• 书写一个侧面展示清,整个士人阶层心路历程

    Its writing, is also a side show about the mentality of the literary class from the Ming to the Qing dynasty.


  • 轮到其打牌时或出牌时,庄家可以要求戍守一解释其所打牌的寄义。

    At his turn to play from his hand or from dummy declarer may request an explanation of a defender's call or card play understandings.


  • 因此研究安顺独具地域特色聚落形态建筑特色,具有重要意义,我们可以看到至今的丰富多样历史遗存

    By studying the unique regional characteristics of architectural pattern and the culture in Anshun Tunpu, we can see the rich and diverse historical relics form the Ming Dynasty to Modern times.


  • 1942年1944年,博洛格威尔杜邦公司担任微生物学家。

    From 1942 to 1944, Borlaug was employed as a microbiologist at DuPont in Wilmington.


  • ·兰斯真的非常生气因为衣服洗衣机烘干机里拿出来扔掉了

    Mindy Lance was really angry that her clothes had been removed from the washer and dryer, and dumped.


  • 阿里克·弗莱(现在以亚历山大·弗莱爵士名字人们所缅怀)1928年将某种霉菌萃取出的汁液命名为penicillin

    In 1928 Alec Fleming (now remembered as Sir Alexander Fleming) named the juice he extracted from some mold penicillin.


  • 弗莱继续霉菌分离提取物,然后确定青霉属中的一种把这种提取物命名青霉素

    Fleming proceeded to isolate an extract from the mould, correctly identified it as being from the Penicillium genus, and therefore named the agent penicillin.


  • 一次的争吵现在已经平息,英石油BP公司身上赚了不少

    That row has now been smoothed over and BP has made pots of money from TNK-BP.


  • 操作能力角度来看,格莱汉姆·卡先生有可能台分析性能做出粗略评估

    In terms of processing power, Mr Graham-Cumming said it was possible to make some rough estimates about the Analytical Engine's capability.


  • 诚然某一方面来说,物质生命确实扮演一定角色,心智才是最需要让其澄清澈的,因为只有这样,我们才能找到真正的自我

    Sure, stuff has an impact on life in a way, but the mindset is the thing that needs to be clear to find the true desired self.


  • 就大大杀败他们,亚罗米匿,直到亚备勒基拉,攻取了二十

    He devastated twenty towns from Aroer to the vicinity of Minnith, as far as Abel Keramim.


  • 林书豪父亲林杰那里开始接触篮球的。

    Lin caught the hoops bug from his father Gie-Ming.


  • 柯林斯萨斯希望他们项目弗雷心脏研究一样具有影响力,弗雷汉心脏研究1948年以来,对几千生活进行了跟踪

    Collins and Masys hope that their projects will have an influence similar to the Framingham Heart Study, which has followed thousands of peoples' lives since 1948.


  • 他们讨论过程反映话题他们影响,”伯格,“经理人们通过相互交流彼此身上学到了更多东西重要的是,他们提高自己业务能力。”

    They discuss and reflect on how the topic impacts on them,” says Mr Minztberg.“[The managers] learn from each other and, most crucially, develop actions for their workplaces.


  • 关于伟大本文角度来看,我们后见可以看透一切。

    And the great thing about it, from the point of view of this essay, is that we can view it with the benefit of hindsight.


  • 一张伊瓦涅斯的照片显示出胡安·莫里利亚踮起脚尖凝立着,手臂足跟绷紧,摆出一个典型弗拉圆弧,恰似一张弯弓

    An Ibáñez photo shows how Juan Morilla, poised on half-toe, holds a classic flamenco arc from hands to heel, like a bow bent.


  • 所有教堂响起来了,号笛许多高楼来,兵士们拿着飘扬的旗子晃的刺刀在敬礼

    The church bells were ringing, and from the high towers sounded a flourish of trumpets; and soldiers, with flying colors and glittering bayonets, lined the rocks through which they passed.


  • 前一天马车弗尔·戈特太太的车旁驶过后者立即摇身边的铃铛命令车夫马上回家

    Only the day before, her carriage had passed Mrs. Lovell Mingott's, and the latter had instantly rung the little bell at her elbow and ordered the coachman to drive her home.


  • 1974年魔方,自1980匈牙利出口后,享有极高的人气

    The Rubik's cube was invented in 1974 and its popularity exploded when it was exported from Hungary in 1980.


  • 8月银监会通知银行,以这种方式资产负债表走的贷款必须年底之前资产负债表。

    In August, the CBRC told Banks that loans moved off their balance sheets up to that point must be returned by the end of next year.


  • 近几年,台湾亿万富翁蔡衍(Tsai eng - meng)开始逐步进军传媒业。最近,这位小吃大王台湾电视市场获取份额

    Taiwanese billionaire Tsai Eng-Meng began nibbling on the media a couple of years ago, but now the snack king is out to grab a bigger share of the island's broadcast market.


  • 打威群岛立法者HendriDoriSatoko告诉大家:“受灾中心最新数据显示已经有108死亡,502失踪。”

    Hendri Dori Satoko, a lawmaker in the Mentawai Islands, told MetroTV: "Our latest data from crisis centre showed that 108 people have been killed and 502 are still missing."


  • 准备奥克兰郊区出发————也许西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield),也许是南菲尔德(Southfield山(Farmington Hills)——去市中心

    You are preparing to head downtown from an Oakland county suburbWest Bloomfield, maybe, Southfield or Farmington Hills.


  • 准备奥克兰郊区出发————也许西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield),也许是南菲尔德(Southfield山(Farmington Hills)——去市中心

    You are preparing to head downtown from an Oakland county suburbWest Bloomfield, maybe, Southfield or Farmington Hills.


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