• 不会仅仅为了父母缘故而装出合家欢假象。

    I'm not going to play happy families just for the benefit of your parents.


  • 确实必要花费数千元仅仅为了电视机薄?

    Do you actually need to spend thousands just so your television can be thin?


  • 写这本书为了赚钱还是仅仅为了好玩

    Are you expecting to make money from this book, or is it mostly for fun?


  • Twitomate一个非常基础的程序,仅仅为了排列tweet消息以滚动发布

    Twitomate: a very basic app designed just to let you queue tweets to publish on a rolling basis.


  • 仅仅为了保证他们安全”,是否总是告诉孩子什么,什么不该做?

    Do you always tell your child what to do and what not to just to 'keep them safe'?


  • 大多时候仅仅为了动态地创建代理需要使用代理很少的一些API

    To create proxies dynamically, most of the time, you only need to deal with a few APIs in the proxy package.


  • 尽管健康总是很重要的,也不要仅仅为了土豆片几口冰淇淋感觉正在伤害婴儿

    While eating healthy is always important don’t let a few French fries or an ice cream come make you feel like you’re harming your baby.


  • 写辞职信目的并不是仅仅为了离开同时也是要留下一个印象公司——这会未来的求职有所帮助

    When making a resignation letter, your aim is to not only leave your company, you are also leaving a good impression, which may help your cause in applying for a job.


  • 仅仅为了自己负责工作时,会感觉更加艰难。

    This is tougher when you work for yourself or by yourself and are only accountable to one person, you.


  • 如果青春亮丽,一点皱纹都没有,或者如果仅仅为了享受化妆的乐趣,担心带来鱼尾纹,那就随心所欲吧。

    If you're young with nary a wrinkle in sight, or if you just want to have fun with makeup rather than worry about whether it brings out your crow's feet, be as experimental as you'd like.


  • 要不是有斯通中间人的话,可以想像帕克仅仅为了激怒网络执行官些什么

    Without Stone to act as a go-between, you can imagine how Parker might say something just to get a network executive angry.


  • 此外请考虑这样个问题:准备学到知识而学一门课程还是仅仅为了进入档案而学习?

    Also consider this: are you going to take a course to learn or are you going to take it only to have it on your record?


  • 仅仅为了躲避交税时刻心疼而拖延,而会带来后面大的痛苦,难道不是吗?

    Isn't it true that you put it off simply to avoid the pain of the moment, only to experience even greater pain later on?


  • 提醒自己不是仅仅为了申请大学这些事情的。

    'You have to be careful you're not doing things just to get them on your college application.


  • 还记得一回仅仅为了好人陌生人慷慨解囊什么时候吗?

    When was the last time you were generous to a stranger just because you wanted to be nice?


  • 如果为了跟随乐队巡演而辞掉份工作,也积极的方式来表达——可能考虑把这个经历本书仅仅为了打发时间。

    If you quit your last job to follow a band on tour, be ready to put a positive spin on it-maybe you were considering writing a book about the experience rather than just goofing off?


  • 但是不是仅仅为了个人或是工作目的应该蜜。

    But it doesn't mean that you should make male friends just for personal or business purposes.


  • 总是出个旋律而且确保仅仅为了唱歌而唱歌。

    You always want to sing the melody and make sure you're not messing with the song just for the sake of messing with it.


  • 他们所做就是拍照片然后编造故事这些仅仅为了破坏名声

    All they do is take a picture of you and make up the whole story just to make you sound bad.


  • 尽管健康总是很重要的,也不要仅仅为了土豆片几口冰淇淋感觉正在伤害婴儿

    While eating healthy is always important, don't let a few French fries or an ice cream come make you feel like you're harming your baby.


  • 尤其需要仅仅为了通过EJB使用声明式事务使用应用服务器

    In particular, you don't need an application server just to have declarative transactions via EJB.


  • 我们不会任何改变或者是打扫仅仅为了欢迎的入住。

    We won't change it or clean it only for welcoming you.


  • 是否曾经想像仅仅为了一句诺言背上背着尸体花上好几个月完成回家旅程

    Have you ever thought about making a journey home with a dead body on your back for months just because of one promise?


  • 但是生命一万六千多却常常扔就是十几、几十天,仅仅为了等待某个日子。

    But now your life only keeps 16,000 days, and you often waste them by tens a time, only to wait for someday to come.


  • 所以看到2011年会一个稠浊型布袋总的结果将会是更年夜筹办举动,不是仅仅为了结束而是连续朝向更高维度的门路进步。

    So you will see that 2011 will be a mixed bag, but the overall result will be your greater preparation not just for the end times, but the continuing upward path to even higher dimensions.


  • 所以看到2011年会一个稠浊型布袋总的结果将会是更年夜筹办举动,不是仅仅为了结束而是连续朝向更高维度的门路进步。

    So you will see that 2011 will be a mixed bag, but the overall result will be your greater preparation not just for the end times, but the continuing upward path to even higher dimensions.


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