• 笔者今后学习工作继续领域研究

    I will continue research in this area during study and work in the future.


  • 成功的早期阅读教育幼儿今后学习打下良好的基础

    Successful early reading education for young children lay a sound foundation for future learning.


  • 希望今后学习中,老师给予更多帮助,更多的学习技巧

    Hope in the future study, the teacher to give more help, more learning skills.


  • 希望今后的学习中,老师给予更多帮助,更多的学习技巧

    I hope I can get more help and more study skills from my teacher in the future study.


  • 这些需要今后的学习工作中继续加强研究使不断地深化与完善。

    These research need to strengthen at the study and the work in future in order to make it more perfect.


  • 今后学习中能戒骄戒躁继续努力自己目标更高些更远些!

    You would like to study in the future to guard against arrogance and rashness, continue to work hard to make our goals higher and farther more!


  • 知道我会今后学习遇到什么样班主任但是我会一直记得你感激的。

    I don't know what kind of class adviser I will meet in the future study, but I will remember and appreciate you forever.


  • 知道我会今后学习遇到什么样班主任但是我会一直记得感激你的。

    I don't know what kind of class adviser I will meet in the future study, but I will remember you and appreciate these forever.


  • 孩子能够得到充裕辅导时间足够的重视,足以他们一生今后的学习奠定坚实基础

    Your child will be given the time and attention required to provide a solid foundation for a lifetime of continued learning. In addition to our educational program our five continued learning.


  • 此外鉴于本人水平有限本文还有很多不足之处疏漏今后学习工作中进一步改进完善

    In addition, my view of the limited level, this paper there are many shortcomings and omissions, in the future to learn and I will work to further improve and perfect.


  • 来自四川外语学院檬感受很深:“通过实习找到自己优势不足今后学习目标明确。

    Wang Meng from Sichuan International Studies University had a lot of to say. She said: "Though the internship, I find my strong points and shortcomings. I have a clearer target in my future study."


  • 通过复读加强英语口语能力我会更好适应美国学习生活也会今后学习以及海外生活打下急促。

    I want to improve my English spoken language ability through study again, and I may better adapt US's study life, will build the foundation for the overseas life as well as the study.


  • 不管怎样,看一只20英镑火鸡上,人们上的可是犯罪记录会直接影响到他们今后的学习工作机会

    'However, for the sake of a? 20 Turkey, people risk a criminal record that could see them barred from a number of professions, limiting their future career options.' Adrian.


  • 认为学生准备托福网考的过程中,他们语言综合能力得到加强,有助于他们今后的学习做好准备取得成功

    I feel that as students prepare for this new TOEFL, they'll also be developing integrated language skills that will help them to prepare for and succeed at their academic work.


  • 旨在帮助非医学门类本科毕业研究生掌握生物学相关基础知识相关前沿进展,今后学习科研工作打下良好的基础。

    It aims at helping those students grasp the basic knowledge and frontier of biology for their further study and their research work.


  • 通过段时间学习对投标文件的编制有了深刻的认识与了解,这今后的学习生活有着积极的作用和长远帮助

    Through this period of study, I did have more understanding of bidding documents. Obviously this study will have a long term benefit for me for my future.


  • 最喜欢科目数学因此数学成绩非常但是我的英语太理想,我希望今后学习过程中逐步提高自己的英语成绩。

    My favorite subject is math, so I have been very good math, but my English is not ideal, I hope that in future the learning process, and gradually improve their English results.


  • 今后学习通过扩大词汇增大阅读面提高自己英语水平。并且要拿到大学英语四极证否则作为英语专业的学生就太没有说服力了。

    I will enlarge my vocabulary and increase reading to improve my English in future study, also I will get college English brand four certificate, otherwise I can not persuade others as a English major.


  • 文言文知识复杂深奥的,了解古今与通假有关知识,分清初中课本中的古今字与通假字,将来进入高一级学校及其今后的学习有极大帮助。

    The knowledge about the words in classical Chinese is complicated and abstruse, in Junior Chinese book the same word has different meanings between the classical Chinese and Todays.


  • 随着我们深入更加复杂图表绘制技术及早学习如何识别使用这种差别今后有所帮助

    Learning to recognize and employ this distinction early on will aid you in the future, as we move into increasingly complex diagramming techniques.


  • 其实有没有发现,聊天时一般都涉及学习的事情,我也很少和你谈起今后打算和计划。

    I do not know whether you’ve felt it or not that I seldom talk about study or my future plan with you.


  • 游戏它们终生受益,因为今后潜伏猎杀演练并且是在学习群体成员社会交际

    This type of play will help them all their lives, as it is practice for stalking and killing prey and learning the social interactions of the pack.


  • 我们今后周里进行紧张有意义学习交流

    The next three weeks will see us engaged in intensive and constructive studies and exchanges of opinions.


  • 如果即将进入大学学习并希望大学录取,而且今后打算从事地球科学相关职业,你就得认真学习所有课程

    If you are a pre-college student you can start preparing for a career in Earth science by enrolling in the college preparation program and doing well in all of your courses.


  • 所以只要孩子看看外语片听听外文歌曲或者一些外语词汇就能他们有用的工具帮助他们今后学习讲话

    So just hearing a television show, listening to music, or learning a few words in a second language will give your child essential tools for appreciating it now and learning to speak it later.


  • 这些孩子不仅学习使用电脑——这种今后工作时可能将会使用的工具而且受训之后较之Windows他们偏爱苹果系统。

    Not only are the kids learning to use the tools they'll someday encounter in real-world jobs, but they're also being trained to prefer Apple over Windows.


  • 这些孩子不仅学习使用电脑——这种今后工作时可能将会使用的工具而且受训之后较之Windows他们偏爱苹果系统。

    Not only are the kids learning to use the tools they'll someday encounter in real-world jobs, but they're also being trained to prefer Apple over Windows.


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