• 人类进化研究院长塔特索尔自然选择不能令人喜欢东西自行存在

    "Natural selection can't call things into existence just because they are desirable, " says Tattersall, one of the deans of human evolutionary research. "Novelties happen randomly."


  • 随着科学家们我们基因进行更深入研究他们过去几千年里发现人类进化例子

    As scientists look deeper into our genes, they are finding examples of human evolution in just the past few thousand years.


  • 作为专注猿类猴子研究动物学家,一直研究为什么人类进化以及为什么世界各地的人们皮肤会有这么不同色调

    As a zoologist focusing on the studies of apes and monkeys, I've been studying why humans evolved to become the naked ape, and why skin comes in so many different shades around the world.


  • 从本质上非常同意作者观点。”德国马克斯·普朗克进化人类研究生物学家主任温特·帕波说。

    "Essentially, I could not agree more with the authors," said Svante Paabo, a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.


  • 彻斯特大学的进化生物学家苏珊娜·舒尔茨博士说,这项研究是值得称赞的,它试图丰富我们对人类语言进化的知识。

    Dr. Susanne Shultz, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Manchester, said the study was praiseworthy in seeking to enrich our knowledge of the evolution of human language.


  • 这项研究结果今年晚些时候登载在《进化人类行为科学杂志上面。

    The results of the study will be published in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behaviour later this year.


  • 然而提醒,用老鼠研究人类肠道细菌局限性因为不同物种进化出的器官组不尽相同

    However, he cautions that there are limits to studying mice with human gut bacteria, because different species have their own specifically evolved sets.


  • 他们主要希望说明,达尔文最初起点之一人类为何会分化出不同"种族",远非通过自然历史研究发现了人类进化理论。

    Their thesis is that, far from arriving at the idea of human evolution from his studies of natural history, Darwin took as one of his starting points the diversification of humanity into "races".


  • 研究提出观点善良生物体一部分,是人类进化必须的因素。

    The research informs a perspective that compassion is part of our biology and is necessary for human evolution.


  • 直接研究人类进化明显是不可能的,代代延续时间花费

    Studying human evolution directly is obviously impossible. The generation times are far too long.


  • 这个多国研究团队指望人类进化角度寻找早产有关基因

    The international team of researchers looked to human evolution in their hunt for genes linked to premature births.


  • 研究在线发布的,发布进化人类行为杂志最新之前

    The study was released online in advance of publication in an upcoming issue of the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.


  • 但是根据进化杂志刊登一项研究城市生活影响人类基因使得古城居民后代疾病更具抵抗力。

    But urban life may have also influenced human genes, making the descendants of ancient city dwellers more resistant to disease. That's according to a study in the journal Evolution.


  • 一个研究兴趣野生黑猩猩探究人类进化历史

    One of Leakey's interests was to study wild chimpanzees to gain insight into the evolutionary past of humans.


  • 而且近代人类进化研究表明人类最近几次基因改变正是处于这些疾病的反应。

    Moreover, studies of modern human evolution suggest that several recent genetic changes are responses to such diseases.


  • 直接研究人类进化明显不可能的。

    Studying human evolution directly is obviously impossible.


  • 这种人类心理存在错位非常有趣,同时也意义非凡。它们进化心理学研究理论模型的焦点

    These mismatches are interesting and important, and they are the focus of much research and theorizing in evolutionary psychology.


  • 研究结果进化人类行为期刊上发表。

    The study, to be published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, also discovered that.


  • 利基兴趣之一研究野生黑猩猩以便了解人类进化史。

    One of Leakey's interests was to study wild chimpanzees in order to gain insight into the evolutionary19 past of humans.


  • 一项最新研究结果显示由于大脑进化人类能够说话之前就已经学会了。

    As the human brain evolved, humans were able to laugh before they could speak, according to a new study.


  • 2007年刊登进化人类行为期刊上研究发现,夜店的舞女在生育力旺盛时期,得到的小费更多。

    Another study, published in 2007 in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, found that lap dancers raked in higher tips when they were most fertile.


  • 他们实验结果发表进化人类行为》杂志上。实验中,他们96名男女研究分成

    In their experiment, published in Evolution and Human Behavior, they split 96 male and female graduate students into three groups.


  • 美国亚利桑那州立大学人类进化社会变化学院研究人员访问了101位女性以及她们的812位好友亲朋

    Researchers from Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change in the US, interviewed 101 women alongside 812 of their closest friends and relatives.


  • 表明人类进化研究以前曾有开展但是个人生育成功生理变化直接作比较分析认为还是第一次。

    Research suggesting humans are evolving has been carried out before, but this is believed to be the first that directly compares reproductive success of individuals with physiological changes.


  • 人们普遍认为人类起源于非洲但是研究指出事实上,非洲人类直接前辈其他地方进化起来,然后来到非洲大陆殖民。

    While it is widely accepted that man evolved in Africa, in fact its immediate predecessors may have colonised the continent after developing elsewhere, the study says.


  • 最新研究把重点放在研究人类进化最有说服力的结构部位:骨盆

    The new studies centre on the most telling bits of anatomy in the story of human evolution: the brain, pelvis, hands and feet.


  • 人类,灵长类动物学认知科学心理学古生物学考古学进化生物学基因学,人们人类属性的研究包括很多领域

    The study of our human nature encompasses a variety of fields ranging from anthropology, primatology, cognitive science and psychology to paleontology, archaeology, evolutionary biology and genetics.


  • 如今研究人员希望他们的唱歌老鼠可以提供有关人类语言进化的线索。

    Researchers now hope their tweeting mice will lend insight on how human language evolved over history.


  • 研究结果进化人类行为期刊上发表。研究称:“个子较高的女性更具控制力,她们的‘竞争能力’身材娇小的女性更强。”

    "Taller women are more dominant and have greater fighting abilities than shorter women," says the study, which appears in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.


  • 研究结果进化人类行为期刊上发表。研究称:“个子较高的女性更具控制力,她们的‘竞争能力’身材娇小的女性更强。”

    "Taller women are more dominant and have greater fighting abilities than shorter women," says the study, which appears in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.


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