• 今年每个人报价-那些那些寻找

    This year's love quotes are for everyone - those in love, and those looking for love.


  • 今年第十九眼日今年口号是“关注眼健康预防糖尿致盲”。

    This year is the 19th sight day, the 2014 official slogan is "Pay attention to eye health, prevention of diabetic retinopathy".


  • 唯一建议旅途一个阶段,都珍惜在一起的每一刻,就今年夏天做的那样。

    My only advice is to cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey, as I have done this summer.


  • 今年他们已经美国签署合同他们在荷华的风力发电厂输送田纳西流域管理局

    This year it signed contracts in the US to sell electricity from its wind farm in Iowa to the Tennessee Valley Authority.


  • 今年情人节,浪漫的若想要打动,又不满足于随意购束鲜花巧克力送给对方,何不尝试着其它方法来表达您的

    To impress your loved ones this Valentine's Day, why not try some other alternatives instead of the usual bunch of hastily-purchased flowers or a box of chocolates?


  • 今年加..协会位于巴尔的摩获得乌鸦

    This year, the Edgar Allan Poe Society and the Poe House in Baltimore will receive the Raven Award.


  • Forrester Research公司分析师萨拉普斯说:索尼的行为已经公开表示,现在款新的阅读器是今年整个电子阅读产品系列中的一部分

    Sarah Epps, an analyst at Forrester Research, said Sony had publicly indicated that the two new devices were part of a new suite of e-reading products it would introduce this year.


  • 去年,唱片公司向之前销量不佳的洛佩兹发出邀请。沉寂年之后洛佩兹将于今年五月发行最新专辑?》。

    Lopez, who was dropped by her record label in 2010 after disappointing sales, releases her first new studio album in four years in May, called "Love?"。


  • 奥华州一共有1781个选区这个资格参加今年大选投票选民可以星期四到该州选区各自选择党内预选党团会议去投票。

    There are 1, 781 political precincts in Iowa and state residents who are eligible to vote in this year's election may go to the party caucus of their choice in each of those precincts on Thursday.


  • 正如今年早些时候蒙交所首席执行官阿尔泰•杭(Altai Khangai)次采访中所说,蒙交所所面临一个挑战就是上市公司本身的质量问题。

    As acting CEO Altai Khangai put it in an interview earlier this year, one challenge for the exchange is the quality of the companies that are traded there.


  • 今年我们付出更多

    This year we start with more Love.


  • 吉玛.达滋的母亲“玛若.卡卡”今年已经62岁了,她收到每月1700美元退休金冻结了尽管西班牙法律担保说人们的生活成本正在增加

    The $1,700-a-month pension that Ms. Díaz’s mother, Marisol Alcala, 62, receives has been frozen, even though Spanish law guarantees cost-of-living increases.


  • 也许今年最有的事情就是负债。你可以些小计划祷告来实现这个。

    Maybe the most loving thing you can do this year is to stay on budget! You can do that with a little planning and prayer.


  • 圣诞节要到了希望今年圣诞节能一起过,你愿意的人吗?

    Christmas is coming again, hope this year's Christmas and I love the people together. Want to ask you, would you be my love?


  • 冠军赛之前今年最后一场比赛

    This is my last tournament of the year before the Sony Ericsson Championships.


  • 今年去年今天

    I love you even more this year, than last year on this day.


  • 但是今年其他候选人不会花费很多时间因为参议员哈金出自荷华州的。

    But this year other presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa because Senator Harkin from Iowa was a favorite son candidate.


  • 整体运势:尽可能呵护所有今年你的感情将会一帆风顺。

    OVERVIEW: Being the ultimate caregiver to those you love, you thrive in your relationships this year.


  • 作为私人教练德。诺曼知道自己有着强健的肱二头肌,根本意识到肱二头肌居然一批秘密仰慕者,直到今年当他乘坐伦敦地铁的时候才发现。

    As a personal trainer, Ed Norman knows he has good biceps. But he didn't realize they had their own secret admirers until he rode the London Underground earlier this year.


  • 单身双鱼座今年找到他们红鱼或者

    Single fish will find their red fish or bae fish this year.


  • 萨姆圣诞到了,妻子玛吉真的……是说,她……她什么都布置得很漂亮,而今年圣诞的确使人难受

    Sam: Look, It's Christmas. Maggie, my Wife, she really did... I mean. she loved she made everything beautiful. It's just tough this time of year.


  • 照明娱乐当家吉祥物小黄全新短片贴片今年暑期上映机密》,影片剧照也同时发布

    As the mascot of the small yellow people entertainment lighting the new film will be released this summer's "pet patch big secrets", also released the film stills.


  • 虽然今年可能伤害,但是努力去争取享受份深刻

    As much as you may feel vulnerable at times this year, strive to experience the depths of your being and let yourself enjoy intense love relationships.


  • 可是今年其他州的候选人没有很多时间进行竞选活动,因为哈金参议员就是来自奥华州的,他就是该州的宠儿

    But this year other presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa because Senator Harkin from Iowa was a favourite son candidate.


  • 日本福原今年二月科威特公开赛上紧随刘诗雯获得亚军,这也是职业生涯最佳名次。在这次亚运会上,她尽力避免在多哈亚运会中的糟糕表现

    Japan's ai Fukuhara, who finished runner-up to Liu Shiwen at February's Kuwait Open for her best career finish, will try to make up for a subpar performance at the last Asian Games in Doha.


  • 日本福原今年二月科威特公开赛上紧随刘诗雯获得亚军,这也是职业生涯最佳名次。在这次亚运会上,她尽力避免在多哈亚运会中的糟糕表现

    Japan's ai Fukuhara, who finished runner-up to Liu Shiwen at February's Kuwait Open for her best career finish, will try to make up for a subpar performance at the last Asian Games in Doha.


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