• 拉动式下游工序上游工序中抽取零部件。

    Pull: The downstream process pulls items from the upstream process.


  • 上游消息没有一好的

    News has been coming upriver, none of it good.


  • 供应链中,物料上游下游

    In a supply chain, materials flow from upstream to downstream.


  • 河水泥土(或叫淤沙上游河谷带到下游地区乃至入海口。

    The flood waters carry in them soil (called silt) from the upper parts of the river valley to the lower partsand so to the sea.


  • 上游原料情况看CPL锦纶切片行情都处在向下调整之中

    From the upstream raw material situation, CPL, nylon chips market was in a downward adjustment.


  • 所得结果表明水中天然U含量变化上游下游呈现逐渐减低的趋势

    The results of U content are given, it shows a change trend from high to low in U content from upper to lower.


  • 流域营养化主要特征丰水期枯水期严重上游下游逐渐加重。

    The main characteristic of trophic level of each watershed is: The degree of eutrophication is more serious in flood season than in dry reason, in upstream than in downstream along the watershed.


  • 上游往下游没有没有失去能力我们不到

    From upstream to downstream, to go to, have no a propeller, without losing tracing the swim fins, ability, we can not return in the past.


  • 浮动分隔持有人提供隔断,让上游弯曲结束部分品种解除灵活机构

    Holders for floating slice chamber dividers are provided with flexible bodies whereby the dividers are relieved from bending strains in their upstream attached end portions.


  • 好,钻井英寸一英寸向前推进还有水质很好的河水可用,我们用车上游运水过来。

    Fortunately we have good river water which we can cart in from upstream while the drilling - inch by inch - continues.


  • 发明涉及一种碳氢化合物陷阱车辆进气系统位置上游引擎完全气流

    The present invention relates to a hydrocarbon trap positioned in the air intake system of a vehicle, upstream from the engine and wholly in the airflow.


  • 以后所有上游节点传送来相同传入标签数据包都会按照中的条目路径来转发

    By this way, all packets from the upstream node with the same label will be transmitted in same route according to the entry of the forwarding table.


  • 对流影响溶质分布,溶质上游冲刷下游使得上游液相中的浓度低于下游;

    Due to the effects of convection, the solute will be washed from upstream to downstream, resulting in the upstream concentration lower than the downstream one in the liquid alloy.


  • 另外下游地区工厂饮用水公司也可能上游旨在提高质量措施和更大范围的防洪工作中受益

    Moreover, downstream factories and drinking water companies will benefit from the upstream water quality improvement measures, too and also from greater flood protection.


  • 初级卫生保健有助于开展预防工作,处理卫生领域以及非卫生领域造成健康根源因素,上游根治健康威胁

    As part of this preventive approach, it tackles the root causes of ill health, also in non-health sectors, thus offering an upstream attack on threats to health.


  • 上游材料选择开始严格把关选取上等雪茄烟叶品种适宜地理位置土壤质量气候条件种植

    Upstream from the choice of materials began to strict checks, such as selecting high quality cigar tobacco variety, in a suitable location, soil quality, climate conditions of cultivation.


  • 约书亚继续说:“等到祭司约但河水里,约但河就是上游往下流的水,必然断绝起来堆在一起。”

    Joshua went on: "as soon as the bottom of the priests' feet stand in the water of the river, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, and the waters upstream shall stand in a heap."


  • 该文抛物化稳定性方程出发,采用从上游下游递推数值方法,对非平行边界层稳定性问题进行数值计算分析。

    Based on parabolized stability equations, the stability of nonparallel boundary layer is calculated and analyzed by using recursion numerical method.


  • 为了避免生产过剩上游工序不是成品零部件下游工序,反而下游工序主动地上游工序中拉出()零部件。

    So to prevent overproduction, the upstream doesn't "push" finished parts to the downstream, but instead it is the downstream that actively pulls (fetches) the parts from the upstream.


  • 因此,所获浮游动物,多数优势种类是广盐性种类。而且,上游下游各站位种类个体随着氯度增高而减少

    The number of species and total individuals of zooplankton decrease with the increasing chlorinity from the upper to the lower reach.


  • 结果表明水土环境效应综合排序结果与石流域上下游行政分区一致,上游到下游水资源开发引起环境负面效应急剧增大

    The results show the level of environmental negative effect of water resources development increases sharply from the upper reaches to the lower reaches in Shiyang River Basin.


  • 上游产业下游产业,可以通信市场分为如下51设备制造商2电信服务提供层,3网络建设商,4电信运营商,5最终用户层。

    We could divide the value chain into five layers: 1 equipment manufactures, 2 service providers, 3 network constructor, 4 telecom carries, 5 end users.


  • 上游产业下游产业,可以通信市场分为如下51设备制造商2电信服务提供层,3网络建设商,4电信运营商,5最终用户层。

    We could divide the value chain into five layers: 1 equipment manufactures, 2 service providers, 3 network constructor, 4 telecom carries, 5 end users.


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