• 人生的最后我们了解关系才是全部

    In our final moments we all realize that relationships are what life is all about.


  • 卡斯特罗兄弟也是他们人生最后段时光里,准备领导古巴走向混合经济中国那样

    So are the Castro brothers, in the twilight of their lives, preparing to lead Cuba towards a mixed economy, similar to that of China?


  • 有朝日新科学如何让我们临终前不受病痛折磨,并维持年轻生活品质直到我们人生的最后

    It is possible to become part of the first generation to "die healthy. " In fact, maintaining a more youthful quality of life until our last living day is drawing closer to reality.


  • 我们纠结人生的最后得不够精彩抑或人生刻活得不够美满,却完全忽略了我们生活着的现在

    We're so worried about either not having lived the last moment well or not living the next moment well that we end up missing the current moment entirely.


  • 我们旅途较为神秘之处在于,我们知道我们何时到达人生的最后也不清楚我们的旅伴,甚至那些就坐在我们身旁的人何时走完他们的最后一

    The bigger mystery of our journey is that we don't know when our last stop will come. Neither do we know when our travel companions will make their last stop.


  • 告诉不再食肉而且,她说今天早上水煮就是人生最后一蛋。

    She told me that she would not be eating meat again in her lifetime, and that she believed the hard boiled egg she had eaten that morning would be her last.


  • 结婚日人生重要日子可能也是大家展示怪诞个性最后机会

    Wedding day is one of the most important days in one's life, and probably the last day when you want your bizarre personality to be shown in public.


  • 人生历经时间而且不是我们所有人都幸运地活到老年,试想想如果中的最后星期是不是正着你真正要的生活朝向努力呢?

    Life is over in a short time. And not all of us will even be blessed with living until old age. If this was the last week of your life, are you living how you truly want to be or working toward that?


  • 生命最后最想什么呢?或者换做是他们即将人生之路,你想他们做什么呢?

    Alternatively, maybe they are the next to go, how do you want to act with them in the last moments of their life?


  • 当面临死亡人生在世最后刻,却不是你的心头,乃是进入永生生日

    Rather than being the end of your life, it will be your birthday into eternal life.


  • 最后这种气候伟大艺术家首先伟大的生者因为这种情况下,既需要大量体验生活,也要进行大量的思考

    And in the end, the great artist under this climate is, above all, a great living being, it being understood that living in this case is just as much experiencing as reflecting.


  • 现在人生旅途最后程,正在本书《最后小说》。

    Now, in the final stage of life, I am writing a "last novel."


  • 只要愿意,你可以人生到你呼吸最后刻!

    You can play right from the first day of your life until your last breath but only if you want to!


  • 不过他们都喜欢陪伴左右——人生到了最后阶段的事情没几件了,喜爱动物似乎就是其中之

    But they enjoy having the cats around-a love of animals seems to be among the last things to go.


  • 伦敦·布鲁克大街上韩德尔故居博物馆——人生最后36居住地方——在下个推出关于展览

    The Handel House Museum in London's Brook Street, where he lived for the last 36 years of his life, is putting on an exhibition about him next month.


  • 矿工杨幼标(音译)遗孀拉硬扯煤矿送到旅店,然后外县,最后又转到第三个

    The widow of the miner Yang Youbiao said she was hustled from the mine to a local hotel, then to another county and finally to a third county.


  • 最后假如又回到了童年,不会力图为自己谋幸福好像就是人生目的;与之相反,我要努力他人谋幸福。

    Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, try still harder to make others happy.


  • 许多甚至最为谦卑人,到达了思想停滞不前最后岔路口,然后他们沉迷了,沉迷于他们自身人生最为珍贵的事情中。

    At that last crossroad where thought hesitates, many men have arrived and even some of the humblest. They then abdicated what was most precious to them, their life.


  • 淡然接受生活已然破碎事实之后,开始进行最后放纵——寻求最佳的死亡方式,静静地演绎“人生最后“。

    In a state of placid acceptance, his life in “limbo”, he embarks on one final debauched ride in search of the perfect death, his harmonious end-play.


  • 该大学有传统,就是此任教的教授都要发表名为最后”的演讲学生们讲述人生智慧

    Professors at Carnegie Mellon were traditionally asked to give a speech entitledThe Last Lecture” in which they passed on their life's wisdom to students.


  • 白色西装可不是市场委员会发明的,每天穿着人生最后20年里坚持在公开场合穿着它。

    His white suit wasn't the invention of a marketing committee; he wore it every day and was never seen in public for the last 20 years of his life in anything else.


  • 罗马间被旅游指南称之为“较好地保存著秘密公寓里,约翰·慈就在这里度过人生最后几个月

    In one of Rome's "better kept secrets" as the travel guides like to refer to the third-floor apartment where John Keats spent the final months of his life.


  • 点儿也不会——男孩爸爸样,手不释卷,看到烂熟于胸,把当作人生经历的概览,然后用书最后句话作为座右铭,写在学年鉴上

    Not a bitthe boy grasped it to his heart as his father had, as theRough Guide to his experience, and used its last lines as his yearbook motto.


  • 当作最后一天来——简单明了建议使意识生命的有限,努力追寻精彩人生

    Live every day like it's your last. Pretty simple advice on getting you to live your best life and to keep you conscious of your own mortality.


  • 这个时候意识如果这座30层楼酒店的话,我可能都没有机会品尝人生最后口的白兰地了。

    Now that I think about it, I don’t suppose there would have been time to savor a last taste of brandy if the 30-story hotel had fallen down around me.


  • 那个时侯可以选择安宁治疗,回家好好渡过他人生最后时间

    At that point, he could have opted for palliative care and gone home on hospice with a decent enough quality of life to enjoy what little time he had left.


  • 感到安慰,我走完了人生最后旅程。

    The little consolation I can find is that, at the end of her life, I was able to spend time with her again.


  • 感到安慰,我走完了人生最后旅程。

    The little consolation I can find is that, at the end of her life, I was able to spend time with her again.


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