• 许多以后华盛顿特区,25万美国人民发表了演说

    Many years later, in Washington D C, he spoke to a crowd of 250 000 people.


  • 65年前忧心忡忡的富兰克林·罗斯福美国人民发表第四次也是最后一就职演说。

    Sixty-five years ago, a weary Franklin Roosevelt spoke to the American people in his fourth and final inaugural address.


  • 非洲联盟发表初步报告表示,该机构认为此次投票自由可信真实反映苏丹南部人民的意愿。

    The African Union issued a preliminary report saying it found the vote to be free and credible, and a true reflection of the will of the Southern Sudanese people.


  • 预计首份英国人民幸福指数2012年发表

    The first happiness index of the British people is expected to be published in 2012.


  • 周二些时候,拉里安莎通讯社发表了一份声明,指责自由人民所谓选举计划无耻垃圾”,不仅侮辱,还侮辱了她的孩子广大女性

    Late on Tuesday, Lario released a statement to the ANSA news agency, slamming the party's alleged election plans as "shameless rubbish" that offended her, her children and women in general.


  • 上个月伊朗人民庆祝波斯新年之际对他们发表录像讲话。

    Last month, he delivered a videotaped address to the Iranian people as they marked the Persian New Year.


  • 马利基发表安抚声明承诺考量人民要求

    Mr Maliki released a conciliatory statement promising to look into the demands of the people.


  • 4月份发表于《华尔街日报》的一封信中,储茂明中国苏丹经济关系令苏丹人民受益

    In a letter published in April in the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Chu said China's economic ties with Sudan have benefited the Sudanese people.


  • 欧洲主权债务问题或许降低了中国人民币问题发表声明意愿美国官员原本预计中方会在G20峰会临近之际有所表示。

    European sovereign-debt problems may have reduced China's willingness to make the announcement U.S. officials were expecting as the summit grew closer.


  • 这个秘密情室编号60房间全国发表历史上著名广播演讲,正是这次演讲给了全国人民赢得战争力量决心

    In Room 60 of this political bunker, he made his historic radio speeches to the nation, speeches which gave the people the strength and resolve to win the war.


  • 布什星期五白宫外面发表上述讲话希望能够平息美国人民全世界人民美国以及全球经济焦虑

    The President spoke outside the White House Friday, hoping to calm anxiety among Americans and people around the world about the state of the U.S. and global economy.


  • 有人用"搜索”找出了这个女子为了使自己能成为一名模特博客上发表了该视频,模特的起薪价为20,000人民

    Once a ‘human flesh search engine’ had named the girl, she took to her blog offering herself for hire as a model, rates starting at 20,000 RMB.


  • 有人用“搜索”找出了这个女子为了使自己能成为一名模特博客上发表了该视频,模特的起薪价为20,000人民

    Once a 'human flesh search engine' had named the girl, she took to her blog offering herself for hire as a model, rates starting at 20, 000 RMB.


  • 尔·达英国内地城市伯明翰数百巴基斯坦人民成员发表讲话,抗议者在这里聚集,要求立即回国。

    Demonstrators calling on him to go home gathered in the city of Birmingham in the English midlands where Mr. Zardari made a speech to hundreds of members of his Pakistan People's Party.


  • 星期一发表申明过后中国人民银行使人民升值了0.4%,引起了不小兴奋

    On the Monday after its statement, the PBOC let the currency appreciate by over 0.4%, generating quite a bit of excitement.


  • 韩国先驱报发表社论呼吁韩国人民不忘“刻骨铭心”的历史耻辱同时也日本加强合作。

    An editorial in the Korea Herald has urged South Koreans to keep their humiliation "etched in stone".yet it also called for more co-operation with Japan.


  • 韩国先驱报发表社论呼吁韩国人民不忘刻骨铭心”的历史耻辱同时也要日本加强合作。

    An editorial in the Korea Herald has urged South Koreans to keep their humiliation "etched in stone". Yet it also called for more co-operation with Japan.


  • 哈德尼亚年前赢得了伊朗年度奥林匹克数学竞赛冠军,从而伊朗全国人民熟知。在哈梅内伊伊朗科学精英们会谈上发表了上述讲话

    Vahidnia, who achieved nationwide recognition two years ago by winning Iran's annual mathematics Olympiad, made his remarks at a meeting between Khamenei and the country's scientific elite.


  • 2007年香港金融管理局舒畅,周森陈俊宇发表研究利用一时间段衡量人民其它地区货币影响

    A 2007 study by Chang Shu, Nathan Chow and Jun-Yu Chan at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority took advantage of this interlude to measure the influence of China's yuan on other regional currencies.


  • 日本人民崇尚和睦,”,“我们了解所有观点之后发表意见。”

    People in Japan like harmony, ” he says. “They tend to express themselves only after they know all the opinions.”


  • 仰光北部大约50千米处Bago地区发表讲话时呼吁全国人民团结起来

    She called for national unity in an address to crowds in the Bago region, some 50km north of the city.


  • 认为最近人民贬值还只是一个信号”,Yu12月5发表邮件评论,“当然大家愿意看到人民贬值。”

    "I regard the recent devaluation as just a blip," yu said in comments e-mailed on Dec. 5. "Of course, many people here are happy to see the yuan devalue."


  • 认为最近人民贬值还只是一个信号”,Yu12月5发表邮件评论,“当然大家愿意看到人民贬值。”

    "I regard the recent devaluation as just a blip," yu said in comments e-mailed on Dec. 5. "Of course, many people here are happy to see the yuan devalue."


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