• 也许看看花园什么样子更好

    Perhaps it would be better to go and see what the gardens were like.


  • 这项发表美国预防医学杂志》上研究,并不是第一绿色植物更好健康状况联系起来的研究,确实我们接近确定什么奏效以及什么这样。

    The new research, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, isn't the first to associate greenery with better health, but it does get us closer to identifying what works and why.


  • 我们可能什么我们身体不能更好自我修复

    We might well ask why our bodies do not repair themselves better.


  • 善意的情况下,他们可能温和地询问什么约翰玛丽没有更好是否拼尽全力等等

    At their kindest, they may gently enquire why John or Mary isn't doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on.


  • 我们喜欢事情时,我们可能在过程中发现我们真正喜欢什么或者只是找到一个更好方法处理我们必须做的事情。

    When we do things we dislike, we may discover something we do like along the way, or simply find a better way to deal with the things we must do.


  • 会更好地理解什么重要,什么不重要。

    You'll have a better understanding of what's important and what isn't.


  • 我们还不能肯定,为什么更多财富更好健康直接导致他们有着较高自尊心它们之间似乎存在有着某种联系

    We cannot know for certain that more wealth and better health directly lead to higher self-esteem, but it does appear to be linked in some way.


  • 使用防晒霜只是更好一些,肯定什么不用好。

    Yet sunscreens are getting better, and using them is certainly better than using nothing at all.


  • :“知道他们接下来几年采取什么措施,但是知道5里,他们一定恢复并且美国股市更好。”

    I don’t know what they’re going to do for the next couple of years, ” he said, “but we all know that over five years they’ll recover and do better than American stocks.”


  • 可以想象下,如果害怕事情,我的生活成为什么样子不管那件令你恐惧的什么事情生活可能更好

    If you think about what your life might be like if you weren't afraid of that thing, whatever it is, you know that things would be better.


  • 没有什么事情能听到别人赞美赞赏让感觉更好了。上帝也喜欢我们表达我们崇敬和感激,满含微笑

    Few things feel better than receiving heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else. God loves it too. He smiles when we express our adoration and gratitude to him.


  • 相信我们过得更好,因为那些在这里逝去的人们生命得到挽救的人们都让我相信:我们或许不能消除掉这世上所有邪恶我们完全可以决定什么方式去对待另一个人。

    Those who died here, those who saved life here-they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us.


  • 就是说他们更好理解什么所有的事情都做不可能的。

    That is, they'll understand better why it's impossible to get everything right all the time.


  • 真的希望这些什么优势毕竟即便竞争对手只有半个脑袋他们轻而易举地我的专利里学习所有他们可以学习的,并且东西更好

    I didn't really expect these to give me any advantage; after all if my competitors had half a brain, they would simply learn all they could from my patent filing and do things better.


  • 可能女性什么不能更好

    How, you might ask, could women not have done better?


  • 如果行进的慢一些,生活就是完整的,让你感觉更好时间欣赏欣赏每一个时刻就是什么下来简单的原因。

    Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment. That's the simplest reason to slow down.


  • 援助支持者很少去探究什么一个正常工作秩序国家努力寻求援助,而不是其他更好财政支持方式

    And aid supporters spend little time addressing the mystery of why a country in good working order would seek aid rather than other, better forms of financing.


  • 有时其他时间也获得突破,比如跑步走路,不过到目前为止,还没有什么洗澡更好

    Sometimes I get breakthroughs during other moments of the day-say, while running or walking-but nothing, so far, beats those a-ha moments in the shower.


  • 这些文件如果只是随便看看不到什么作用,如果用它更好调查公司,那么绝对取得很大成效

    These documents don't qualify as leisure reading, but they can work wonders if you're looking for a way to do excellent research on the company.


  • 少有什么看起来更好

    Rarely if ever have things looked better.


  • 我们知道什么运用CSS开发网站更好因此为了免于打扰就不多评论了。

    We all know why it is better to use CSS to develop a website so I do not want to bore you with arguments.


  • 什么用上粗口我们感觉更好

    Why does using a swear word make us feel better?


  • 然而罗姆尼先生认为退伍军人发放可私营保险上的代金券也许产生更好效果什么

    Yet Mr. Romney believes that giving veterans vouchers to spend on private insurance would somehow yield better results. Why?


  • 所以尝试身体告诉什么时间小睡一下或许这样效果会更好一些。

    So I think I'll try the same approach with polyphasic sleep and just allow my body to tell me when it needs to nap. I think that may produce better results than following a fixed nap schedule.


  • 比如相比于流行度更微妙标准来评价工具我们更好理解这个世界正在发生什么

    For example, tools that can measure by subtler yardsticks than popularity will give us vastly better ways to understand what's happening in the world.


  • 因此如果提交一项错误查询Zappos可能展示错误结果向我表明什么结果错误的,帮助指出更好搜索

    So, if I submit the wrong query, Zappos might show me the wrong results, but it also shows me why the results are wrong and helps me figure out a better search.


  • 就像印度咖喱,”,“没什么特别的,只是手抓着味道更好。”

    Like eating curry in India, ” he says. “It just tastes better with the hands.”


  • 一种天赋知道什么别人世界以及他们自己感觉变得更好

    You have a gift for knowing what will make another person feel better about the world and themselves.


  • 因为确定,善事确实更好所以不管你选择什么领域如果你是服务角度出发,我知道人生价值你将快乐。

    So, whatever field you choose, if you operate from the paradigm of service, I know your life will have more value and you will be happy.


  • 慢慢思考这个问题后,如果业界完全停止使用什么标签尝试着做一些有意义的事情,也许事态更好

    Coming to think about it, maybe it would be even better if the industry stopped using labels altogether, and tried to do whatever makes sense.


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