• soap堆栈没有方法从中恢复

    There is no way a SOAP stack could ever recover from that.


  • 我们很多康复治疗才从中恢复过来

    It took a lot of healing to get over it.


  • 他们从中恢复过上健康幸福生活吗?

    Do they bounce back to live truly healthy, happy lives?


  • 失去的时候,你可能觉得不会从中恢复

    It may feel like it might be impossible to recover after losing someone you love.


  • 尤其是全身麻醉,了好几时间从中恢复过来,真的

    General anesthesia, in particular, I realized in hindsight takes a long time to get out of your system; weeks, really.


  • 通过设计系统发现系统偏离(或错误)并从中恢复提高系统可靠性

    Reliability can be enhanced by designing the system so that deviations — known as failures — can be detected and recovered from.


  • 记者说,“现在的美国遇到了一些困难,但是我们能够从中恢复过来。”

    "This is a tough situation for America, but we'll recover from it," he told reporters.


  • 玛丽就要死了,她患的正是约翰尼年前奇迹般从中恢复过来的那种重病。

    Mary, age six, was near death - victim of a disease from which Johnny had made a miraculous recovery only two years earlier.


  • 第一这样状况出现,烦恼,但是还不是创伤的,他从中恢复过来没有问题

    The first time this kind of thing happened it was upsetting but not traumatic, and he would have recovered from it with no problem.


  • Erlang遵循操作必将失败原则因此提供一种能够处理错误必要从中恢复系统

    Erlang also works on the principle that operations will fail and therefore has a system in place to be able to handle errors and if necessary recover from them.


  • 一旦初始化应该能够检测节点丢失通知用户以便用户可以应用程序采取一些补救措施从中恢复

    Once initialized it should be able to detect the node loss, notify the user so user can take some remedial steps on application front and recover from it.


  • 下面例子执行0备份- d选项用于避免将数据备份一个目录或者从中恢复数据时出现交互式提示符。

    The following example performs level 0 backup and the -d option is used to avoid interactive prompts when backing up to or restoring from a directory.


  • 将创建 /usr/lib/objrepos 目录tar存档需要还原容易从中恢复

    This creates a tar archive of the /usr/lib/objrepos directory that can easily be recovered if you need to revert back.


  • ——getover什么困难中恢复过来.难怪孩子吓坏了,亲眼看见自己父母死掉一件很难从中恢复的事情。

    No wonder that kid was so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn’t something you just get over.


  • ——getover什么困难中恢复过来。难怪孩子吓坏了,亲眼看见自己父母死掉一件很难从中恢复的事情。

    No wonder that kid was so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over.


  • 采用延迟坐标状态空间这种空间重构方法非线性系统中的单一时间序列进行分析,从中恢复出系统内部存在的非线性动力学特性

    The delay-coordinate method is adopted to reconstructed the space phase, and to analyze the single time series in the non-linear systems and resume the nonlinear kinetics characteristics.


  • 实验者大脑功能日渐减退,其趋势直线下降没有稳定的趋势。研究者这种累积效应称为睡眠负债”。那么我们从中恢复吗?

    In both groups, brain functions decrease day by day. almost linearly, with no sign of leveling off, scientists have dubbed this cumulative effect as "sleep Dept", So, can we recover from it?


  • 以往恢复项目没有很好地注重生计的恢复我们已经从中吸取了教训

    A stronger focus on livelihoods wasn't integrated into past recovery programs. But we've learnt from that.


  • 如果病人不能周内或者大脑损伤恢复意识,就会被认定为无望且无意义进行进一步的治疗。

    Anyone who did not regain consciousness within a few weeks after a stroke or head injury was said to have no hope for meaningful improvement.


  • 可是恰恰由于正处困境金融系统恢复健康进而使其余经济部分也从中获益,必须要有优秀的经理人

    And yet, precisely because it is in a mess, the financial system will need decent managers if it is to return to the health that benefits the rest of the economy.


  • 默克尔可能很快期选举的颓势中恢复过来。

    Mrs Merkel may recover from her mid-term slump.


  • 我们从中重新恢复状态一定的!

    We'll all benefit from that, that's for sure!


  • 尼克劳斯恢复缪斯的貌,鼓励霍夫曼全心投入创作,并从中找寻慰藉

    Nicklausse resumes her appearance as the Muse and encourages the poet to find consolation in his creative genius.


  • 可以从中选择一些喜阳耐旱草本植物,种类减少分布范围缩小同样可以作为环境恢复标志

    We can also choose the heliophytes as monitoring species, the reduction of these species and the shrink of their scope can also serve as the symbol of environmental recovery.


  • 人物无法从中复原我们无法恢复这些人物

    Your character cannot recover from this corruption and we will not be able to restore these characters.


  • 使用回复技能暂时停止气矿采集,工人不能从中采集任何气体现在恢复时间45

    Hitting "Restore gas" will temporarily shut down the geyser completely, prohibiting workers from harvesting any gas. Currently, the downtime is 45 seconds.


  • 回来一周了,基本上调整时差,生活又恢复了原样。周末小宝附近海边公园玩,小小宝非常喜欢沙子

    This is the first weekend after we came back from China. We are all back to U. s. time and life goes back to normal. We take Andy to the nearest park by the sea and he likes to play the sands.


  • 当然可能谷歌认为AOL时间不会恢复价值出售头疼的AOL的股份并从中获取减税政策。

    Of course, it is also possible that Google doesn't believe that AOL's valuation is going back up any time soon and wants to get the tax break that would come from selling its stake in AOL for a loss.


  • 当然可能谷歌认为AOL时间不会恢复价值出售头疼的AOL的股份并从中获取减税政策。

    Of course, it is also possible that Google doesn't believe that AOL's valuation is going back up any time soon and wants to get the tax break that would come from selling its stake in AOL for a loss.


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