• 本次讲座邀请2011年入围今日艺术艺术家代表:陈界仁、李牧、黄然、汪建伟郑国谷

    This lecture will invite the five finalists of Today Art Award 2011: Chen Chieh-jen, Li Mu, Huang Ran, Wang Jianwei and Zheng Guogu.


  • 文艺复兴时期挂毯瓷器珠宝珐琅器、雕塑,些弗朗索瓦带来愉悦艺术品,再度陈列在今日的埃库昂城堡。

    Ecouen today is again filled with Renaissance tapestries, ceramics, jewels, enamels and sculpture that would have given pleasure to francois.


  • 但是对于今日来说,艺术历史已经足够悠长。

    But enough art history for today.


  • 过去20世纪以及21世纪的今日埃及城市中心,对世界艺术兴趣随着国际意识日益扩宽以及现代文化蓬勃发展也正逐渐变浓。

    In Egypt's urban centers in the twentieth and now the twenty-first century, the growing interest in world art was part of an expanding international awareness and a booming modernist culture.


  • 今日帖子里我们搜集一些艺术作品它们全然不同视角展示字体设计用途

    In today's post we have collected some artworks which demonstrate the use of typography in a totally different perspective.


  • 他用拉丁语书,而且为了装饰此书,他还使用所有华丽艺术式样,配各种生动活泼的色彩时至今日,书中的颜色依然亮丽夺目

    He wrote it in Latin and decorated it with all manner of gorgeous pieces of art with vivid colors that still sparkle today.


  • 就是手握今日描绘自己未来艺术

    You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.


  • 时至今日咖啡馆文化艺术气氛淡化了,休闲色彩浓重了。

    But today, the cafe culture art atmosphere of desalination, leisure has a strong color.


  • 建立雅典强大令人敬畏海军强权,而且催生了史无前例的,璀璨艺术文化生活甚至今日伯里克·利斯的雅典闻名

    It had established Athens as a mighty and redoubtable naval power and it created an unprecedented level of artistic and cultural life even today known simply as Periclean Athens.


  • 一位美国早期作家柯柏:“美国音乐艺术几乎可以说相当无知,”如果这话曾经是事实,今日绝不会这么认为

    James Fenimore Cooper, an early American writer, once said, "the Americans are almost ignorant of the art of music." If that was once true, you would never know it today.


  • 手机短信电脑键盘大行其道今日苏格兰所学校返朴归真,向年轻人传授人冷落自来水书写艺术

    In this age of cell phones, text messages and computer keyboards, one Scottish school has returned to basics. It's teaching youngsters the neglected art of writing with a fountain pen.


  • 时至今日已过去两个世纪暴露在风雨阳光下仍没使之褪色,是古代琉璃建筑艺术杰作。

    Two centuries of exposure to the elements have failed to alter the colors or lustre of this magnificent work of art.


  • 就是手握今日画笔描绘自己未来艺术

    You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today!


  • 太阳东方升起? 今日亚洲艺术潮流阿尔勒国际摄影,阿尔勒,法国

    "The sun rises in the east" the current artistic scene in asia. les rencontres d'arles-arles photo festival arles france.


  • 现居北京,担任首都北京重要当代艺术展馆今日美术馆艺术总监

    A resident of Beijing, he is artistic director of the Today Art Museum, an important museum of contemporary art in the Chinese capital.


  • 就是今日描绘自己艺术

    You are the artist that paints your futrure with the brush of today.


  • 本次讲座今日美术馆中央美术学院共同主办,来自美国艺术大卫•拉切贝尔我们分享25的创作历程

    The lecture is organized both by Today Art Museum and Central Academy of Fine Arts, American artist David LaChapelle, will share his achievements and success in photography of the past 25 years.


  • 今日美术馆通过搭建“提名展”这一宽广舞台,年轻艺术插上翅膀,使广大学子的青涩创想”成为现实

    Through the platform of "Today Art Student Annual Awards", Today Art Museum hopes that we can lend wings to the young artists and make their "Green Hope" come true.


  • 昨天无名小队的英雄变成今日动人心魄的运动员球场上矫健将此比赛变为艺术

    Yesterday's little league hero has become today's most captivating athlete. His elegance on the court has transformed the game into a art form.


  • 周二一位法国艺术达芬奇16世纪创作的不朽名画《蒙娜丽莎中的神秘女子当时刚刚第二个儿子今日新开魔域私服。

    Mona Lisa, the mysterious woman immortalized in Leonardo da Vinci's 16th century masterpiece, had just given birth to her second son when she sat for the painting, a French art expert said on Tuesday.


  • 时至今日文化演变艺术实用共生个性与文化齐倡。

    At the present time, earthenware culture follow world evolution , art and pragmatic colacobisis, individuality and culture advocate simultaneously.


  • 梦想小区正在振兴戏,古老艺术全新的面貌针对今日年轻族群上演活泼有劲的戏码。

    The Dream Community is reviving puppetry by giving this age-old craft a new face with productions that are energetic, vibrant, and geared towards today's youth.


  • 时至今日艺术方面卓越成就尊重仍然存在然而,不幸,与过去伟大艺术相比,今天现代艺术经常被嘲笑微不足道事情

    This respect for excellence in the arts still exists today However modern art is unfortunately too often derided as a thing of paltry significance as compared to the great artists of the past.


  • 然而今日社会已经进入一个视觉文化极度发达消费社会,大众文化,商业资本技术媒体艺术已经紧密联系到一起

    However, today's society has into a highly developed visual culture consumer society, popular culture, art capital, new media technologies and the arts have been closely linked together in there.


  • 今日欧洲极少主义建筑深远思想渊源受到六十年代极少主义艺术的影响。

    Minimal Architecture can be traced deeply into the history of Architecture and it is influenced by 1960's Minimal Art.


  • 本次展览展出年轻艺术作品,这几位年轻艺术都曾参加今日美术馆主办的“青涩创想计划——全国艺术院校大学生年度提名获奖

    This exhibition includes artworks of seven young artists, who had participated the Green Hope Project-National Art Students Annual Exhibition in past years and won awards.


  • 时至今日所谓艺术盛世”,一种艺术形式出现引来众多山寨”版。

    Nowadays, in this so called art heyday, the emergence of one artistic form will draw down numerous cheap copies.


  • 时至今日所谓艺术盛世”,一种艺术形式出现引来众多山寨”版。

    Nowadays, in this so called art heyday, the emergence of one artistic form will draw down numerous cheap copies.


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