• 人类女孩不想

    MORTAL WOMAN: I don't want to die!


  • 人类女孩救命啊!求求你们……做了什么?

    MORTAL WOMAN: Someone help me. Please... What have I done?


  • 贝拉福克斯之前,劳伦受欢迎的人类女孩

    Before Bella came to Forks, Lauren was the most sought after human girl.


  • 他们的思想中,各个角度反复看到那个新生——只是一个普通人类女孩

    I'd seen the new face repeated in thought after thought from every angle. just an ordinary human girl.


  • 被迫选择拯救弟兄一个无辜的人类女孩人类恶魔之间微妙平衡受到威胁,可能导致战争

    Forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl, the delicate balance between human and demon kind is threatened, which may result in war.


  • 这位21的女演员正在CW电视台的热播电视剧集《吸血鬼日记》中一饰演人类女孩伊利吉尔伯特吸血鬼凯瑟琳皮尔斯两个角色。

    The 21 year-old is currently starring as both human Elena Gilbert and vampire Katherine Pierce on the hit CWshow The Vampire Diaries.


  • 我们必须阿富汗女孩开始认识拯救一个生命就是拯救人类自己

    We must begin with the young Afghan girl, recognizing that saving that one life is to save humanity itself.


  • 人类研究中发现,继父一起生活的女孩比起没有父亲女孩更加早熟,在其中继父带来的儿子起不可忽视的作用

    Research in humans has shown that girls growing up with stepfathers mature even more quickly than fatherless girls and that stepbrothers have a measurable effect too.


  • ,“人类社会非常重视女性外表因此不可避免地女孩衣服男孩。”

    'Human society puts a great deal of emphasis on female appearance and this will inevitably result in more clothes being purchased for girls than boys,' she said.


  • 人类起源》中提到过一些研究显示非婚生子女中女孩多于男孩

    In "the Descent of Man", he referred to studies showing that among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys.


  • 男性人类进化过程中,由于他们捕猎天性使得他们倾向于选择那些移动物品女孩则更喜欢诸如粉色那样的暖色调,粉色就像是新生儿颜色

    Males through evolution have been adapted to prefer moving objects, probably through hunting instincts, while girls prefer warmer colours such as pink, the colour of a newborn baby.


  • 人类历史上我们首次完全相同方式来抚养教育男孩女孩告诉他们他们是一样的,告诉他们男性女性一样能干

    For the first time in human history we are raising and educating boys and girls in identical ways, teaching them that they are the same and that each is as capable as the other.


  • 今天阿富汗出生女孩,她开始过的生活,与人类少部分实现富足生活相比,相去几个世纪

    But to be born a girl in today's Afghanistan is to begin life centuries away from the prosperity that one small part of humanity has achieved.


  • 人类孩童世界社会的固定模式要求男孩子女孩应该什么玩具。

    In human children, societal stereotypes may dictate what boys and girls play with, said Sonya Kahlenberg, a biologist at Bates College in Maine and one of the study’s authors.


  • 现在人类而且绝对不会离开本剧事实上,我们还是很希望看到这个报复心的女孩的。

    She's human now and definitely not leaving the show. In fact, expect the same vindictive girl as ever.


  • CDC官员呼吁年龄1126女孩妇女接受人类乳突病毒疫苗注射的,没有完成系列充分接种,应该进行完整的抗病毒疫苗注射。

    CDC officials urge girls and women ages 11 to 26 who have not been vaccinated against HPV or who have not completed the full series of shots be fully vaccinated against the virus.


  • 还是女孩的时候,就人类起源发生了兴趣。

    As a little girl, she the origin of human beings.


  • 孤苦伶仃人类小孩梅斯·托瓦尼辛德尔·托瓦尼来到她家后,肖杜生病女孩准备了

    When the marooned human children Mace and Cindel Towani came to her hut, Shodu prepared some medicine for the ailing little girl.


  • 摄影通常表现十几岁的女孩凝视远方焦点, 侧重于如一般人类关系

    The focus of his photographs, however, is always on the human relationship between enigmatic figures, generally teen-age girls, who gaze into the distance.


  • 同样的,人类女孩总是学会写字画画男孩跑步打球女孩

    Yes, human girls always learn to write and draw first, but boys often run and play balls earlier than girls.


  • 天后女孩问了爸爸同样问题,她的爸爸回答:“很久以前一些猴子人类就是这些猴子进化来的。”

    Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, "Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved."


  • 人类低级劣等动物,身负重伤时遇上了人类女孩,铃 悉心照顾以及笑容融化了杀生丸冰冷内心

    View the human for low-level, shoddy animal, he wore a human seriously little girl bell, bell of care and smile melted sesshomaru cold heart.


  • 迷惑女孩回到妈妈身边,:“妈妈告诉人类上帝创作出来的,爸爸告诉我人类猴子进化而来的,怎么可能呢?”

    "The confused girl returned to her mother and said," Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?


  • 迷惑女孩回到妈妈身边,:“妈妈告诉人类上帝创作出来的,爸爸告诉我人类猴子进化而来的,怎么可能呢?”

    "The confused girl returned to her mother and said," Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?


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