• 人类环境杂志》上发表一项研究科学家们发现,自引进无铅汽油以来美国东北部土壤中的铅含量已经显著下降

    In a study published in the journal Ambio, scientists found that lead levels in soil in the North-eastern United States had decreased markedly since the introduction of unleaded gasoline.


  • 最近研究表明,对肉类消费人类破坏环境主要途径之一,仅次于机动车使用

    A recent study shows that meat consumption is one of the main ways that human can damage the environment, second only to the use of motor vehicles.


  • 研究人员解释说,这项研究表明我们处于环境大脑会保持部分警觉,这样人类就能各种潜在危险中保护自己

    The researchers explained that the study demonstrated when we are in a novel environment the brain partly remains alert so that humans can defend themselves against any potential danger.


  • 接着说,“许多关于三氯生人类环境安全研究已经开展多年。”

    She added: 'Much research on human and environmental safety has been done on triclosan over the years.


  • 这项工作非常成功英国国家环境研究委员会(NERC)同意建立所有人类足迹数字档案提供资金

    So successful was this work that the National Environment Research Council (NERC) agreed to provide funding to establish the digital archive of all human footprints.


  • 一些地球学家则研究人类活动地球环境影响制订保护地球措施。

    Others study the impact of human activity on Earth's environment and design methods to protect the planet.


  • 研究人员注意到,这些结果说明人类引起环境变化导致这些鸟类200世代内出现生物多样化

    The researchers noted that these results suggest human caused environmental change can lead to animal diversification in about 200 generations for these birds.


  • 研究人员警告称,冻结极地区域毒素数量不明这些有毒物质的释放对地球环境以及人类自身安全造成极大威胁

    The researchers warn that the amount of the poisons in the polar region is unknown and their release could "undermine global efforts to reduce environmental and human exposure to them".


  • 过去十年许多研究表明转基因食品人类家养动物野生动物环境严重威胁

    A number of studies over the past decade have revealed that genetically engineered foods can pose serious risks to humans, domesticated animals, wildlife and the environment.


  • 会上提交了份报告,主要研究海洋淡水环境变化人类造成危害

    Three studies were presented that examined the dangers that changes in ocean and freshwater environments could cause to people.


  • 探索新闻》说:“非常高兴有人在方面进行深入研究,他们的分析全面地记录衰老的过程中,环境人类灵长类死亡率影响。”

    "I am glad to see an expanded analysis which more fully documents the environmental influence on human and primate mortality during aging," he told Discovery News.


  • 令人惊奇是,Nickerson团队研究发现低流体剪切力的环境特定人类病原体的致病能力之间存在着一定的相关性。

    Intriguingly, experimental research carried out by Nickerson and her team has implicated low-fluid shear environments in regulating the infectious disease potential of certain human pathogens.


  • 但愿人们开始认识到疟疾重要研究领域但是审视对于人类公共卫生意义的时候,重要的风险放在环境

    Hopefully, monkey malaria will start to be recognised as an important area of research, but when examining the public health significance for humans, it is important to put the risk into context.


  • 研究人员已经知道,对于药物环境毒素营养变化老鼠回应可以完全不同人类的。

    And researchers have learned that mice can respond really differently than humans do to a drug, an environmental toxin or a change in nutrition.


  • 将来我们可以研究一系列遗传环境因素其中包括污染人类生育能力的影响

    In future, a range of genetic and environmental factors could be studied, including the effects of pollutants on our fertility.


  • 该项研究受到城市规划人员环保人士欢迎他们苦于乌鸦人类城市环境创建和谐共处找到新方法。

    The findings are likely to be welcomed by city planners and environmentalists who are tasked with findings ways for crows and humans to live harmoniously in urban environments.


  • 马丁说:“我们可以清楚地看到,为数不少人们暴露高浓度悬浮颗粒环境中,不过,到目前为止,还没有研究人类死亡疾病中的关系。”

    "We can see clearly that a tremendous number of people are exposed to high levels of particulates," said Martin. "But, so far, nobody has looked at what that means in terms of mortality and disease."


  • 研究有的事情人类学家一样去研究即将要工作场所职业前景居住环境

    Research everything: Act like an anthropologist and study everything about your potential place of work, career, and town.


  • 世卫组织国际癌症研究机构将107种物质合剂暴露环境归类人类致癌物

    WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified 107 agents, mixtures, and exposure situations as carcinogenic to humans.


  • 研究推断齿鼠巢穴父亲缺席子女制造真正社交感情真空环境人类家庭中的情况一样,缺失父亲角色影响了家庭的动态变化

    Researchers reasoned that absent fathers in the degu nests would create a true social and emotional void for the offspring, just as a missing dad would impact the dynamic of a human family.


  • 份针对17位肥胖者研究中,英国调查人员发现高蛋白低碳水化合物饮食结构会人类结肠环境造成某种改变,而这种改变随着时间的推移,增加罹患结肠癌风险

    In a study of 17 obese men, UK researchers found that a protein-heavy, low-carb diet created certain changes in the colon that could, over time, increase colon cancer risk.


  • 某种意义上,奥威尔个隐姓埋名的打探者,是一个融入当地环境更好更自然观察所研究对象行为的人类学家

    Orwell is, in a sense, an undercover agent, an anthropologist who has gone native to better observe his subjects in their natural habitat.


  • 多溴二苯醚含量提升对于生育能力的下降一个危险因素,”长期研究人类阻燃剂环境中的生存状况的阿德诺博士说道

    "Elevated levels of PBDEs might be a risk factor for reduced fertility," said Schecter, who studies how people are exposed to the flame retardants.


  • 印第安那州布卢明大学环境健康教授James Klaunig基因组帮助科学家研究环境污染人类影响

    James Klaunig, professor of environmental health at Indiana University Bloomington, said the genome will help scientists study the effect of environmental pollutants on humans.


  • 印第安那州布卢明大学环境健康教授James Klaunig基因组帮助科学家研究环境污染人类影响

    James Klaunig, professor of environmental health at Indiana University Bloomington, said the genome will help scientists study the effect of environmental pollutants on humans.


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