• 扣缴义务人解税款期限依照规定执行

    The cut-off time for the withholding persons to release the tax shall be implemented in accordance with the above-mentioned two paragraphs.


  • 扣缴义务人解缴税款期限依照前两规定执行。

    The tax payment deadlines for withholding agents shall be governed by the stipulations of the above two paragraphs.


  • 除了收存信息外,计算机复杂这样的题数月时间。

    Besides gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problem that once took months for people to do.


  • 菩提言,‘我见、见、众生见、寿者’,须菩提,于云何?所说义不?

    Subhuti, if anyone says that the Buddha has spoken of a self view, a person view, a living-being view, or a life span view, has that person understood my meaning?


  • 发明公开了一种新的多肽——螺旋11编码多肽的多核苷酸和经d NA重组技术产生这种多肽的方法。

    The present invention discloses one novel polypeptide, human uncoiling enzyme 11, polynucleotides encoding this polypeptide and DNA recombination process to produce the polypeptide.


  • 根据组织剖学》课程特点现状分析了《体组织与剖学》课程高师院校教学局限性以及生物教育中的重要性,针对人解课的不足进行了教学改革的探索。

    According to the "Human Anatomy and histology" curriculum features and the status quo, we analyzed its limitations in teaching in normal university and its importance in biological education.


  • 出价视图数据因此,但总是出价状态保持一致

    The bidder view table is therefore decoupled and not always consistent with the state of the bid table.


  • 那里同着我们一个希伯来少年护卫长的我们告诉就把我们,是按着各的。

    Now a young Hebrew was there with us, a servant of the captain of the guard. We told him our dreams, and he interpreted them for us, giving each man the interpretation of his dream.


  • 如果一个航班必须动作快_你必须登上,你不能离得太远。」49岁克莱尔梅尔滕斯释着为什么一家不会离开机场

    "When there is a flight, you have to be quick _ you have to get on it, you can't be too far away," said Claire Maertens, 49, explaining why the family won't leave the airport.


  • 那里同着我们一个希伯来的少年,是护卫长的我们告诉我们,是按着的。

    And there was there with us a young man, an Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard; and we told him, and he interpreted to us our dreams; to each man according to his dream he did interpret.


  • 持卡可以借记卡挂失冻结挂、冻,影响基本账户使用

    The cardholder can report loss, freeze, cancel the report of loss, cancel the freeze of the debit card. All these don't influence the use of the basic account.


  • 科学家领头面对着反对气候变化学说一知半的疑问,或者其他担心事情。就他们而言,科学机构表现出的是一种大众理防御吗?

    Do they show an understandable defensiveness on the part of leading scientists faced with ill-informed challenges from climate change nay-sayers, or something more worrying?


  • 结果表明(而且容易使相信)原始问题就是下面三个子序列中最长的一个。

    I won't prove this, but it can be shown (and it's not hard to believe) that the solution to the original problem is whichever of these is the longest.


  • Rails创始DHH一个HTML代码完全模板语言系统如何布局(layouts)partils这样带来生产力复杂技术怀疑态度。

    DHH was skeptical about how a fully HTML/code decoupled templating system would handle complex productivity techniques like layouts or partials.


  • 另一个富有大多数比少数生活公平的,不平等的。

    Solution: a man than another person rich, most people than a few people life is poor. This is not fair, not equal, and.


  • 对于那些不相信智慧的造物主物理学家而言,这个百思不得其立论就需要令现今可观测到的宇宙不定数量数的宇宙(每个都自己的物理法则)中的唯一个。

    The way out of this, for those unwilling to invoke an intelligent creator, is to allow that the observable universe is just one of an indefinite number of universes, each with its own laws of physics.


  • 虽然数学家或者物理学可以回答关于宇宙起源问题,但是这对于预测行为没有任何帮助,因为需要更多更多方程才行。

    While physics and mathematics may tell us how the universe began they are not much use in predicting human behavior because there are far too many equations to solve.


  • 怨恨嫉妒、伤心愤怒像这样充满报复性的情绪可能一个心态偏离导致他们彻夜就成为罪犯

    Unresolved revengeful emotions like resentment, jealously, bitterness and rage can skew a person's frame of mind and result in them becoming a criminal overnight.


  • 一般6R机器位置具有非常重要理论实际意义

    The inverse kinematics of general 6R serial robot is a central problem in theory and practice.


  • 有些关心的是选择参加直播年轻女性其他规则如何实施有点百思不得其

    Some are more concerned with the young women choosing to take part in live streaming, but others are a bit baffled by how the rules will be enforced.


  • 我们角度来说重要都是社会网络的一环;

    Most important from our perspective is the recognition that people are embedded in social networks.


  • 我们角度来说重要都是社会网络的一环;

    Most important from our perspective is the recognition that people are embedded in social networks.


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