• 等待入场的人群来看,好像是个盛大活动。

    Judging by the crowds waiting to get in, this seems to be where it's at.


  • 镜面等待开始,穿过洗手间餐具储藏服务中心区的墙也是镜面的。

    This whole mirrored wall begins in the waiting room and integrates the cloakroom area and the units holding the cutlery and dinner service.


  • 但是由于人充满希望的本性他们马上就开始筹划王子等待可怕死亡中拯救出来。

    But, being of a hopeful nature, they began at once to invent plans to save the prince from the dreadful doom that awaited him.


  • 类似地完成notify() 以后,等待最高优先队列前端线程等待解除阻塞。

    Similarly, when a notify() is done, the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of waiters is unblocked from its wait.


  • 真是令人震惊数字走进世博发现等待进馆长龙馆内熙熙攘攘的人群,到处都挤满了

    That’s an enormous number of people, and you notice it instantly, from the queues to get into the expo to the crowds on the concourses and pavilions inside.


  • 真是令人震惊数字走进世博发现等待进馆长龙馆内熙熙攘攘的人群,到处都挤满了

    That's an enormous number of people, and you notice it instantly, from the queues to get into the expo to the crowds on the concourses and pavilions inside.


  • 他们等待现在下次选举之间有利时机。

    They should wait for the most propitious moment between now and the next election.


  • 伦敦北部布伦特十字街超过1000在凌晨3点半就起了队,等待凌晨4开始的“Next服装店促销

    At Brent Cross, in north London, more than 1,000 people were queuing at 3:30am for the "Next" clothing store's sale which began at 4am.


  • 张大娘春风满面地站大门口等待城里的儿媳妇。

    Aunt Zhang, her face radiating happiness, stood at the door waiting for her daughter-in-law who was coming from town.


  • 那条小径上等待野狼他后面向靠近,在的距离观察反应

    He waited for them on the path and coming back wolves approached him very close checking his reaction.


  • 作为一个孩子经常等待爸爸葡萄园里回家然后跟随那个有着锯子,焊工面罩大小排序钉子工作室

    As a child I often waited for my dad to return from the vineyards, and followed him to his workshop filled with saws, welders' masks, and nails sorted by size.


  • 脚本每个问题单词处都停下来,等待用户键盘输入

    The script halts at each problem word and waits for user input from the keyboard.


  • 等待第一托运人响应使用托运结果进行应答

    Wait for the response from the first shipper and reply with the shipping result.


  • 等待时间越久,那么您负面想法抽身出来难度就越大

    The longer you wait, the harder it will be to pull yourself away from negative thinking.


  • 毕竟我们如何崩溃赚钱就是等待

    After all, sitting and waiting is how we made money from the subprime debacle.


  • 可以创造独特的等待玩具孩子现有玩具中收集几个,把它们放在一个特殊的包包里。

    You can create your own waiting room toy kit by putting together a few toys from your preschooler's existing collection and storing them in a special backpack.


  • 接口等待内核来的事件提供了一个统一的方法。

    This provides a unified mechanism for waiting for events from the kernel.


  • 同时过程请求会得到传递然后等待传递的日程安排产品安排提供商那里发出

    In parallel, the process requests shipping and then waits for a shipping schedule to be sent from a production scheduling provider.


  • 原油亚洲许多港口提炼工厂闲置着,等待价格上涨进一步受益狡猾按揭贷款交易打银行资产负债表擦边球的行为殊途同归。

    Crude oil sits idle in Asian ports and outside refineries, waiting to benefit from further price hikes, in much the same way as dodgy mortgages are traded at the fringes of a bank's balance sheet.


  • 多年苦苦等待白马王子出现,将她平凡单调生活中解救出来。

    Fiona had waited years for her prince charming to come along and rescue her from a life of monotony.


  • 如果大部分数据位于磁盘应该如何扩展应用程序使不用等待较慢磁盘获取数据?

    Given that most data lives on disk, how do you scale applications so they are not ultimately waiting on getting data to and from slow disks?


  • 鸟类北方过来,聚集到这里,等待向南方挺进。”

    Birds were coming down from the north and piling up, waiting to push southwards, ” said Rowden.


  • 2毫米高的珊瑚虫(这种珊瑚组成加勒比海广袤的珊瑚礁),暗藏自己海洋堡垒里等待月光平常蓝色变化为红晕

    The 2-millimeter-tall polyp, which forms vast coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea, holes up in its Marine fortress and waits for the moon to shift from its usual blue hue to a redder glow.


  • 很多开始挑战等待一天了。

    A lot of you were waiting for this day since the beginning of the challenge.


  • 循环中程序一直等待x服务器发出消息

    In this loop, the program continually waits for new messages to be sent from the X server.


  • 业务流程中的一个重要操作等待伙伴那里接收到消息

    An important action in a business process is to simply wait for a message to be received from a partner.


  • 授精过程完成后犀牛麻醉醒来——科学家开始了紧张等待

    With the procedure complete, and the rhinos waking up sleepy from the anaesthetic - the scientists are now in for a tense wait.


  • 一个典型MacOSX应用程序大部分时间用在kevent系统调用上,等待内核事件唤醒

    A typical Mac OS X application spends most of its time in the kevent system call, waiting for an event from the kernel to wake it up.


  • 关闭时HTTP连接得到了释放我们不想一直开着等待后面服务OrderCreationResultQueue中拿出响应消息

    When this stream gets closed, the HTTP connection gets released: we don't want to keep it open, waiting for the subsequent service to pick-up the response message in the OrderCreationResultQueue.


  • 对于进程12,recv函数阻塞,意味着程序等待直到进程0收到标签id9消息

    For processes 1 and 2, the recv function is blocking, which means that the program will wait until it receives a message with tag ID 9 from process 0.


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