• 福特,我很愿意需要照顾。

    I'm from Ford, and I'm ready to take care of your car needs.


  • 顺便说一下,发送福特wers系统更新绘图

    By the way, Please send the drawing updated from Ford WERS system to me.


  • 奇瑞吉利中国汽车制造商就对福特手上收购沃尔沃饶有兴趣。

    Two Chinese carmakers, Chery and Geely, are interested in buying Volvo from Ford.


  • 还引进新人实施计划——有许多福特汽车公司引人的。

    He brought in new people to carry out his plans many from Ford Moter Company.


  • 现在,我们回到最初观念:随着汽车福特公司的迪尔伯恩工厂下线,英格兰银行黄金提取出来。

    Now go back to the original conception of an automobile rolling from the line in Ford's Dearborn factory and gold being lifted from the Bank of England.


  • 去年吉利控股集团福特汽车公司收购这个瑞典品牌时,这个问题就已经成为吉利潜在头疼事儿。

    That issue has become a potential headache for Geely Holding, which last year bought the Swedish brand from Ford Motor co.


  • 照片上可以看到,奥巴马福特-麦克奈尔体育馆出来时,身穿件宽大的夹克可能也是显得很瘦的原因。

    As he came out of the gym in Fort McNair, he was wearing a large jacket which may have contributed to his skinny look.


  • 第一次见到刚在几个福特公司获得1千万美元,他独自位于休斯敦的一间又黑又没有家具公寓里

    When I first met him, a few months after he received ten million dollars from Ford, he was living by himself in a small, dark unfurnished apartment in Houston.


  • 科技巨头苹果谷歌特斯拉正在自动驾驶汽车投入巨额资金,而福特沃尔沃,传统汽车生产商们抓住这个潮流。

    Technology firms including Apple, Google and Tesla are investing heavily in autonomous vehicles; from Ford to Volvo, incumbent carmakers are racing to catch up.


  • 福特2月28呈交年度报告集团诉讼包括了19871997年从福特所有购买达600系列更高系列卡车经销商

    Ford's annual report, filed on Feb. 28, says the class action included all dealers who purchased a 600? Series or higher truck from Ford from 1987 to 1997.


  • 上个月达成协议福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co。)手中购买沃尔沃(Volvo)品牌浙江吉利控股集团车展上推出11款新车

    Zhejiang Geely Holding, which last month agreed to buy Ford Motor Co. 's (F) Volvo brand, will launch 11 new models at the show.


  • 着迷”,,不是因为收藏林肯礼帽,也不是因为福特剧院得来的染血手套,而是因为“我一个摆满林肯雕像花园,我已经对此上瘾了。”

    "I'm obsessed," she said, noting that she once owned one of his stovepipe hats and his bloodstained gloves from Ford's Theatre. "I have a Lincoln sculpture garden."


  • 本周一家中国汽车制造商吉利汽车(Geely Automobile)证实,有意福特汽车(Ford Motor)手中买下瑞典个最知名汽车品牌沃尔沃(Volvo)。

    News of the deal comes in a week that saw another Chinese carmaker, Geely Automobile, confirm its interest in buying Sweden's other best-kown car brand, Volvo, from Ford Motor.


  • 市场已经能源交易商安然这样企业崩溃,以及近几年汽车企业福特通用降级中复苏。

    The markets have survived the crash of big companies, such as Enron, an energy trader, and the downgrades of motor companies, Ford and General Motors, in recent years.


  • 福特汽车已经削减全球应商数目,2004年3,300个削减至去年为止1,500个,而最终目标则是750个。

    Ford Motor has cut its worldwide production suppliers from 3,300 in 2004 to 1,500 at the end of last year, working towards a goal of 750.


  • 财务报告中可以看出福特取得多大进步还有多少的差距。

    From that financial report you'll get a better idea of how much progress Ford has made and how much further it has to go.


  • 这位来自剑桥社会学家模仿《教父》的黑帮成员挑出样本来举例说明,佛朗西斯·福特·科波拉代表作(《教父》)称为“卑劣之人的模仿秀”。

    The Oxford sociologist offers example upon example of gangsters apeing Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece – or what he calls "lowlife imitating art".


  • 希望一些关于亨利·福特那种模式描绘那种未来,的转变过程

    And I wonder if you could say a little bit more about that in light of the kind of shift from the kind of Henry Ford, the kind of models to, in the sense, the kind of future that you're charting out.


  • 身穿黄褐色裤子、头戴绒线帽子的爱去捡球,冲到了汽车前面,那是福特A型。汽车发出一阵刺耳的刹车声,掉转了方向,身边擦过。

    Eddie, wearing 21 tawny pants and a wool cap, chases after it, and runs in front of an automobile, a Ford Model A. The car 22 screeches, 23 veers, and just misses him.


  • 福特汽车公司1958年1960年生产了几个版本的Edsel

    The Ford Motor Company built several versions of the Edsel from nineteen fifty-eight to nineteen sixty.


  • 菲亚特城市交通车A平台(基于该平台车型包括菲亚特熊猫,复古风格菲亚特500型福特新款的KA微型车)。

    Fiat gets sales of about 600,000 from its city-car A platform (the basis of the Panda, the retro-styled 500 and Ford’s new Ka).


  • 传统意义上说,驻扎在城市另一端的竞争对手福特克莱斯勒相比,通用更为保守,即使经营业绩很,但也很少解雇高级管理人员

    Chrysler, and rarely fired senior executives, even if their business units performed poorly.


  • 1917年1957年,新泽西福特蒙茅斯被用作饲养训练这些鸟类战士的基地。

    From 1917 to 1957, New Jersey's Fort Monmouth served as the breeding and training ground for these avian soldiers.


  • 如果福特顺应消费者口味生产排量高油耗的转变利润率较小微型车福特来说是至为关键的。

    Success on this is vital if Ford is to adapt to consumers' shift in tastes away from big gas-guzzlers toward smaller cars on which the profit margins are slender.


  • 1940年不列颠战时起,水牛就被存在了银行金库里,直到克斯·福特先生首次看到,它被战时的报纸包裹着。

    The buffalo had lain in a bank vault since the Battle of Britain in 1940 and was still wrapped in wartime newspaper when Mr Axford saw it for the first time.


  • 小试了福特推出的嘉年华小型车,曼哈顿拥堵42街直到限速70西侧高速公路,跑了英里

    I took a short drive in Ford's new Fiesta compact car today. The route covered several miles through Manhattan, from a traffic jam on 42nd Street to a 70-mph stint on the West Side Highway.


  • 德克萨斯州福特牧场逃离布什不能逃避这场论争

    As for Bush, who decamped to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, there was no escaping the contradictions.


  • 德克萨斯州福特牧场逃离布什不能逃避这场论争

    As for Bush, who decamped to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, there was no escaping the contradictions.


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