• 提供免费技术维护网站开始

    He has provided free technical maintenance for the website since the very beginning.


  • 认为我们开始时候就应该集中精力处理阿富汗问题

    And I think we should have been focused on Afghanistan from the start.


  • 不是很难培养的狗应该实行这样的,开始

    It's not very hard to groom your dog yourself, but you should practice this right from the start.


  • 每次到达当前设置当前行,开始开始行了。

    Every time you reach the end of the current row, you set the previous row to the current row, and start from the beginning of the row again.


  • 开始屯垦现在层层相续的历史留下了城市不断建造与与重建遗迹

    Cities are constantly built and rebuilt; from the initial settlement to the present, successive layers leave traces.


  • 人行道上的行人挡箭牌似乎开始汽车商店橱窗不屈不挠的楮樽刺眼

    The sidewalks seem emptier as pedestrians shield their eyes from the unrelenting glare off the cars and store windows.


  • 从一开始电子邮件服务(比如hotmail),计算开始商业世界引起注意。

    Cloud computing, which began with consumer-focused E-mail services such as Hotmail, has also caught on in the business world.


  • 开始经验、零销售、零顾客,现在顾客不断光顾每月收入非常可观

    From the beginning of the zero, zero, zero customer sales experience, to the present new and old customers continue to patronize, monthly income is very considerable.


  • 所有文字方式项目开始余杭直至800东道西这个项目已经开始

    The text all the way to extend the project from the beginning of Yuhang District, until 800 meters east of Ring Road West, this project has been started.


  • 鼓励丈夫着下床走从一开始15英尺到4周以后的1.5英里,始终相扶左右

    She supported him as he took his first steps, 15 feet in the beginning, then, after four weeks, a mile and a half.


  • 歌曲开始吉他轻声节奏到进随着情绪的扩展,少年维特式的烦恼若隐若现飘荡

    Songs from the beginning of the wood softly playing rhythm guitar, into singing, with the expansion of emotion, the problem of juvenile Witt in the looming in Drifting.


  • 保持提供良好软件客户必须确定适当的策略回归测试符合目标指标开始

    To maintain and deliver good software to the client, you must define a proper strategy for regression testing that matches your goals and targets from the beginning.


  • 她们已经厌倦每天为小事生气,如果开始互动不是愉快,她们就会感觉值得这个

    They are tired of the irritating little day-to-day ticks and feel it is not worth it to spend time with someone if the entire interaction from start to finish is not pleasing.


  • 然而被谈论着词语嘲笑傲慢拥有者来说,我已经开始怀疑为什么我们开始的时候就如此激动生气。

    Yet as the proud owner of the anatomical bit derided by the word in question, I have begun to wonder why we ever got so worked up about it in the first place.


  • 很快意识到,科克方法通过直接实现速度如果抄收1520每分钟反射式的,那么开始建设开始的反射

    I soon realized that the Koch method achieves its speed through directness; if you want to copy reflexively at 15 or 20 WPM, then just start building those reflexes from the start.


  • 开始这个价格标签就是预检致命缺陷

    Since the beginning, this price tag has been PreCheck's fatal flaw.


  • 开始识破了诡计

    I saw through your little ruse from the start.


  • 开始明白说出了意图

    He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.


  • 开始这个女孩显然真正斗士

    From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter.


  • 是个让人心神不安表演开始幻觉感。

    It was an unsettling show. There was a hallucinatory feel from the start.


  • 过去总是时间精力投入到开始注定要失败的项目上。

    I used to pour time and energy into projects that were doomed from the start.


  • 开始能力就毋庸置疑。

    From the get-go, there was no question about his ability.


  • 成功关键开始做好准备。

    The key to success is to be ready from the start.


  • 守护天使蹩脚设计弄巧成拙开始注定这部电影要失败。

    The ill-advised conceit of the guardian angel dooms the film from the start.


  • 重要的开始就要做出正确决定

    It's essential you make the right decisions from the word go.


  • 总统玩了场精明的外交游戏因为一开始就要求进行直接对话

    The president has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks.


  • 总统玩了场精明的外交游戏因为一开始就要求进行直接对话

    The president has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks.


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