• 谈到所有建筑中修建无障碍设施残疾重要性

    I talked about the importance of access facilities for persons with disabilities in all buildings.


  • 即使如此,读写能力年轻重要性也不该忽略

    In spite of this, the importance of literacy for youngsters cannot be denied.


  • 之可惜同时,更加感觉到英语一个职业经理重要性

    I feel that is a great pity, although I also recognize the importance of English to a professional manager.


  • 数据显示杭州将近1000茶馆位居全国之首,反映出茶馆杭州重要性

    According to statistics, there are nearly a thousand tea houses in Hangzhou, the top position across the country, reflecting the importance of tea houses to Hangzhou people.


  • 机器重要性在于它们某种程度上可以帮助缓解劳动力短缺的问题。

    Robots are important because they could help in some ways to alleviate such shortage of the labour force.


  • 虽然没有获得成绩还是学会如何思考问题,解决问题,我懂得重要性

    Despite not getting good grades, what I did learn was how to think and reason through hard problems, and I learned the importance of people.


  • 本文心理出发说明心理对于人的重要性以及心理周围环境影响

    In this paper, starting from the psychological, to illustrate the importance of the psychological and mental impact on the surrounding environment.


  • 科比的重要性超过其他超级巨星对他们各自球队重要程度。我想只有骑士队的勒布朗·詹姆斯能在这方面接近的高度。

    Bryant means more to his team than any other superstar means to his. The only player who even comes close is Cleveland's LeBron James.


  • 代表生活故事空虚无聊平庸幼稚的时候,产生这些效果的所有技巧努力和精力,的重要性有什么可言之处呢?

    But of what human import is all this skill, all this effort, all this energy in the production of effects, when the story, the representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, childish?


  • 幸福在于那些哭泣,那些受伤害,那些在寻找那些在尝试因为只有他们才能领会那些他们生活过影响重要性

    Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried; for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.


  • 莫拉蒂否认最近有关准备卖掉斯内德的“非正式额谈判”的传闻,并在接受采访时表示:“在确定埃托奥状况斯内德不可被其他俱乐部接触的,现在埃托奥的离开更加凸显了荷兰人的重要性。”

    Sneijder was untouchable before the situation with Eto'o and he has become even more so now Eto'o could leave. ” Moratti denies saying recently that “unofficial talks” had begun to sell Sneijder.


  • 一些已经贬低意识形态因素重要性

    Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors.


  • 年轻点什么智者拦住了:“我们谈论今天重要性时,我们已经浪费很多时间。”

    The young man still wanted to ask something, but the wise man stopped him and said, "When we are talking about the importance of today, we have wasted a lot of it."


  • 这个实验强调道德重要性如果没有道德,一个机器怎么决定拯救或者什么有利,尤其是不能计算生存几率的时候?

    The experiment highlights the importance of morality: without it, how can a robot decide whom to save or what's best for humanity, especially if it can't calculate survival odds?


  • 当地中间提供资料地理科学具有潜在的重要性

    The information provided by locals and intermediaries was of potential importance to geographical science.


  • 这个国家太多包括我们选举出来部分领导仍然明白科学运作方式明白稳健长期投资研究来说重要性

    Too many people in this country, including some among our elected leadership, still do not understand how science works or why robust, long-range investments in research vitally matter.


  • 直到失去健康才意识到它的重要性

    Some people won't realize the importance of their health until they lose it.


  • 我们在2018-2019年决定这么做,”她说。“其重要性显而易见:让年轻过上幸福、健康的生活。”

    "We decided that in 2018-2019," she said."The importance is clear: to make young people live happy, healthy lives."


  • 因此瑞典知道外出享受阳光重要性,尤其到来时。

    As such, the Swedes know the importance of getting out in the sunshine, when it finally arrives.


  • 这些邮件显示,阿里瓦尔人的角色完全不同重要性旗鼓相当他们完全接受巴基斯坦方面控制指令

    They demonstrate also that Ali and Sarwar had entirely different but equally important roles to perform, and they were entirely under the control and direction of Pakistan.


  • 就是说服巴勒斯坦以色列确定巴勒斯坦国的重要性所在。

    And that is why it is going to be so important to convince the Palestinians and the Israelis to define that state.


  • ScottAmbler提出了项目干系积极参与重要性说道。

    Scott Ambler suggested the importance of active stakeholder partition when he mentioned.


  • 因为可能会教你对于一个来说过分骄傲风险团队重要性

    Because it might teach one about the risks of hubris or the importance of team over individual.


  • 然而对于肠出血性大肠杆菌必须加强一些措施特别是由于诸如儿童老年弱势群体重要性

    However, some of the measures may need to be reinforced for EHEC, particularly in view of its importance in vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.


  • 理想试点项目需要综合项目大小、项目持续时间、项目重要性以及业务发起参与度

    The ideal pilot project sits at the confluence of project size, project duration, project importance, and the engagement of the business sponsor.


  • 理想试点项目需要综合项目大小、项目持续时间、项目重要性以及业务发起参与度

    The ideal pilot project sits at the confluence of project size, project duration, project importance, and the engagement of the business sponsor.


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