• 对抗赛游戏高尔夫球赛中的双打,

    A game, especially a golf match, played by four persons, two on each side.


  • 争吵游戏然而是一种奇怪的游戏没有任何方曾经赢过

    Argument is a kind of person to play the game. However, it is a strange game, no one ever win.


  • 麻将一种来自中国游戏麻将有136张牌一般竹子骨头塑料制成

    Mahjong is a game played by four people from China, vice mahjong every 136 CARDS, generally made of bamboo, bone or plastic.


  • 你们之中可能有些游戏也许小时填字游戏愉快的。

    Some of you may enjoy doing crossword puzzles and perhaps doing crossword puzzles a couple of hours a day is enjoyable.


  • 机器互相其他游戏

    The robots will also play other games with each other.


  • 观看暴力电视节目暴力题材电子游戏数量超过正常水平,可能导致某些的暴力行为

    Viewing abnormally large amounts of violent television and video games may well contribute to violent behavior in certain individuals.


  • 但是有时候这种原始性行为倾向以悲剧告终——促使我们经过考虑之后向着与自身利益相反的方向行动的时候(股票市场崩盘,一大群惊慌奔逃电子鸡游戏的现象都说明了这一点)。

    Sometimes, this atavistic tendency ends in tears, when it prompts us to act contrary to what is, on reflection, our self-interest. (Witness stock-market crashes, stampedes and tamagotchi.)


  • 我们一起20问题游戏方式默默想一个然后其他20个只能回答“是””的问题,清楚是哪个名

    The way my family plays 20 questions is that one person silently chooses a famous person and then everyone in the car has 20 yes or no questions to figure out who it is.


  • 也许士兵们一起的游戏听说他们中的一些非常年轻

    Perhaps it was something he played with his soldiers, some of whom I had heard were very young men.


  • 有些争论说那些只能游戏更好对现实生活没有帮助。

    Some may argue that it only makes you better at the games themselves and not real-world brain function.


  • 这些游戏带来了乐趣通过游戏使获得更多好处-每天大约15分钟即可,不要花费过多时间

    These games are also fun. You'll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day — spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.


  • 实际上经验的经济学家一次性终极游戏时,他们确实一般倾向接受小气的出价。

    And indeed, when one-off ultimatum games are played by trained economists, who know all this, they do tend to accept stingy offers more often than other people would.


  • 还是孩子的时候,我就组织游戏

    I was the kid who organized flashlight tag games.


  • 孩子们夏日阳光游戏,在绿坡上被称为“流浪者”的、友善的狗类一起滚爬嬉戏的时候这些怀念过去的当天受到打击。

    That same day those who yearn for the olden days, when children played tag in the summer sunlight and rolled down grassy slopes with friendly dogs called Rover, received two more blows.


  • 还等什么呢,那就召集一家平时上学期间没空游戏吧。

    Gather the group to play games you usually don't have time for on school nights.


  • 一样一些非营利组织工作,对世界局势解决方法兴趣,一样时不时地尝试再次这些游戏

    For someone like me who works at a nonprofit and is interested in world issues and this type of simulation, it's likely that I may try to play the game again sometime.


  • 另一个研究揭示了当游戏第一射击游戏大脑活动模式攻击行为发生时是一致的。

    Another study revealed that gamers had patterns of brain activity consistent with aggression while playing first — person shooter games.


  • 机器理解他,因为科学家给它编制这个游戏能力

    The robot didn't understand him-the scientists hadn't programmed in the ability to play this game.


  • 巴肯说:“这些实际工作中扮演至关重要卓有成效的角色我们研究显示NHS指望这些长期提供服务的做法不啻于一种具有高度危险性游戏。”

    They perform a crucial and valuable role but our survey shows the NHS is playing a high risk game by relying on these overseas staff to commit long term to the NHS.


  • 想想休息时间大家一起最新8游戏或者享受款从未发售过的小游戏时间工作会沮丧。 即使跟认识的朋友一起同样是一种享受

    What better way to spend a break then by playing the newest 8 player game, or having tournaments with some title that is never released or just enjoying your new friends.


  • 如果反驳电子游戏视力不好,他拿出它有利于拓宽视野套说辞

    If I fired back that playing video games wrecked one's eyesight, he'd trot out a study proving that they improved a person's field of vision.


  • 这样一来班迪其他类似机器可以引导社交自闭儿童简单游戏‘我你做’捉迷藏’之类,最终开展社交活动

    This way, Bandit and robots like it could draw socially detached kids into simple games, like Simon Says or hide-and-seek and, ultimately, social activities with people.


  • 因为某些原因一起一种我发明儿童游戏

    On this day, for some reason, I needed someone to play with me in a childish game I was making up.


  • 被测要求参加一个90分钟电脑控制测试其中他们一些游戏这些游戏可以用来评估他们经济决策能力

    Participants were asked to take a 90-minute computerized test in which they played games that assessed their economic decision-making.


  • 看到“卡西尼”号传回图片数据,全世界喜欢《吃豆游戏一定会欢呼雀跃。

    And the pictures and data Cassini sent back delighted fans of Pac-Man everywhere.


  • 很多方面看zynga社交游戏大同小异,每个小小的操作都会让更加沉迷其中不知不觉间花费了大量时间金钱

    In many ways, it's not too different than playing a Zynga social game where each little action sucks you in more and before you know it, you have spent many hours and dollars.


  • Tutpup - Tutpup得奖社交学习网站。 在网站上,年轻一起在线有趣教育游戏

    Tutpup – Tutpup is an award-winning social learning network that allows young learners to come together online to play fun, educational games.


  • 2008年他们(二均不到21岁)了第一个小孩,这个男孩出生,他们将其独自放在家里去离家30公里外网吧在线游戏

    Days after his birth, they left him home alone while they went to play online games at an Internet cafe 30 km away.


  • 2008年他们(二均不到21岁)了第一个小孩,这个男孩出生,他们将其独自放在家里去离家30公里外网吧在线游戏

    Days after his birth, they left him home alone while they went to play online games at an Internet cafe 30 km away.


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