• 了写了另一本书《回家的漫漫旅程》——讲述关于他与罗文一起前往非洲、澳大利亚和美国亚利桑那州的故事之外,鲁珀特还制作了纪录片《濒危动物》,由罗文担任主持,讲述了那些濒临灭绝的动物。

    Besides writing another book, The Long Ride Home, about travelling with Rowan to Africa, Australia and Arizona in the US, Rupert has also produced the documentary Endangerous, with Rowan as host, about dangerous animals that are endangered.


  • 当地如何适应这些变化决定避风港地区是将走向繁荣还是大熊猫一样变成濒临灭绝的物种

    How its people adapt to these changes will determine whether the Refuge prospers or becomes, like the panda, an endangered species.


  • 所以肯定整个业务回转过程,你们一些可能知道2000年时,施乐濒临破产。

    So she must have spoken about the whole turn-around story, and for some of you who might know back in the year 2000, Xerox was actually on the verge of bankcrupcy.


  • 几个月以后维多利亚秘密濒临破产,创始Raymond给瓦克斯纳打了一个电话,是否有兴趣买下维多利亚秘密。

    Months later, with Victoria's Secret on the verge of bankruptcy, Raymond called Wexner and asked if he wanted to buy the company.


  • 米高梅公司似乎濒临破产边缘,最近恳求投资者高抬贵手,以使他们能有资金拍摄《霍比特即将上映影片

    MGM appears to be on the brink of bankruptcy and recently begged their investors for a break so they could fund their upcoming films like the Hobbit.


  • 自从家中带走随着其他数以万计犹太被带到这儿以来,濒临死亡,只能算一天,活一小时算一小时

    I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews.


  • 相对于同龄男性这些濒临破产女性接受过更好教育。其中,大部分都上大学,超过一半的女性拥有自己的住所

    These bankrupt women are better educated than their male counterparts: most have some college education, and more than half own their own homes.


  • 信天翁--传说中航海守护者--已经濒临灭绝了。

    The albatross - legendary protector of seafarers - is heading for extinction.


  • 发达国家已经面临经济衰退,失业率不断上升,贷款屡屡止赎,越来越多的企业濒临破产

    The rich world is already in recession. Unemployment, foreclosures and corporate bankruptcies are rising.


  • 科学家推断,光亚洲非洲两地,濒临危险部分小麦就会10亿失去他们的主要食物来源

    Scientists project that in Asia and Africa alone the portion of wheat in imminent danger would leave one billion people without their primary food source.


  • 40只濒临灭绝伊比利亚一万一千共同生活这里,这些居住在远在1971年公园建立之前就形成的80多个定居点里

    Forty endangered Iberian wolves share the terrain with some 11, 000 people, who live in more than 80 settlements formed long before the park was established in 1971.


  • 在那里说服一个濒临消亡拥有300的切诺基族居住地,其中大部分是住破旧棚屋的捉鸡工,她说服他们建立起16英里长的水渠通向供电网

    There she persuaded a dying Cherokee settlement of 300 people, mostly chicken-catchers in run-down shacks, to build their own 16-mile water-line to the mains supply.


  • 这家公司濒临破产边缘,因为债权钱讨回来

    The company is on the verge of bankruptcy because its creditors want their money back.


  • 陷于困境濒临解体帝国召回了在外流亡的创始,把救世主。

    A struggling empire, on the brink of dissolution, recalls one of its founders from exile and casts him as a savior.


  • 信天翁——传说中航海守护者——已经濒临灭绝了。

    The albatross - legendary protector of seafarers - is heading for extinction.


  • 但是论及延长一个无可挽救、濒临死亡生命是否必要时,有些包括有些医生认为生命的质量生命本身同样重要

    Yet when it comes to the necessity of extending the life of the terminally ill patients, some people, including some doctors, say that the quality of life is as important as life itself.


  • 然而听说一个需要采用同样治疗措施当地,却由于药品短缺濒临死亡。

    However he learnt of a local person dying because the same treatment was not available due to limited supplies.


  • 世上一些濒临灾难毁灭而感到异常激动,另一些则因成功而感到同样兴奋”(温斯顿·s·丘吉尔)。

    "There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success" (Winston S. Churchill).


  • 本案中,初审法院法官支持原告诉讼主张,认为公司董事公司濒临破产时,对公司债权负有信义义务

    In this case, the trial judge granted judgment in favor of the trustee, holding that directors owed a fiduciary duty to creditors when a corporation was in the vicinity of insolvency.


  • 现在一些已经忘记了几个月我们金融系统濒临崩溃

    Now, some people have already forgotten how bad it was just seven months ago. A financial system on the verge of collapse.


  • 现在很多青年崇拜流行歌手,与此同时许多优秀传统艺术濒临失传

    At present time quite a number of young men idolize pop singers and have a craze of seeking after the stars, at the same time, many fine traditional arts are on the verge of loss.


  • 本片讲述二手车清算堂里迪帮助濒临倒闭一个汽车扭亏为盈爱情面前却手足无措

    The film tells the used car liquidatortogether tohelpthebrinkofcollapse reedy lines of a car turnaround, but are unprepared inthefaceoflove.


  • 巴勒斯坦位于亚洲西部,濒临地中海和红海,被认为阿拉伯的“腹地”,但居住于此的两个主要民族——巴勒斯坦阿拉伯犹太,都声称自己是巴勒斯坦的真正主矛盾由此产生。

    The essence of Arabian-Israeli National Conflict, which is the core in solving Middle East Problems, is Palestine issue, that is, the territory dispute between Palestine Arabians and Israeli Jews.


  • 另有一些喜欢熬夜打牌,不肯让身体休息机会,而夜不睡觉的结果,我们的身体就立刻会濒临崩溃的边缘。

    Some people like playing card overnight and giving no rest to body. After playing for three days and nights, our body will be on the verge of collapse.


  • 濒临80%博用户年轻三十以下

    About 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people, under 30 years old.


  • 濒临80%博用户年轻三十以下

    About 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people, under 30 years old.


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