• 因为通过绩效评估,员工一般能够管理者手中得到相应的回报。

    Because by through the performance appraisal, the employee always get the feedback from a manager.


  • 英文书院管理者员工,他们都乐于提供您最好的教育服务。

    The Mei Cheng English College, all people from the administrator to the staff are very eager to serve the educational business.


  • Jeff使用数值范围1 - 10来衡量管理者团队成员收集得来意见反馈(平均数)。

    Jeff USES a scale from 1-10, gathering feedback from both the Manager and team mates (averaged).


  • 员工管理者那里获得有关目标进程的正面反馈他们就会受到鼓励,促使他们更加努力来实现目标

    When employees receive positive feedback from their managers for progress made toward achieving a goal, they will be encouraged to work that much harder to achieve it.


  • 管理者角度看,首先是是否把终身教育建立学习化社会上升为重要目标,在法律上作出明确规定

    In the perspective of its external cause, the establishment of learning-based community mainly correlates with the development levels of community economy, policy and education.


  • 方案不仅使选举人进行等级选举而且可使选举人利用管理者获得单一签名同时进行不同类型电子选举

    The scheme enables a voter to engage in not only the estate election, but also some different electronic elections simultaneously by using a single signature obtained from administrator.


  • 论文阐述图书馆实行柔性管理必要性着重管理者馆员两个不同角度解释了管理和服务工作中的具体运用

    This paper expounds the necessity of flexible management in library administration and its application in library management and service done by supervisor and librarian respectively.


  • 根据分析结果作者管理者经营者消费者三个方面,我国缺陷汽车产品召回管理工作提出一些有益的建议对策

    Based on these analysis results, we put forward some Suggestions and strategies which are benefit to defective automobile product recall administration from supervisor, operator and consumer.


  • 系统方法完成这个框架保证项目管理者通过了项目的每个方面并且每个方面进行了考虑

    Completing the framework in a methodical way ensures that project managers have thought through every aspect of a problem and considered it from every perspective.


  • 管理者通过薪酬安排提升决策手段,通过团队沟通交流手下人中创建出一个团队。

    The manager creates a team out of his people, through decisions on pay, placement, promotion, and through his communications with the team.


  • 我们需要执行必要的变化时及早HR部门管理者得到支持

    We need early support from HR departments and managers in carrying out the necessary changes.


  • 失败中学习,这句老掉牙的话,但是太多管理者好似忘了而且事情做错时总是习惯责骂

    It is common wisdom that we learn from our mistakes, but too many managers seem to forget this and try to assign blame when things go wrong.


  • 通过授权其他人每天就会更多动作,让管理企划解放出来,只要那些管理者才能做的事情。

    By delegating, others do much of the day-to-day work in your organization, freeing you up to manage, plan, and take on the kinds of jobs that only you can do as a manager.


  • 众所周知一些哈佛这样学校顶尖管理者捐赠资金受益匪浅。

    It is well known that some institutions, notably Harvard, have benefited greatly from putting top-notch managers in charge of their endowment funds.


  • 同样最近指挥结构上的改变已经基层管理者战斗主官中分离开,监狱留下一些规律程序

    Also, recent changes in the command structure have separated base administration from combat leadership, leaving some disciplinary processes in limbo.


  • 巴黎许多自己优势大量国际银行法国巴黎银行法国农业信贷银行;法兰克福更多的国际公司以及和管理者联络的简便渠道。

    Yet Paris has many advantages: a large number of international Banks, from BNP-Paribas to credit Agricole; more international companies than Frankfurt; and easy access to regulators.


  • 建议问题怎样引入Scrum转换怎样解决管理者当前面临问题

    He recommends reframing the problem from how to introduce Scrum to how to solve the problems the manager already faces.


  • 提醒博客上的更动,允许远程核准跟帖评论这项新功能另WordPress管理者更方便快捷地控制他们博客

    From alerting you to changes on your blog to allowing you to remotely approve post comments, the feature will help WordPress administrators keep things on their blogs on a short leash.


  • 4月30号高管会议记录显示,他们讨论过如何Facebook人,中间有提到个观点:“员工离职绝不离开某些工作岗位他们离开的是某些管理者,”他们“离开的是让他们伤心那个环境”。

    The minutes for an April 30 management meeting talk about recruiting from Facebook and note: “People don’t leave jobs they leave managers, ” they “leave situations that are making them sad.”


  • 同意管理者服务业务网络部门中分离出来,如同意大利电信建议,而欧洲管理者希望所有现任者都如此进行的那样

    It agreed with regulators to separate its services business from its network division, as Telecom Italia now proposes-and European regulators would like all incumbents to do.


  • 篇文章更多网站管理者视角来谈的,这里补充一些阅读者的观点——订阅RSS非电子邮件,会带来哪些好处

    That article is more into webmaster point of view, but in this post I want to add in a readers’ prespectiveWhat are the benefits for subscribing RSS instead of email newsletter?


  • 作为管理者可以每个团队成员交流,了解他们工作希望得到什么,这样,将证明你很重视他们。

    You can talk to each of your team members tolearn what each one wants from the job. By doing this, you are demonstratingthat you really care.


  • 经理人上课得到一个经验就是企业行为理论能够引起这些管理者共鸣并且也被证明他们有启发的。

    It has been my experience in teaching executives that a Behavioral Theory of the Firm resonates with these managers and proves instructive for them.


  • 一方面,项目管理者更加关注资源进度成本等方面管理项目计划

    The project manager, on the other hand, is more concerned with managing the project plan in terms of resources, schedule, and cost.


  • 因为用户角度编写的,它们包含演示资金管理者可能希望听到事物有价值深刻见解

    Because use cases are written from the point of view of your users, they contain valuable insight into the type of things your stakeholders are likely to want to hear about in your presentations.


  • 企业无论规模大小应该鼓励每个员工追求自己信念最高管理者低层雇员都不例外。

    Organizations of all sizes can encourage everyone, from C-level leaders to junior hires, to pursue their convictions.


  • 因而南非田径赛事管理者——南非田径协会决心最近柏林世锦赛上获得胜利世界田联手里夺回来

    Hence the determination of Athletics South Africa (ASA), the country's track-and-field body, to bring victory back from the World Athletics Championships recently held in Berlin.


  • 企业管理倾向于以企业为中心。企业管理者认为每一个计划行动方向必须管理层开始自上而下一级一级地实施下来

    Management tends to be 'corporate-centred' and thinks that every piece of planning and direction has to start at the top and be 'cascaded down', hierarchically.


  • 企业管理倾向于以企业为中心。企业管理者认为每一个计划行动方向必须管理层开始自上而下一级一级地实施下来

    Management tends to be 'corporate-centred' and thinks that every piece of planning and direction has to start at the top and be 'cascaded down', hierarchically.


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