• 克里斯蒂娜电话的一刻起,我们老朋友一样起来。彼此找到了理解自己痛苦而激动不已。

    I quickly dialed, and from the minute Christina answered, we began to chat like old friends, both thrilled to find someone who understood our pain.


  • 克里斯百叶窗挂钩上放下来,然后到了阳台上。

    Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony.


  • 克里斯一位英雄,他用自我牺牲精神事业的执着,遥远地方我们带来那些不如我们幸运的人们新闻和故事。

    Chris was a true hero in his dedication and commitment to bringing the important news and the stories of those less fortunate to us all from far off places.


  • 克里斯蒂娜·穆拉托于2010年美国东北大学获得药学博士学位。

    Christina Muratore, received her doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences from Northeastern in 2010.


  • 一个男孩碰了碰手臂学校什么克里斯室友朋友朋友。

    A boy touches me on the arm: Chris Something from school, friend of a friend of my roommate's.


  • 主人公克里斯受过教育土地束缚,飞快的女孩变成妻子又变成遗孀,让人振奋心碎

    Chris, the heroine, educated but shackled to the land, goes from girl to wife to widow in a soaring narrative that is as uplifting as it is heartbreaking.


  • 克里斯一位英雄,他用自我牺牲精神事业的执着,遥远地方我们带来那些不如我们幸运的人们新闻故事

    Chris was a true hero in his dedication and commitment to bringing the important news and the stories of those less fortunate to us all - from far off places.


  • 该州州长克里斯试图州立大学扩大能源研究项目而且能源公司可再生能源提供更多电力

    Governor Charlie Crist has sought to expand energy research programs at state universities and ordered energy companies to begin offering more electricity from renewable sources.


  • 1492年克里斯多佛。哥伦布西班牙出发,穿过大西洋到达美洲新世界,获得了一生的荣誉

    Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, landing in the "new world" of the Americas and gaining lasting fame.


  • 然后就像八十年代电影里跑出的情节发生了,好像还是慢动作的——克里斯出现了告诉只剩下一个角色了,希望扮演

    And then, as if straight out of an eighties movie-and seemingly in slow motion-chris appeared and told me that he had only one part left and that he'd like me to play it.


  • 英国,伦敦:一位女士迈克尔·克莱顿克里斯拍卖行展出收藏品毕加索妇女儿童贾斯伯·约翰国旗这两幅画旁走过。

    London, England: a woman poses with Jasper Johns's Flag, and Femme et Filettes (woman and Children) by Pablo Picasso, both part of late-author Michael Crichton's collection on display at Christie's.


  • 克里斯乔治来没有去过爱尔兰但是据说手术醒来之后,他的口音就象爱尔兰本地人

    He's never even visited Ireland, but when Chris Gregory came round from brain surgery he reportedly started speaking like a native.


  • 克里斯终于一次英国GQ杂志采访承认俩人关系她说:“生活可以网上搜索出来。”

    Kristen finally admitted to their relationship in an interview in GQ UK, saying, "so much of my life is so easily Googled."


  • 乔治亚州立大学克里斯托弗史邓纳报道说,鸡粪制造生物碳也可以使蒂夫顿的沙土肥沃起来。

    Christoph Steiner, of the University of Georgia, reported that biochar produced from chicken litter could do the same in the sandy soil of Tifton in that state.


  • 将军意识克里斯蒂娜的计划开始进行了:为了拉”中获利制造了一场事故企图煽动全球性冲突

    Krantz realizes that this is Christina's plan in motion: to profit from Scylla, she's caused an incident designed to provoke global warfare.


  • 影响超越每一个喜剧演员,娜·菲、艾米·波勒桑德拉·伯纳德、罗珊妮·芭尔以及克里斯汀·韦格还有任何一位好莱坞女制片人。

    Her influence reigns over every female comicfrom Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Sandra Bernhard, Roseanne Barr and Kristen Wiig - as well as any female Hollywood executive.


  • 克里斯聪明伶俐,人长得也不错而且自家厨房掌控来看,给十几的订单,她多半也能做到有条不紊、容应对

    Kristen is bright, pretty, and to judge from her command of her own small kitchen, probably capable of holding down a dozen tables with precision and grace.


  • 克里坦森指出创新者经常提供价廉物不美的产品起步。

    Mr Christensen points out that innovators often start by offering products that are cheaper, but markedly inferior.


  • 克里斯蒂娜马宏的便携箱中拿出拉”。

    Christina takes Scylla from the briefcase Mahone gave her.


  • 近年作家们理查德·道金斯丹尼尔·达内特克里斯托弗·希金斯山姆·哈里斯,都曾为推动这一事业发表过脍炙人口的文章。

    In recent years writers from Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett to Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris have penned popular tracts advancing the cause of godlessness.


  • 克里斯·沃尔顿(Christy Walton),沃尔玛创始人山姆·沃尔顿其中一个儿子约翰·沃尔顿(John Walton)的遗孀约翰2005年因飞机失事丈夫那里继承了财产

    Christy walton-the widow of John Walton, a son of Wal-Mart founder Sam walton-inherited her husband's fortune after his death in a plane crash in 2005.


  • 左下角开始分别指挥官克里斯·弗格森(Chris Ferguson)、飞行员·赫尔利(Doug Hurley),以及任务专家桑迪·马格纳斯(Sandy Magnus)克斯·瓦尔海姆(RexWalheim)。

    Seated from lower left are Commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim.


  • 我们推迟iPad2日本的上市,日本以及苹果团队专注最近灾难中复苏,”苹果的发言人娜塔莉·克里斯一封邮件中说道

    "We are delaying the launch of the iPad 2 in Japan while the country and our teams focus on recovering from the recent disaster," Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris said in an E-mail.


  • 克里斯托弗母亲亚历山大的母亲玛丽亚女皇知己之交,正是托尔斯泰笔下anna Scherer的原型小说她在圣彼得堡的社交晚会开始。

    Christoph's mother was confidante and friend to Empress Marie, Alexander's mother, and a prototype for Tolstoy's Anna Scherer whose st Petersburg soiree opens the novel.


  • 11月以来,多达37个州长当选,“知道今年一些州里发生什么样困难,”克里斯先生嘲笑道

    And since 37 governorships are up for election in November, "you know nothing tough is going to happen this year in those states," scoffs Mr Christie.


  • 克里斯,这是个人们讨论的话题:“任何人,只要他们父亲没有亲近关系这里取经吧,再三想想。”

    "For anybody who doesn't have a close relationship with their father, take it from me, please think about it twice," he says.


  • 乔丹明星运动员克里斯·保罗视觉逮捕全屏电影描绘大黄蜂入侵签名CP3 .III主题为基础叙述

    Jordan athlete Chris Paul stars in a visually arresting full-screen cinematic narrative depicting a hornet invasion based on themes from his signature shoe, the CP3. III.


  • 本人病魔缠身克里斯并不熟识28岁妻子——一位医疗器械公司产品经理幼儿园时起就克罗斯好朋友

    Though he wasn't close to the ailing man, his wife, Krissie, 28, a product manager for a medical-device company, had been PALS with Cross since kindergarten.


  • 本人病魔缠身克里斯并不熟识28岁妻子——一位医疗器械公司产品经理幼儿园时起就克罗斯好朋友

    Though he wasn't close to the ailing man, his wife, Krissie, 28, a product manager for a medical-device company, had been PALS with Cross since kindergarten.


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