• 此时随着人类演化进化着!

    And at this time it does with the human evolution and the evolution of the!


  • 相信物质大脑中的不同配比让人类演化出了四种非常普遍人格类型

    I think we've evolved four very broad personality types associated with the ratios of these four chemicals in the brain.


  • 它们可能没有动词名词过去分词但是鸟类挑战只有人类演化语法规则一观念。

    They may not have verbs, nouns or past participles, but birds challenge the notion that humans alone have evolved grammatical rules.


  • 一旦每个人都会模仿,第二复制子(因)能在世上自由行动从此人类演化进入了新的阶段

    Once everyone started imitating, the second replicator was let loose on the world, changing human evolution forever.


  • 由于科学家清楚地了解安德特人人类演化的时间,他们圈定可能是我们共同祖先的目标。

    Now that scientists have a better idea on when Neanderthals split from humans, they can zone in on which species might have been our common ancestor .


  • 气温变化周期根据氧同位素测定大量远古温度记录推演出来的。 气温变化周期与人类演化进程的对照,暗示“黄金时期”气候急剧波动短暂的时期相对应。

    What marked out this period was a greater range of recorded temperatures, suggesting it was a time of rapid but short-lived fluctuations in climate.


  • 那些真菌细菌人类高度演化的。

    Those fungi and bacteria are as highly evolved as humans.


  • 因此他们认为,从演化角度来看这合理的,人类推理为了赢得争论而非获得真理

    So, they suggest, it makes sense to think that the evolutionary point of human reasoning is to win arguments, not to reach the truth.


  • 为什么人类演化出这种反应?它会通过人们透露在欺诈撒谎,而迫使他们陷入社会不利处境。

    Why would humans evolve a response that puts us at a social disadvantage by forcing us to reveal that we have cheated or lied?


  • 也说得也是尾巴交流而且毫无疑问,我们人类也有许多身体部位别的目的演化而来,但却被当成交流工具了。

    That makes sense, my dog uses her tail to communicate too and it's certainly true that we humans have various body parts evolved for one purpose and used as communication tools as well.


  • 人类历史长河中,手写语言演化不仅仅一次

    Written language may have evolved more than once in human history.


  • 显然人类动物并且仅仅是演化而来另一种生物

    Obviously humans are animals, and just another creature of evolution.


  • 许多进化论语言学家相信所有人类语言来源于单一的、原初语言。而这种原初的语言则其他动物呼噜噪声演化出来。

    Many evolutionary linguists believe that all human languages have descended from a single, primitive language, which itself evolved from the grunts and noises of the lower animals.


  • 不过另有一些人却认为随着演化逐步推进人类确实在不断变笨

    But others believe that man has indeed become steadily more stupid as he has evolved.


  • 几年人类基因曾被添加老鼠身上,创建唐氏模型科学家研究这种疾病如何演化可能带来有潜力治疗方法

    Several years ago, human genes were added to a mouse to create a model of Down's syndrome for scientists to study how the disease evolves, which could lead to potential treatments.


  • 因为自然选择比起健康而言更喜欢繁殖生物演化远不及的微生物的繁殖,病原体的进化远远人类

    Because natural selection favors reproduction over health, biology evolves more slowly than culture, and pathogens evolve more quickly than humans.


  • 许多年后出版一部名著人类演化》。

    Many years later, he published his other great work, The Descent of Man.


  • 另一位专家接受公共广播公司采访时说:“很多明白,在人类文化文明演化过程中类起了多么重要的作用。”

    Another expert interviewed in the PBS program says, "I don't think people realize how much having dogs around has affected the evolution of human culture and civilization."


  • 另一位专家接受公共广播公司采访时说:“很多明白人类文化文明演化过程中,类起多么重要的作用。”

    "Another expert interviewed in the PBS program says," I don't think people realize how much having dogs around has affected the evolution of human culture and civilization.


  • 达尔文对于自己物种演化解释隐含之义非常敏感尤其有关人类在物种演化中的角色。

    Darwin was very sensitive about the implications of his explanation of evolution, and in particular how human beings fitted into the picture.


  • 此外,研究还揭示人类警惕失去食物其它财产可能性一特点是逐渐演化来的。

    It also suggests that humans evolved to be cautious about the prospects of losing food or other valued possessions.


  • 表示驱动人类神经系统肌肉心脏相同分子体系演化成了一种仅仅用来发电的器官

    The same molecular machinery that drives our nervous system, muscles and heart has evolved into an organ just to produce electricity, he said.


  • 演化上,他们人类物理上彼此非常不同

    In evolutionary terms, they are much like humans, but are physically quite different from one another.


  • 正是由于人类大脑体积广泛适应性我们才得以居住在树上灵长动物演化这个行星支配性物种

    It is the size and immense adaptability of the human brain that is responsible for the transformation of our species from tree-dwelling primates into the dominant species on the planet.


  • 证明,两动物的演化不是大草原进行的。但是由于毛发不会变成化石,因此很难确定原始人类什么时候开始失去毛发。

    That proved bipedalism did not evolve on the savannah, but since hair does not fossilise, it is hard to establish when the hominids began to lose it.


  • 研究团队结论认为,这种病毒人类感染首例之前已经神不知鬼不觉地在只身上流传演化已久。

    This, they conclude, means the bug was circulating and evolving undetected in swine for quite some time before the first people were infected.


  • 克里斯·斯特林格教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 这样不仅生命有足够时间颗新发现行星演化人类可以大约50亿年后这颗行星当做避难所

    This not only gives plenty of time for life to evolve on the recently discovered planet. It may make the place a useful bolthole in some 5 billion years' time.


  • 女性普遍男性长寿,学者探索原因。有学者人类本质》期刊中提出,演化可能是原因之一。

    Women generally outlive men, and researchers are exploring the reasons why. Evolution may play a role, researchers note in the journal Human Nature.


  • 女性普遍男性长寿,学者探索原因。有学者人类本质》期刊中提出,演化可能是原因之一。

    Women generally outlive men, and researchers are exploring the reasons why. Evolution may play a role, researchers note in the journal Human Nature.


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