• 结论化合物1 -3首次蕊中分离得到

    Conclusion: Compounds 1-3 were isolated from this plant for the first time.


  • 今天早上开始,妻子那里,到现在,我心情都还挺不错

    Starting this morning, I got from my wife a little piece of jade, and I have been sort of in touch with my fun side.


  • 这个女孩如何写这首诗的康老师20岁北京的中国人民大学毕业后不久,搬到了云南的一个小镇,在那里的一所中学当老师。

    Kang Yu, the teacher who taught the girl how to write the poem, graduated from Renmin University of China in Beijing in 20Soon after her gradation, Kang moved to a town in Yunnan, and worked as a teacher at a middle school there.


  • (持刀伤人的犯罪嫌疑人),47岁2001便当地一家保险公司辞退。有报道参与传销活动。

    Xu Yuyuan, 47, has been unemployed since 2001. Since being fired by a local insurance company, reports claim he has been involved in pyramid selling schemes.


  • 深圳华大基因研究院(BGI)研究人员崔:“我们已经发现这种细菌基因组类似于2002年非洲艾滋病患者分离的大肠杆菌。”

    Cui Yu 'an, Researcher BGI-Huada Genomics Institute in Shenzhen, said, "We have found the bacteria's genes are close to a certain bacteria separated from an African HIV patient in 2002."


  • 远处看,这个螺旋图案给人留下了深刻的印象,上面装饰红宝石珍珠土耳其

    The shield’s spiral design is impressive from a distance, ornamented with rubies, pearls and turquoise.


  • 教育家刘道表示中国教育解放必须解放孩子的好奇心开始。

    Chinese educators should first liberate children from incurious minds if they want to shake off the shackles fettering current educational theories, according to educator Liu Daoyu.


  • 总人口330 000,太空上看,这个群岛的壮丽外观宛如串带斑点项链

    The total population is just 330, 000 and the spectacular appearance from above has been likened to a necklace of speckled jade beads.


  • 现代日本唯一一个可以18之前成为半,开始学徒生涯城市京都

    The only modern hangyoku that can apprentice before the age of eighteen are in Kyoto.


  • 成对,这样才是起源阶段也是有说服力有代表性一些器类文化还是装饰器起源的。

    Pairs such as rings and slotted rings, the origin of this phase is the jade, which is convincing and representative of some class, jade, decorated jade culture, or from the origin.


  • 中国传统饰品外型圆滑变通符合中国传统文化中的中庸之道”,古代称之为”,有养身之效。

    China is a tradition of jade jewelry, from the sleek exterior to see it work, in line with the traditional Chinese culture of "moderation", the ancient called "bi", effective cultivation of body care.


  • 最后结构成分颜色透明度硬度、韧度块度等对南郑蛇纹石进行客观分析及质量评价,并对其开发前景进行了展望。

    Last, Nanzheng Serpentine's quality evaluation was infected by it's structure, component, color, transparence, hardness, resilience and size and it's the foreground of developing was prospected.


  • 身后扶着此时自己站着身体大部分重量笙身上。

    Jade dulcimer from afterward death hand me, I at this time although I stand, but body huge portions of weights all press on jade dulcimer.


  • 调查33中,了解历史悠久的文化中国高超工艺制作

    The 33 articles investigate the long history of jade culture in China and the superb craftsmanship it produced.


  • 妻子王室成员然后忍受好莱坞波,好像每个人都卡地亚

    From his wife to the royal family members and then to Hollywood Jade enduring Po, it seems that everyone love Cartier.


  • 进化历史可以证明良渚遗址乐器,它的名称应该是“哨”,它们身上闪亮着良渚遗址中的音乐曙光

    From the evolution of bone pipes to bone flutes, the long jade tube in Liangzhu can be regarded as a musical instrument called "jade pipe" that signifies twilight of music in the relic.


  • 农业推广角度,分析了22号得以大面积推广原因

    The reasons of broad application of maize hybrid Yuyu 22 were studied from agricultural popularization perspective.


  • 松,是韩国汉城一个动画设计师网站许多领域存在的突出自己技能

    Chung-ok Song, from Seoul, Korea, is a motion graphics designer and his web presence highlights his skills in numerous areas.


  • 他们担子回家去了;树隙中下窥。

    They all have come home with their burdens; the moon peeps from above the village trees.


  • 就像福尔摩斯绿王冠这本,福尔摩斯也是了解被盗家庭情况开始研究

    As in "Sherlock Holmes and jade crown" in this book, Holmes is stolen from the families of those who understand the situation began to study.


  • 温煦话语身旁传来,猛地转头月光白衣,银发轻扬男子微笑

    The warm words spread beside from the body, the blue jade fiercely turns a head, moonlight next, white dress dust, the silver delivers the man of light Yang to smile to see toward her.


  • 温煦话语身旁传来,猛地转头月光下,白衣,银发轻扬男子微笑

    The warm words scatter alongside from the body, the blue jade fiercely turns a head, moonlight afterward, white dress dust, the silver delivers the man of light Yang to smile to see toward her.


  • 古代典籍中可以看出,的用法是多样的。

    According to ancient books, Jade Gui can be used in various occasions.


  • 古代典籍中可以看出,的用法是多样的。

    According to ancient books, Jade Gui can be used in various occasions.


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