• 复杂网页不断攀升加载时间延迟问题已经不是什么话题了,不少提出使用某种管道技术提升性能

    The increasing load time latency for sophisticated Web pages is not a new issue, nor is the use of some form of pipelining to effect performance gains.


  • 这时,偶然看到一个网页。 他笔记本我的一样同样松动问题

    I just happen to stumble upon a page from a guy that had the exact same laptop and exact same floopy whoopy loose hinge problem.


  • 网页拍一部电影其实相似几百围着打转,不过总要有最后拍板

    Making a website is similar to making a moviehundreds of people work on it, one person makes the final decision, and they make them every minute of the day.


  • 有些开始参与爱沙尼亚网站肤,有的则将网站中的网页俄罗斯宣传资料或是伪造的歉条替代。

    Some have involved defacing Estonian websites, replacing the pages with Russian propaganda or bogus apologies.


  • 使用WebTV网页看起来像马一样,有些媒体格式根本不能工作使用遥控器链接之间转让倍感折磨。

    With the WebTV, Web pages looked horsey, some media formats didn't work at all, and using the remote control to hop from link to link was excruciating.


  • 还有一个网页应用最近越来越成功,这是否意味着Linux已经走到头

    Another person asked whether the increasing success of web applications would mean the end of Linux.


  • 发布商沉迷关键词更易被搜索到的网页名称Google搜索机器却在横行霸道。

    Publishers obsessed over keywords and search-friendly page names while Google's spiders crawled.


  • 如果FTC调查发现成员重叠限制家公司网页浏览器文字处理共有市场项目竞争,两将被迫辞职

    If the FTC finds that this limits competition in the markets the companies have in common, such as web browsers or word processing, it could force the two men to resign. See article.


  • 该旅店网页如此问道:“有没有可能让我世界呢?” 这激起们的好奇心走进这个用皮毛装饰的、似鼠类生活场所而又充满“请画意的”天地。

    Urging those curious to enter into its "poetic" world of woodchippings and fur costumes, its website asks: "Is it possible to put myself in the place of my hamster?"


  • 可以看看哪些网站他们去过哪些网页,他们在每一个网页多少时间。

    With them you can see who's coming to your site, which pages they go to, and how long they spend on each.


  • 一家来自密苏里州圣路易斯市但是他们自己的网页上言明打算游遍美国

    The family come from St Louis, Missouri, but on their webpage say they plan to travel around the US.


  • 清单10给出了另外脚本用户能够通过网页表单添加新的联系

    Listing 10 introduces another script that allows users to add new contacts through a Web form.


  • 可以上百万会做网页参与应用程序开发中,这些从没想过他们技术可以应用其他方面。

    It also activates the millions of people out there who know how to make web pages, and never thought their skill set could be used for something else.


  • 可能是网页感到过于随意混乱。 访客感到好像他们知道哪里开始意味着他们可能会跳出网站其他地方口气。

    This leaves visitors feeling like they don’t know where to start, which means they might just skip your site entirely and move on to one where they have some breathing room.


  • 如果网页内容里面隐藏了广告,你可能考虑一下这样的做法了,”让那些编辑考虑一下,“他们有看到讨厌分心的内容或是其它东西吗?”

    "If you have ads obscuring your content, you might want to think about it," asking publishers to consider, "Do they see content or something else that's distracting or annoying?"


  • 那些动辄跟随上千并且通过网页发布消息的实际上没有跟随任何

    Anyone following thousands of people who only updates via the web is not actually following anybody.


  • 如果看看这些功能实现方式比如形象搜索网页切片没有的完全一样不少根本就”,

    "If you look at the way the features work, like visual search and Web Slices, nobody else does them in the same way, and many don't do them at all," he says.


  • 作为网页制作者我们只需简单地运用基础设计手段比如空间颜色质地形状等等构建个让记忆深刻,有着体验网页

    As web designers, we can build a more memorable and personal experience simply by using fundamental design tools such as space, color, texture, shape, and so on.


  • 一般可能无法解释说明卓越的设计具体差别他们可以找到自己喜欢网页设计作品。

    Theaverage person may not be able to explain the tangible differences thatmake up great design, but they can usually spot a design they like.


  • 一般可能无法解释说明卓越设计的具体差别他们可以找到自己喜欢网页设计作品。

    The average person may not be able to explain the tangible differences that make up great design, but they can usually spot a design they like.


  • 搜索引擎使用称为搜寻器(称蜘蛛机器)自动程序随着网页连接一起超级链接足迹收集资料

    Search engines rely on programs known as crawlers (or spiders) that gather information by following the trails of hyperlinks that tie the Web together.


  • 认为第二(非粉丝)的数量如此众多,如果网页内容组织可以带来销售增。

    My guess is that the second group is so much larger that better content would make sales explode.


  • 网页设计中,平衡重要因为用户封闭意识觉得恒久安定

    In Web design balance is important because it provides users with some sense of closure and gives the feeling of permanence and stability.


  • 暖色可以带来明媚情绪网页设计中需要使想起幸福快乐时的明智选择。

    Warm colors will bring about sunny emotions and are wisely used on sites that want to call to mind a feeling of happiness and joy.


  • 暖色可以带来明媚情绪网页设计中需要使想起幸福快乐时的明智选择。

    Warm colors will bring about sunny emotions and are wisely used on sites that want to call to mind a feeling of happiness and joy.


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