• 邀请各位共同庆祝,参与活动给予支持做出贡献从而实现我们连通世界承诺

    I invite you to celebrate with us and participate in the events, providing your support as well as your contributions in order to fulfill our commitment to connect the world.


  • 示例中,我们创建一个包含可扩展节点部件定制模式从而实现拓扑的基础。

    In this example, we create a custom pattern with the Extendable nodes part to achieve the foundation for the topology.


  • 我们必须减低解决方案实现成本同时显著提高对用户的响应速度从而满足市场需要实现我们财务目标

    Furthermore, we needed to improve significantly our response time to deliver solutions in order to meet market and financial goals, while lowering our implementation costs.


  • 仅仅实现应用程序可用不够的,我们应该使磁盘数据高度可用,从而实现完整可用性。

    Making application highly available is not sufficient; we should also make the disk data highly available to achieve complete high availability.


  • 20国集团支持我们增添动力从而实现布朗首相提出目标。

    G-20 backing will help us gain more momentum, so that we can build towards the goal set by Prime Minister Brown.


  • 真实业务中,我们按照HIPPAHL - 7等HealthCareStandards获取信息,从而可以异构系统实现操作。

    In real time business we follow these based on HealthCare Standards like HIPPA and HL-7 to make it interoperable on heterogeneous systems.


  • 我们使用6个Apache服务器节点,可以测试实现更高工作负载吞吐量从而模拟更大型部署

    We used 6 Apache server nodes to drive higher workload throughputs during testing and thereby simulate larger deployments.


  • 现在我们已经准备好制定决策确定参与者哪些、它们将如何连接在一起以便实现正常工作的系统从而确定服务实现方式。

    Now we are ready to make some decisions about how the services will be realized by deciding what the participants will be and how they will be connected to realize a functioning system.


  • 实现具有并发性要求系统时,我们可以基于操作的要求采用更粒度的锁定策略从而减少资源用。

    In implementing systems with high concurrency requirements we can devise finer grained locking strategies based on the access requirements of the operations, hence reducing contention for resources.


  • 不用担心,在深入了解如何实现应用程序服务我们简要进行一下回顾,从而为进行一步讨论奠定基础。

    Fear not, we'll do a quick recap to set the stage before diving into the details of how to implement the services of our application.


  • 这些知识认为很多机会可以获得更多精力从而使我们生活实现大的产出价值

    With this knowledge in hand, I think there are a great number of opportunities for getting more energy and therefore more production and value out of life.


  • 我们继续我们盟国以及新兴合作伙伴组织协商振兴和扩大我们的合作,从而实现共同目标

    We will also continue to closely consult with our Allies as well as newly emerging partners and organizations so that we revitalize and expand our cooperation to achieve common objectives.


  • 我们研究一些相关的工具它们允许VMM进行优化,从而实现系统性能的优化。

    Let's examine the tools that can allow you to tune the VMM to optimize performance for your system.


  • 由于代码仅仅作为样例使用我们没有执行任何实际的错误处理但是我们实现一个虚构的异常处理程序,从而完成代码编译。

    Because this code is only a sample we don't perform any real error processing, but we do implement a dummy exception handler to allow the code to compile.


  • 我们支持许多现有提议而且我们持续紧密投资者政策制定者以及市场参与者一起努力,从而实现全球全球持续监管

    We support many of the current proposals and we will continue to work closely with investors, policymakers and market participants to achieve globally consistent regulation.


  • 我们不能强迫用户理解文件系统从而实现他们目标只要菜单上一个简单放弃修改功能就足够了。

    Rather than forcing the user to understand the file system to achieve her goal, a simple Abandon Changes function on the main menu would suffice.


  • 我们祝福实现一个完全提升感谢通过进行上述冥想地球之间分享从而全球提升所作贡献。

    We bless you for a complete ascension and thank you for contributing to global ascension by participating in the above meditation and in the sharing of the love between yourself and earth.


  • 全球化加深国家之间相互依赖时代我们应该推动多极格局形成从而实现世界秩序

    During the age when globalization deepens the interdependence among countries, we should impel the formation of multipolar pattern to realize the new world order.


  • 我们电脑软件实现脊柱3D重建从而评估种族种族间可靠性

    Objective. To evaluate the intrarater and interrater reliability of a computer tool used for 3D reconstruction of the spine.


  • 符合立法精神前提如何做好税务筹划工作从而实现企业权益最大化值得我们探讨的问题。

    In compliance with the legislative spirit, under the premise of how well the tax planning work, so as to realize the maximization of enterprise rights, is worth us of discussion.


  • 我们致力于保护提升品牌在网络上形象同时帮助实现中国消费者的沟通互动从而刺激销售扩大利润

    We strive to protect and enhance brands' images online while enabling increased engagement with consumers to drive sales and profit.


  • 我们始终依靠提供完美产品完善服务追求客户最大的满意从而实现企业价值

    We always rely on providing the most perfect products and the perfect services to pursue customer the biggest satisfaction, thus realize enterprise value!


  • 我们把SU(2)操作分解为三个旋转操作连续作用,并且控制其中操作,从而实现了对博弈参与者的操作参数空间限制

    Having decomposed SU (2) operator into product of three rotation operators and controlled one kind of them, we impose a constraint on the parameter space of the players' operator.


  • 实现一目标,我们客户共同开发优化产品服务从而客户创造新的价值

    To accomplish this, We develop and optimize our products and services, together with our customers, so that we can add value for our customers.


  • 我们设计实现了“用户存放程序中用到数据,从而减少JVM对象数量,降低其管理大量对象带来的额外开销

    We designed and implemented a structure named "User Heap" to store small objects to decrease the overhead for JVM to manage a large number of these objects.


  • 虽然最终可能我们能追准确实现我们最初目标我们努力途中发现自我价值不再迷茫从而获得而外意想不到成功

    Although we did not catch the end could accurately to achieve our initial goal, but we are trying to find a way of self-worth, no longer confused, resulting in suits unexpected success.


  • 也警告道:“我们必须保持警惕使这一下降趋势成为常态从而得以实现亚马逊地区雨林砍伐梦想。”

    But he warned: "We must stay alert so that this falling trend becomes consolidated and allows us to achieve the dream of zero deforestation in the Amazon."


  • 也警告道:“我们必须保持警惕使这一下降趋势成为常态从而得以实现亚马逊地区雨林砍伐梦想。”

    But he warned: "We must stay alert so that this falling trend becomes consolidated and allows us to achieve the dream of zero deforestation in the Amazon."


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