• 战争开始情况就已经发生了很大的变化,想到

    Things were very much changed since before the war, he reflected.


  • 没有同事商量情况下,洛杉矶飞到了芝加哥

    Without consulting his colleagues, he flew from Los Angeles to Chicago.


  • 真实情况终于那里一点点地套了出来。

    The truth was drawn from him by degrees.


  • 约瑟夫法官得出这项定义情况,两种不同的方式得出同样结论

    There were two cases that came before Judge Tauro on this subject, allowing him to arrive at the same conclusion in two different ways.


  • 情况但是头脑糊涂,想不起来自己的住址拉带着回家的时候,直接入口处走进们所居住的大楼里

    When Deborah brought him home, he walked right by the entrance to their building.


  • 福山哲郎回应最初允许子女甚至这次事件发生之前或是任何情况

    Fukuyama says he does not allow his children to drink milk in the first place, even before this incident or otherwise.


  • 何况,即使坏的情况设想,危险的也可能本人,总不能自己判处苦役牢,便可用理由认为权利判处珂赛特进修院。

    And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself,and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys.


  • 事实依然是没有事先获得许可情况下,私人生活知识产权中获利。

    The fact remains that he wants to profit from the private lives and intellectual property of others without obtaining their permission first.


  • 姥姥告诉,1948年出来,怀抱着当时刚出生不久哇哇直哭的母亲,现在的情况比起那时经历一切算不了什么

    His grandmother tells him it was nothing compared to what she had to go through when she was driven away from Jaffa in 1948, carrying his screaming mother, then a newborn, in her arms.


  • 宣布双方代表那里了解到了很多情况

    Perot announced that he had learned a lot from both groups.


  • 统计数字来看分析可疑之处,正如观察家》的约翰·纳顿在其地方所做的研究表明,真实情况在于互联网使用指数级增加。

    Statistically, his analysis has its dubious points - as John Naughton explores elsewhere in the Observer today, this glosses over the fact that Internet usage is increasing at an exponential rate.


  • 当被问及演讲商业咨询理应获得巨额资金时,说:“一些夸大的,一些是真实的,现在不能告诉你具体的情况。”

    Asked about the huge sums of money he is supposed to be making from speeches and business consultancies he says "some are exaggerated, some are true, I won't say now which are which".


  • 相反称之为大批未经分析战争报告任何情况都会很快过时,文件只是单一的角度来看待战争,是片面的。

    Instead, he called them "a bunch of combat reports" that lack analysis and, in any event, were quickly outdated. They offer a "very narrow perspective" of the war, he said.


  • 此前曾经出现过两次类似情况乔布斯健康问题离岗之际,库克都曾手里接过管理大权

    And twice before, Cook had taken the reins from Jobs, as Apple's founder stepped aside to focus on his health.


  • 因为使用清洁产品受伤无法上班情况2004年的54降低现在的0起,“就是改变进步”,

    The number of lost days linked to injuries from the products declined from 54 in 2004 to zero last year, he said.“It's the switch and the training,” Mr.Lucey said.


  • 布什空中视察洪水泛滥情况视察了爱奥华大学城

    Mr. Bush had an aerial tour of the floodwater and also visited the college town of Iowa City.


  • 因此346岁这些年里,我们认为部分大脑没有正常发育因为没有正常情况那些刺激

    So during those years, from 3 to 46, We believed that that part of his brain did not develop in the natural way, because it was deprived of the kind of stimuli to develop in the normal way.


  • 作品因此回复生活模式表现每一个不同情况

    From their works, therefore, he reverted to living models, as exhibited in every variety of situation.


  • U20世界杯回来时,教练我说了球队的伤病情况说现在球队需要我。今年我或许机会代表一队踢球,我希望能够留下来一队站位脚跟

    I thought I would have a chance to play this year as well so I thought I should stay and try and get a place in the first team.


  • 地板上拉过来,关于情况

    I pull him off the dance floor and ask, what is it about Kizomba.


  • 安东尼奥·卡萨诺一个可爱的小伙子需要学会控制一些事情看到情况来看,没法做到

    Antonio Cassano is a lovely lad, but he needs to learn to control some things. From what I see, he is unable to do that.


  • 希丁克相信利物浦的比赛只是个例外情况并且有信心,相信队员已经斯坦福洪水般的丢中学到了很多。

    Hiddink believes the Liverpool game was exceptional circumstances and is confident his players have learnt from the recent deluge of goals at Stamford Bridge.


  • 斯洛伐克国家队踢球时候我们球探首先发现了赛季开始我们一直关注情况

    Our scouts first knew of him when he was playing for Slovakia and we have been monitoring him since the start of the season.


  • 走路情况看,醉了

    He walks as if he is drunk.


  • 在那不太顺利的情况看来,英格兰有吸引力呢,”侄子转过平静面孔微笑着说

    England is very attractive to you, seeing how indifferently you have prospered there, ' he observed then, turning his calm face to his nephew with a smile .


  • 在那不太顺利的情况看来,英格兰有吸引力呢,”侄子转过平静面孔微笑着说

    England is very attractive to you, seeing how indifferently you have prospered there, ' he observed then, turning his calm face to his nephew with a smile .


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