• 屋顶旋转时,鸟儿改变了方向适应人造天空

    When the dome was rotated, the birds changed their direction to match the artificial sky.


  • 要求人造规范这些忙碌的,热情容易犯错的人类集体力量,而使的最后的结果冷静客观值得信赖的。

    This demanding, artificial code is what gives engaged, passionate and all-too-fallible human beings the collective power to produce results that are dispassionate, objective and reliable.


  • 同时,产生了科技来助推生态系统服务——建造仿造自然系统——而不是破坏它们——能生产更多利益的人造系统的可能性

    At the same time, there is the potential for technology to begin helping ecosystem services-engineering man-made systems that mimic natural ones and produce as many benefits-rather than hurting them.


  • 如果人造做得更完备这个昂贵过程最终可能到像工厂设备更快高效的方式生产人造肉。

    If artificial meat can be perfected, the costly process could eventually be moved to plantlike facilities where it can be produced far more quickly and efficiently.


  • 烧焦的土地事实说明,生命正在变为人造的,一如人造的正在变得有生命,它们在成为某种精彩奇特的东西。

    The burnt field makes a case that life is becoming manufactured, just as the manufactured is becoming life, just as both are becoming something wonderful and strange.


  • 家庭努力偿还债务脱离不断深陷泥潭,如果他们放弃拖欠债务,就周围负债借款人造更大压力

    Households are struggling to pay down debt to get out of the hole they're in, and if they give up and default, that places more pressure on indebted borrowers around them.


  • 团队评估皮肤细胞重新编程消除任何潜在病毒风险,尽可能免除病毒的可能会接受移植病成潜在的风险。

    His team is also evaluating methods of reprogramming skin cells that might dispense with viruses, to eliminate any potential risks viruses might pose to human recipients.


  • 全力地加入制定财政预算细节决心了解我们的决定对国人造成的影响

    I had become deeply immersed in the details of budgeting, determined to understand the human impact of our decisions.


  • 然而目前化疗药物为主的方法很多健康细胞带来毒性往往严重副作用

    However, current chemotherapy drugs administered in this fashion are toxic to many healthy cell types, often resulting in severe side effects for the patient.


  • 数百万民众,于人造之上翻滚大笑,手持光棒随电器摇动欢歌,证其感觉

    But millions of people, rolling about on fake fur pillows or waving glowsticks to electronic music, attest to feeling good.


  • 告诉记者,北极每年50千米(30英里)速度移动如今科学家使用人造卫星追踪磁极移动的轨迹。

    He told us that magnetic north is moving at a speed of 50 kilometers - about 30 miles - every year. He said that scientists nowadays use satellites to track the changes.


  • 沃尔研究真正手指上套着管子模仿试验者人造手指。

    Walsh said in the study, the real finger was' held "by a pipe designed to mimic the way the researcher held the plastic finger."


  • 深色人造建筑材料吸收太阳辐射将获取能量热量的形式释放出来城市热岛效应”随即产生

    An urban heat island is created when dark colored man-made materials used in the construction of a city absorb the sun's rays and release that energy back out as heat.


  • 听起来似乎增加一个新的(治理人造环境污染)因素,”补充道,并提到这项城市灯光对于净化城市夜生活效果为主题研究

    "This sounds like it adds in a new factor," she added, referring to the research about the impact of city lights on atmospheric cleansing.


  • 这样希腊债权损害但是这些放款实体在把借给这个长期恣意挥霍闻名的国家已经计算过这种风险

    This will hurt Greece's creditors, but those entities assumed the risk when they loaned to a country long known for its profligate ways.


  • 凑近细看,这件作品其实24个背景灯映照下紫水晶玻璃制成排列人造窗户为背景的架子(下方幻灯片)。

    Close up, this work is in fact some two-dozen back-lit objects made of amethyst glass, arranged on shelves against a faux window (pictured in slideshow below).


  • 雅特面包果子工房所有产品含防腐剂人造材质,保证新鲜度健康性。

    At RT Pastry House, every single bakery is baked from scratch daily without preservatives & artificial to guarantee freshness & healthiness.


  • 足球中心公园人造地形中脱胎而出作为矿物地貌回忆场地地质性质。”建筑师

    "The new soccer centre emerges from the park's artificial topography as a layer of mineral stratum recalling the geological nature of the site," said the architects.


  • 人造“水”悬浮空中多根极细的鱼悬挂),半透明树脂极薄片呈现水波上方的人工光照使地面呈现粼粼波光

    The artificial "stone", a thin layer of translucent resin shaped to a wavy form, will float (hung by transparent wires) in the air, with spotlight on top to strengthen the variation of the thickness.


  • 地球为中心的最近人造卫星轨道上离地球中心最近的点。

    Periapsis in earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the earth.


  • 红白条纹黑色人造革椅子剃刀为特色的理发店美国文化中占有特殊地位

    With their red, white and blue striped poles, dark Naugahydechairs and straight razor shaves, barbershops hold a special place in American culture.


  • 中国女神嫦娥命名的人造卫星预计花费的时间分析月球表面

    The orbiter named Chang 'e after a Chinese Goddess is expected to spend a year analyzing the moon surface.


  • 研究人员研制出了理程式的人造皮肤赋予假肢触摸实在的感觉

    Researchers reached a milestone with artificial skin that could give prosthetics a realistic sense of touch.


  • 地球为中心最远点人造卫星轨道上地球中心最远

    Apoapsis in earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the earth.


  • 视网膜附近植入人造芯片恢复受损视觉功能视网膜修复一个重要研究方面

    It is one of the important aspects for retinal prosthesis by implanting artificial chips in the retinal region to restore degenerated vision.


  • 尽量自然光线和手动平衡拍摄视频,长时间人造强光将制造不必要的压力。

    Use white balanced natural light rather than artificial light for video capture to reduce disturbance from bright lights.


  • 尽量自然光线和手动平衡拍摄视频,长时间人造强光将制造不必要的压力。

    Use white balanced natural light rather than artificial light for video capture to reduce disturbance from bright lights.


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