• 珠宝名贵物品作为背景建筑甚至突显主题狗儿,由远及近,无一不精雕细琢

    The detailed attention to sumptuous clothing and jewels, the precious objects near to hand, the architecture that serves as background, even the dogs advertise the subject’s importance.


  • 一个发信说集装箱到达后丢失货,第一次伦采购,打算开创自己生意,那个失望那个烦恼啊,我们了半天也没有任何线索几件货哪里

    She wrote to us one month ago she missing 4 pieces of furniture, feel so frustrated because this is her first business and nobody can tell her what's happened to these four pieces…


  • 这些广阔海水中,阳光提供能量各种洋流系统深海带来养分,最终形成绵延100至200公里(60至120英里)的

    In this open water, sunlight provides the fuel and various current systems provide nutrients from deeper waters to form blooms that can stretch 100 to 200 kilometers (60 to 120 miles).


  • 水泉峪村的每个人都知道75教授程恩城里搬来的,但很少有人知道12年前诊断为癌症中晚期

    Everyone in Shuiquanyu village knows Cheng as the 75-year-old professor who moved from the city. Few know he was diagnosed with terminal-stage cancer 12 years ago.


  • 出于求生渴望,程恩北京市中心的乡村,除了坚持吃中药以外,不再接受其他治疗

    Out of the desire to survive, Cheng escaped from his home in downtown Beijing and moved to the village.


  • 柔和、白色形成于淡水湖底渗透出来的地方

    The delicate white tufa towers formed where freshwater springs percolate up from the bottom of the lake.


  • 几百万繁忙的日子纽约三个机场起飞:拉瓜地尔亚机场,克机场肯尼迪机场。

    Millions of people fly on the busiest days from the three New York airports: LaGuardia Airport, Newark Airport, and Kennedy Airport.


  • 我们体育场外票贩子手里演唱会

    We are able to get ticket to the “AndyLau” concert from a scalper outside the stadium.


  • 真彩图像所摄正是美国宇航局“阿卡”卫星分辨率成像光谱仪观察到的2011年1月22日出现在罗斯海的次水

    This true-color image captures such a bloom in the Ross Sea on January 22, 2011, as viewed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite.


  • 战略体现了公司单一重工业走向零售休闲管理业多样化转变。

    This strategy reflected Hanwha's diversification from heavy industry alone to consumer retailing and resorts management.


  • 2003-04年宝洁决定印度市场发力的时候,联合印度(联合利印度子公司)的利润率超过20%降到了13%一点

    When P&G decided on a big push into India in 2003-04, margins at Hindustan Unilever, Unilever's Indian subsidiary, fell from just over 20% to a little more than 13%.


  • 爱荷英格兰高地丘陵地带,凝望天空的人发现一些奇怪的事似乎象征着不详预兆云团

    In hill country from Iowa to the Scottish Highlands, sky-gazers have reported some strange, ominous-looking clouds of late.


  • 全国范围来看,米歇尔的支持率多了然而明年共和党党内竞选活动的第一爱荷打响,所以说,米歇尔若拿下爱荷,就能证明自己材实料的竞选人了。

    Nationally her support is much lower, but since Iowa will be the first state to pass judgment on the Republican field next year, a win there would instantly confirm her as a genuine contender.


  • 派格·诺普洛斯、杰西卡·伍德以及他们同事最近大学做了一项研究,结果显示即使大脑结构上来分析,想要理清先天后天的纠缠也是十分困难的。

    Recent research by Peg Nopoulos, Jessica Wood and colleagues at the University of Iowa illustrates just how difficult it is to untangle nature and nurture, even at the level of brain structure.


  • 所以弗洛茨先生联合利雇佣营销主管雇佣了一个生产主管。

    So Mr Fellows hired a head of marketing from Unilever and a head of manufacturing from Revlon.


  • 布什空中视察洪水泛滥情况,他视察了爱奥大学城

    Mr. Bush had an aerial tour of the floodwater and also visited the college town of Iowa City.


  • 这些巴基斯坦沿海(图片顶端)一直延伸阿曼海岸(图片底端左方)。

    The bloom stretches from the shores of Pakistan (top) to the coast of Oman (lower left).


  • 本周上映的锅匠裁缝士兵间谍》(上图)国际角度来看并不算众星闪耀,但是少有不是霍格·兹为故事背景的电影能够像这部电影这样云集如此众多颇有威望英国演员。

    This week's "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" (pictured above) isn't quite so starry in international terms, but few films which aren't set at Hogwarts can boast so many prestigious British thespians.


  • KeithWeed,联合家庭护理卫生首席长官充满激情的说:“现在到2015年,产生4亿个厕所。厕所越多需要清理的表面越多”。

    Between now and 2015 there will be an extra 400m toilets,” notes Keith Weed, head of home-care and hygiene at Unilever, with enthusiasm: “The more toilets, the more surfaces that need cleaning.”


  • 刚刚离开联合(Unilever)董事会并担任另高管职位吉娜维夫•伯杰博士(Dr Geneviève Berger)认为:“观察来看,玻璃天花板的存在现实。”

    From my observation, the glass ceiling is still a reality,” said Dr Geneviève Berger, who recently stepped down from the board of Unilever to take an executive post.


  • 随着特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)本周末重新发行3D版本的《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)《玩具总动员2》(Toy Story 2),其它电影公司观望自己库存的经典影片能否3D播映中获益

    As Walt Disney Co. rereleases 'Toy Story' and 'Toy Story 2' this weekend in 3-D, other studios will be watching to see if classic titles in their own vaults might benefit from a 3-D makeover.


  • 惠悦人力资源咨询公司表示,在美国雇主实施减薪无薪休假比率去年10月开始急剧上升(1)。

    Watson Wyatt Worldwide, a human-resources consultancy, says the proportion of American employers implementing either wage cuts or furloughs has risen sharply since October (see chart 1).


  • 在没有LED灯的地方装饰超过4000个透明粉色不等的人工洛世奇水晶

    The areas without LEDs are decorated with more than 4, 000 hand-applied Swarovski crystals that range in color from clear to bright pink.


  • 在没有LED灯的地方装饰超过4000个透明粉色不等的人工洛世奇水晶

    The areas without LEDs are decorated with more than 4,000 hand-applied Swarovski crystals that range in color from clear to bright pink.


  • 罗伯特尔波尔爵士(Sir RobertWalpole),英国一任首相曾利用海军战舰法国偷运最喜爱葡萄酒

    Sir Robert Walpole, Britain’s first prime minister, used navy ships to smuggle his favourite wines from France.


  • 2000年3月至2001年3月,海托筛选了720然后检验那些每周超过含量

    Hightower screened 720 people from March 2000 to March 2001, then tested the mercury levels of those who reported eating more than two servings of fish a week.


  • 2000年3月至2001年3月,海托筛选了720然后检验那些每周超过含量

    Hightower screened 720 people from March 2000 to March 2001, then tested the mercury levels of those who reported eating more than two servings of fish a week.


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