• 下定决心王国国王心碎黑暗势力中拯救出来。

    He is determined to save the kingdom from the gloom that has left the king brokenhearted.


  • 文档目录删除

    This command deletes files from the directory.


  • 审美角度满意的雕像可能另一个反感

    A statue which is aesthetically pleasing to one person, however, may be repulsive to another.


  • 这些景象出现法国南部城市欧乐,历史学家们感到惊奇他们2014年开始一直在这里工作

    These scenes are turning up in the southern French city of Oral, surprising the historians who have been working here since 2014.


  • 这会手头重要任务上分心,特别是那些正在享受工作任务

    It will distract you from the important tasks at hand, especially the task of enjoying your work.


  • 因此我们祖先就是这些能哭的婴儿他们容易留在家中陌生人在一起,于是理论上说,就不太可能受到伤害,“。”

    "As a consequence, these babies - who were our ancestors - would have been less likely to find themselves left at home or with strangers," and theoretically less likely to be harmed, Bering says.


  • 例如烟道内的气体通过带有不同电荷金属去除一些灰尘颗粒因为这些熔炉散发出浓密毒为业内所共知

    Small particles of ash, for example, are normally removed by forcing the flue gases, as the fumes from the furnace are known in the trade, between electrically charged plates.


  • 过度详细计划实际上可能导致项目失败因为项目经理生产管理活动中分散注意

    Overly detailed planning can actually contribute to project failure because it distracts the project manager from productive management activities.


  • 另外一面来说能源价格下跌应该行业成本膨胀有所降温。

    On the plus side, falling energy prices ought to take the heat out of industry cost inflation.


  • 通过部分票据危险次级资产剥离有望投资者回心转意,避免出现被迫出售雪崩情形。

    By splitting this off from dodgy subprime assets, the hope is to tempt investors back and avoid an avalanche of forced selling.


  • 对于打喷嚏或者咳嗽口鼻飞出东西医学界礼貌术语呼吸道飞沫。呼吸道飞沫充斥源患者致病的细菌

    Respiratory droplets-the medical community's polite term for what comes out of a person when they sneeze or cough-are filled with the germs that made the person sick.


  • 上个星期,法国立法者颁一条法律除非版权持有者授予许可,任何网上商店里下载内容所有便携式播放器播放。

    Last week French legislators passed a law that requires content downloaded from online stores to be playable on all types of portable player, unless copyright holders grant their permission otherwise.


  • 在这份要犯通缉册中排名第一伊凡邓加加,他美国德国一直反抗撤销犹太人的驱逐

    Top of the Simon Wiesenthal Center list is now Ivan Demjanjuk who is fighting to rescind a deportation order from the United States to Germany.


  • 为了信息互联网中的某个角落传输另外一边,通信协议信息在传输过程中经过了数次复制

    In order to send a message from one corner of the Internet to another, the protocols of communication demand that the whole message be copied along the way several times.


  • 火电厂捕获储存二氧化碳技术可能较为旧的电厂重获新生。

    Technology that can trap and store carbon dioxide from coal-fired plants would rejuvenate older ones.


  • 心理上来说,人们倾向叶斯理论,甚至到了经常做出错误联系程度这种风险科学家们更加偏好帕斯卡的观点——它似乎挺客观。

    Psychologically, people tend to be Bayesian—to the extent of often making false connections. And that risk of false connection is why scientists like Pascal's version of the world.


  • 警察房门口进来,挥舞着警棍,其中一人手持扩音器,口述逮捕内容。

    The coppers came through the door with truncheons swinging, one of them reciting the terms of the warrant through a bullhorn.


  • 这种处理本书巧妙阐明了德语究竟如何最初日耳语杂汤中诞生出来的,同时人看清了,假如路德出生地比当时再偏北100英里的话,德语可能呈现出的各种不同面目。

    As such it is an ingenious telling of just how German emerged from the primordial Germanic soup, and how many other ways it could have been if, say, Luther had been born 100 miles farther north.


  • 1950年人口登记规定,南非白人亚裔/印第安裔,有色人种到土著黑人分为四等。

    Under the 1950 Population Registration Act, South Africans were divided into four groups: whites, Asians/Indians, coloureds and “natives” or blacks—in that order.


  • 许多雇主感到沮丧的是,传统着装规定不是防止员工穿着不当现象的发生。

    To many employers' dismay, traditional dress codes aren't always enough to keep employees from dressing inappropriately.


  • 完全数学概念上来看这样确实雅虎的市值有所上升

    In a purely mathematical sense, this could indeed make Yahoo! Somewhat more valuable.


  • 九月份捕杀不合法的,它违反联邦法庭2002年的颁布要求马卡人在新的捕杀之前要获得灰鲸海洋哺乳动物保护法》中被撤销的文件。

    But the September hunt was illegal, violating a federal court's 2002 order demanding that the Makahs get a waiver to the Marine Mammal Protection Act before killing another whale.


  • 早先移民已经兰佩杜萨转移到了西西里岛那些没有获得难民资格的人最终接到了一个没有实质意义的驱逐

    Previously migrants had been transferred from Lampedusa to Sicily, where those not given refugee status eventually received an essentially meaningless expulsion order.


  • 这会蜘蛛有东西可取可以机会搜索引擎结果了解更多关键词

    This will give the spiders something to chew on. It will also give you more opportunities to been seen in the search engine results for a wide variety of keyphrases.


  • 玛利亚大吃一惊看见马丁·伊炉子里抓起熨斗,又把花哨的连衣裙扔到熨烫板上(事地老讲个没完,一直死去)。

    To her astonishment (and it was something that she never ceased from relating to her dying day), she saw Martin Eden seize an iron from the stove and throw a fancy shirt-waist on the ironing-board.


  • 研究者分析120个美国郡县搜集来资料其中20个郡县颁布禁烟

    The researchers analysed data from 120 American counties, 20 of which had banned smoking.


  • 风格网站访客迷惑用户网站钱的公司受害。如果设计师不是“这个网站做给谁用的?”

    When Style is a fetish, sites confuse visitors, hurting users and the companies that paid for the sites.


  • 风格网站访客迷惑用户网站钱的公司受害。如果设计师不是“这个网站做给谁用的?”

    When Style is a fetish, sites confuse visitors, hurting users and the companies that paid for the sites.


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