the water level.


  • 论文所论述的系统采用MSP430F149单片机通过不对称规则采样法输出高精度三相spwm波形从而实现了逆变器的SPWM控制

    The system adopts MSP430F149 MCU and asymmetry regular-sampling strategy to output high precision SPWM wave, consequently transducer's SPWM control is realized.


  • 提出了一种新颖时变模糊控制计算可变-信号序列从而达到控制输出要求

    A novel time - varying fuzzy controller is presented to compute the variable on - OFF signal sequence to achieve control requirements.


  • 试验结果表明,依照文中给出方法构成振动控制系统可以精确地补偿振系统本身的特性影响,从而能够使激振器或振动台输出具有任意目标频率特性的波形。

    The testing results show that the vibration control system can accurately compensate the frequency response of the shaker system so that any output with desired spectrum can be achieved.


  • 通过导频控制输出电压控制热敏电阻从而改变调节网络增益,达到稳定传输电平的目的。

    The output voltage of controller exerts an influence on thermal resistor so as to change gain characteristic in regulation circuit, thus the transmission levels being stabilized.


  • 利用温度传感器测控对象温度信号设定温度值进行PID调节从而控制高频输出功率的大小。

    Temperature sensor will be used to measure the temperature signal and build temperature for PID adjusting to realize the automatic output high frequency power.


  • 节能控制作用,节能电动机自动改变输出功率等级从而尽可能的提高电动机的负荷率

    With the effect of the energy-saving controller, the grade of the output power of the energy-saving motor can be changed automatically to make the motor run under largest possible load ratio.


  • 篇论文中,使用静态模型获取稳定状态下输入输出关系从而简化建模过程控制设计

    In this paper, only static models were used to capture the input-output relationship in the steady state, which simplifies both the modeling pro-cess and the controller design.


  • 由于系统输出方程引入控制项,从而使相应对偶模型的经济内涵更为深刻。

    That is, a control vector is drawn into the output equation of the system.


  • 从而对于任何特定功率输出, 节气由燃烧空气控制时的情形开启大。

    The throttle valve will accordingly be wider open, for any particular power output, than it would be if it controlled only combustion air.


  • 根据重复控制理论设计重复控制使系统输出跟踪输入周期性或重复性参考信号从而达到跟踪控制的目的。

    Based on the theory of repetitive control, the repetitive controller, which makes the output of the system track the periodic reference signals, is designed.


  • 方法通过模糊控制调节PID控制输出从而改善系统性能

    The PID control signal was modulated by fuzzy control to improve the system performance.


  • 本文主要研究了利用STC系列单片机控制PWM信号输出从而实现直流电机转速进行控制方法

    This paper mainly studied using STC series microcontroller control PWM signal output so as to realize the speed control of a dc motor control method.


  • 采用一种基于参数自调整增量式模糊控制,对电机相电流进行优化,从而实现转矩输出

    Using the incremental fuzzy control with self-adapting parameter, the phase current of the switch reluctance motor was optimized, and the constant torque control is implemented.


  • 方法传统控制基础增加零比较通过优化逆变器的开关逻辑从而实现滞环控制下并网逆变器的三态输出

    Through adding a zero-crossing comparator and optimizing the inverter switching logic, this method which is based on the traditional two-state hysteresis control can achieve three-state outputs.


  • 可编程控制技术针对不同电火花条件改变高压整流装置输出电压,以保持适中火花率,从而使收尘器的收尘效率达到最佳。

    According to various conditions of electric spark, the programmable control technology can be used to chang the output voltage of the high voltage rectifier unit to keep the spark...


  • 本文超声发生器加入功率因数校正电路(APFC),利用单片机控制数字电位器实现了对电压反馈网络调节从而实现APFC输出电压在一定范围内的自适应控制

    The self-adaptable control of output voltage could be realized under certain range by adding a APFC in ultrasonic generator and adjusting voltage feedback network with digital potentiometers.


  • 采用基于误差优先判断PID控制方式控制斩波器输出电压从而实现电源输出功率控制

    Second, the management of power output power can be carried out by PID control mode, which is based on the error of judgment and aims at control the chopper output voltage.


  • 拦截器发动机为脉冲型发动机,从而限定器的输出集。对于该拦截器的姿态控制,提出了基于决策控制方法。

    The idea of control based decision tree was proposed for attitude control of the space interceptor with the on-off actuators.


  • 利用可编程序控制脉冲输出指令控制步进电机转速方向移动距离从而实现精确定位

    PLC used Pulse Output Function to control the stepper motor speed, direction and distance of movement, accordingly realizing the purpose of exact orientation.


  • 最终通过设计单片机控制程序控制单片机系统输出信号从而控制机器人驱动系统,使机器人按照引导线行进

    Finally the program controls the output signals of the MCU system and further controls the actuation system of the robot to guide the robot to move according to the line road.


  • 控制根据电机在不同转速下的输出信号,经过数字处理提供给电机适当电流频率使之达到超静音,同时使电机能发挥最大转矩和最高的效率从而使电机动力强劲。

    The controller processes the motor output signal digitally, and provides suitable current and frequency to the motor to make it silent and efficient, hence enhance the power of the motor.


  • 方法依赖于系统的精确模型,将待控制量的误差及其变化率作为输入,根据控制要求建立模糊规则,实时输出比例、积分、微分系数的修正量,从而改善控制效果

    This method does not depend on the precise model, and establish the fuzzy rules under certain control requires. It can improve the Control results by adjusting the parameters in time.


  • 方法依赖于系统的精确模型,将待控制量的误差及其变化率作为输入,根据控制要求建立模糊规则,实时输出比例、积分、微分系数的修正量,从而改善控制效果

    This method does not depend on the precise model, and establish the fuzzy rules under certain control requires. It can improve the Control results by adjusting the parameters in time.


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