• 第二部分逮捕正当逮捕制度正当性理论依据要素构建两个方面进行论述

    On the second part of the arrest legitimate arrest system from the theoretical basis for the legitimacy and elements of two aspects discussed.


  • 基础上外部监管约束机制、内控制度微观管理工具等方面构建起商业银行信用风险管理体系;

    On the basis of this, it constructs a management system of credit risk of commercial banks from the aspects of outside supervision, restriction system, inside controlling, micro-management means etc.


  • 相应制度程序确立、完善等方面辩论原则重新构建提出了一些具体的意见和建议。

    From established the corresponding systems and procedures, and give specific comments and Suggestions to reconstruct the debate principle.


  • 本文正是破产管理人法律地位切入,比较研究的方法,提出构建我国破产管理人制度设想

    After dwelling on the legal status of the bankruptcy trustee and making a comparative study, this author affords some ideas about the establishment of the bankruptcy trustee system in China.


  • 制度层面构建涵盖管理催收绩效评价成本控制在内相当完善不良资产保全体系

    From the institutional level, it builds well-established system of preservation of non-performing assets covering management, collection, performance evaluation and cost control.


  • 行政协调制度构建必须程序性要件实体性要件两个方面进行规制。

    The establishment of administrative mediation system should be embarked from two aspects: procedure and entity, elements.


  • 必须同时组织制度机制系统方面进行构建规范

    The corporate administration must be constructed and standardized from two aspects: organization system and mechanism system.


  • 构建思路内容保障制度以及监管人员各方面给出建议

    From the construction of the ideas, content, security system and supervisory staff are given all the recommendations.


  • 提出理论基础法律基础、政企分开构建科学法人治理结构四个方面来建立现代企业制度

    The article puts forward that the modern enter-prise system should be set up on the basis of theory, law, division of government and enterprises, and constructing scientific corporate administration.


  • 本文民法适用的角度共同抵押权制度进行解析构建

    The thesis analyzes and construes joint mortgage institution in terms of civil law adaption.


  • 本文经济法视角探讨企业社会责任制度构建

    This thesis tries to study the construction of corporate social responsibility system in view of economic law.


  • 社会制度构建主体性决定内在诉求人性诉求出发构建社会制度成为现代社会制度构建基本特征

    The subjectivity of social system design decides that designing a social system from human immanent appeals, that is human nature's appeals, is the basic characteristic of modern social system design.


  • 文章适用案件范围诉讼程序代理辩护救济方面论述我国刑事缺席判决制度构建路径。

    From the case scope, procedure, agency, defense and remedies, etc, the paper put forward the ways to construct China Absent Judgement.


  • 策划阶段物资采购监管工作整体建章立制,构建监管评价系统,出台廉政教育制度公开承诺制度

    In the planning phase of the procurement supervision on building rules, regulation on integrity education system and the system of public commitment.


  • 研究结论现实研究理论研究两方面考虑,构建中国农民参与农村土地整理制度是非常有必要的,也是可行的。

    It is concluded that the farmers' participation system for rural land consolidation is quite necessary and possible in China according to both the practical and theoretical studies.


  • 第五部分提出对策与建议,社会工作的视角出发,观念制度服务各个层面构建城市社区老年人社会支持系统

    The last part are the suggestions to strengthen social support system for old people in the city in sense , system, service and so on .


  • 文章最后,在前文分析的基础程序法实体法等方面,行政事实行为的法律控制救济制度构建初步设想。

    In the end, an elementary suggestion is put forward to set up legal control system and remedy system of AFA in substantive and procedural law.


  • 为了解决这些问题信息传导激励两个方面构建约束机制,机制包含着种种必然制度安排

    To solve these problems, it is necessary to build the efficient mechanism on how to deliver information and how to inspire officers, thus some institution arrangement is produced.


  • 本文社会学视野,凭借社会公正论力求社会资源分配角度,对我国构建新型农村合作医疗制度困境出路进行探讨

    By virtue of social justice, from viewpoint of sociology and distributing social resources, this paper tries to inquire into difficult positions and solutions construction of this new system.


  • 历史上看美国通过观念制度政策三个方面构建拉美地区的权力

    Historically, the United States built up its soft power in Latin America through three sources: ideas, institutions, and policies.


  • 比较角度进行学位制度研究对完善我国学位制度构建我国学位质量保障监控体系具有重要现实意义

    From a comparative perspective on degree system research, improving our system and building graduate degree and quality assurance monitoring system have important practical significance.


  • 文章检察长列席审判委员会制度运行现状入手,对合理性进行了深入论证,并对制度构建进行了有益探讨。

    The article starts with the operation state of this system, and then demonstrates the rationality deeply. It also probes the system establishment.


  • 对此本着稳妥、谨慎原则地方的发行、管理相关的配套改革方面构建我国地方债制度,并针对发行地方债可能出现负效应制定相应的解决措施。

    Therefore, we may found the local debt system according to reliable and prudent principle from the aspects such as the publication of local debt, management and the supplemental reform th…


  • 最后具体制度规则完善提出一些具体的建议强调制度构建应对诉讼双方权利均衡保护

    Proposed some suggestion on the development of detailed system and rule, emphasis the equal protective measures of litigant's right in building the system.


  • 我国没有建立显性存款保险制度,在比较发达国家存款保险制度基础主体职能对象标的限额费率五个方面提出我国外资银行存款保险制度构建

    China has not established explicit deposit insurance system. I will study this system from the main body, functions, objects, targets, limits and rates based on the experience of developed countries.


  • 本文执行中止事由纯化、执行观念更新和债权凭证制度构建方面为建立新的执行中止制度提出了具体的设想

    This article puts forward the tentative plan in discontinuation of execution in the future such as the purification of particulars, the renewal of conception in execution and the construction of...


  • 本文执行中止事由纯化、执行观念更新和债权凭证制度构建方面为建立新的执行中止制度提出了具体的设想

    This article puts forward the tentative plan in discontinuation of execution in the future such as the purification of particulars, the renewal of conception in execution and the construction of...


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