• 纽约时报》出版阿瑟·苏兹伯格承认此举在赌博:“从某种程度上我们所认为互联网的前进方向。”

    The New York Times's publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, acknowledged that the move is a gamble: "This is a bet , to a certain degree, in where we think the web is going."


  • 阿瑟·卡尔告诉比尔一个不好

    But Arthur and Carl are telling Bill that the other guy's no good.


  • 在这里上帝虚伪阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔也只有眼睛能够看见在这片刻之间变得诚实了!

    Here, seen only by her eyes, Arthur Dimmesdale, false to God and man, might be for one moment true!


  • 马丁内斯见过其他13名获得麦克阿瑟奖的西班牙语他们自称为MacArturos,并且他们已经谈到优点缺点;其中有失去了一个最好朋友

    Martinez has met with 13 other MacArthur Fellows who speak Spanish; they call themselves the MacArturos and he says they've spoken of the pros and cons; one recipient lost a best friend.


  • 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)副教授诺阿姆•瓦瑟曼认为,公司创始分为

    Company founders fall into two categories, according to Noam Wasserman, an associate professor at Harvard Business School.


  • 著名麦克阿瑟奖,称为天才培养金”便出自这家基金会。 这一奖项由基金会的创始JohnD.妻子Catherine创设的。

    The foundation that sponsors the legendary MacArthur Fellows Program, also known as the “genius grants, ” was the brainchild of John D. MacArthur and his wife, Catherine.


  • 作品引起了著名的中国学者翻译家阿瑟韦利关注,他后来成了霍克思的良师益友,还指定霍克思为书稿委托管理

    His work attracted the attention of the pre-eminent Chinese scholar and translator, Arthur Waley, who became his mentor and friend, and named him as his literary executor.


  • 阿瑟突然变得非常友好知道有什么用意——他正一个推荐成为高尔夫球俱乐部会员

    Arthur has suddenly got very friendly, but I know what his game is-he's trying to get somebody to propose him for membership of the golf club.


  • 1673年,肖尼族武士俘获一位名叫加百利·阿瑟年轻

    In 1673, Shawnee warriors captured a young man named Gabriel Arthur.


  • 这里许多年轻一样,张先生也是阿瑟·柯南·道尔中文版侦探小说长大的。

    Like many young people here, Zhang grew up reading the detective classics by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, translated into Chinese.


  • 或许正是阿瑟(编者注:带主公回到间的幽灵朋友不想一个留在这里的原因。

    Maybe this was why Arthur hadn't wanted to leave me down here on my own.


  • 哪怕世界冠军不会叫得歇斯底理。就是阿瑟瑞典

    People will never be terribly mad even they are the final champion. This the characteristics of Swedish people Arthur knows.


  • 那里的电台节目总监一个很棒的苏格兰名叫彼得·麦克阿瑟他告诉他们已经播音员了。

    The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.


  • 那里的电台节目负责一个很棒的苏格兰名叫彼得·麦克阿瑟他告诉他们已经播音员了。

    The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.


  • 有些,比如说阿瑟吧,就是不能好好自理

    Some people, and incidentally that includes Arthur, just won't look after themselves properly.


  • 有些基金诸如麦克阿瑟基金帕卡德基金,是保守捐赠后,相比捐献者开明很多的目标和定位

    Some foundations created after the death of a conservative donor, such as the MacArthur and Packard Foundations, from the start have a much more liberal orientation than the donors.


  • 阿瑟上班迟到了,他讲述了因无法找到管子修理房间里爆裂的管子那个使非常感伤的事。

    Arthur was late for work yet again and told some SOB story about being unable to find a plumber to deal with a burst pipe in his flat.


  • 41克利1997年麦克阿瑟获奖,他善于开发国家问题草拟制度上的调整。

    The recipient of a MacArthur fellowship in 1997, the 41 - year - old kremer is adept at sketching out institutional fixes for problems in developing countries.


  • 决赛前,德尔·波特罗让留在阿根廷比赛周一阿瑟·阿什球场上的包厢留了三个不过按照计划,将于周二晚返回家乡塔蒂尔和家团聚。

    He had asked them to stay in Argentina for the match, leaving only three people in his private box at Ashe on Monday night, but he was scheduled to see them Tuesday night when he flew back home.


  • 阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔可不同!倘使象这样一个再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作辩白呢?

    But Arthur Dimmesdale! Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?


  • 通过施特拉·斯伯格,认识了剧作家阿瑟·米勒,在之后两过从甚密。

    She met playwright Arthur Miller through the Strasbergs, and they become close over a year's time.


  • 很显然一个判断可能超越作为这种判断基础信息”(阿瑟·海斯·舒尔茨伯格)。

    "Obviously, a man's judgment cannot be better than the information on which he has based it" (Arthur Hays Sulzberger).


  • 赛后埃弗顿老板大卫·莫耶斯提到枪手球星话语但是苏格兰的言论随后英超同行阿瑟·温格质疑

    After the game Everton boss David Moyes alluded to the Gunners star's comments but the Scot's claims were subsequently called in to question by his Premier League counterpart Arsene Wenger.


  • 那时候梦露刚刚阿瑟·米勒结婚她当时必须伦敦不断拍片,那时候遇到了后来成为朋友年轻制片助理科林·克拉克

    Monroe had just married Arthur Miller and had to live in London for the duration of filming, when she met and became friends with young production assistant Colin Clark.


  • 那时候梦露刚刚阿瑟·米勒结婚她当时必须伦敦不断拍片,那时候遇到了后来成为朋友年轻制片助理科林·克拉克

    Monroe had just married Arthur Miller and had to live in London for the duration of filming, when she met and became friends with young production assistant Colin Clark.


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